God Hongtian

Chapter 2712 Trust!

This group of Golden Winged Dapeng Clan monks who were waiting for the Phoenix Clan allies were instantly stunned by the cultivators of the Xiantong Ancestral Land who rushed out of the huge immortal boat.

It was an absolute crush!

In just a moment, only the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan Immortal Venerable who led the group was still alive.

But he was just alive.

Seriously injured!

Blood all over his body!

Both wings had been cut off, a pair of sharp claws were broken, and his abdomen was torn. His internal organs had been burned to ashes. He lay on the ground, dying, and his desperate eyes stared at the Phoenix Clan Immortal Venerable who suppressed him.

"Can you... let me... die with understanding..."


A sword energy slashed out from the immortal boat, completely killing the Immortal Venerable of the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan.

Let him die with understanding?

There is no need for that!

Yun Hao put away his sword and shouted coldly: "Keep on going!"

Although they had entered the star field of the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan, they were still some distance away from the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan's Golden Peng Star.

The Golden Peng Star was the real core star of the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan.

Yaya's ancestor, the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan Immortal Emperor whose life was about to come to an end, was in charge of the Golden Peng Star.

This huge immortal boat in the Xiantong ancestral land continued to travel at a very fast speed.

On the way, they encountered groups of teams loyal to the Supreme Elders of the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan. They all thought that they had finally waited for the helpers of the Endless Fire Domain Fentian Immortal Palace, and they lined up to greet them.

There is no doubt that what they welcomed was death.

Chu Feng was very decisive and did not drag his feet. Although the forces he brought were powerful enough, he had to be fast and not give the opponent time and opportunity to react.

Because if he delayed time and was noticed by the Supreme Elders of the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan, it would be very troublesome for him to lead the army to intercept him personally.

Only by delivering the Emperor Heart Pill that can extend the life of the Immortal Emperor for 9,000 years to the Immortal Emperor of the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan as soon as possible, can this matter be... settled.

Half a day later.

The Immortal Boat where Yun Hao and his friends were located passed over another star.


A powerful aura burst out from the star!

The breath of enlightenment!

The powerful immortal power transformed into endless golden Peng feathers and shot towards the Immortal Boat where Yun Hao and his friends were!

The protection of the Immortal Boat was fully opened!

A thick light curtain enveloped the Immortal Boat, blocking all the attacks from the Immortal Lord of the Enlightenment Level.

Feng Yan, the tenth-level Immortal Lord elder of the Xiantong Ancestral Land, looked a little solemn and said, "It seems that we have been exposed. The guy who attacked not only enlightened, but also has the power of the eighth-level Immortal Lord. We will face a fierce battle next."

"Mr. Yun, you stay in the Immortal Boat, I will go out to fight!"

Although he has a high realm, he has not enlightened.

Facing an opponent of the level of the eighth-level immortal master who has attained enlightenment, even if the Phoenix bloodline and cultivation realm have a certain advantage, he has almost no advantage in overall combat power.

The difference between the immortal master who has attained enlightenment and the immortal master who has not attained enlightenment is very large.

At this moment.

An old man from the Golden Winged Dapeng clan took off into the air, leading a large number of Golden Winged Dapeng clan warriors to block the front of the immortal boat!

The old man looked solemn, his eyes bursting with blazing golden immortal light, and shouted: "This is the land of the Golden Winged Dapeng clan. Please don't interfere with the Phoenix clan and rush back to the Endless Fire Region immediately!"

"Otherwise, I will fight a bloody battle here today, even if I pay with my life, I will not hesitate, and I will never let you go any further!"

As he spoke, the old man transformed into his original body, the huge Golden Winged Dapeng body, spanning the starry sky, and the wings of the peng with rich golden light burst out with an extremely resolute and domineering aura.

"Fourth Grandpa!"

At this moment. Yaya rushed out of the fairy boat and shouted loudly.

Yun Hao took a step forward, caught up with Yaya, and held Yaya's hand.

Feng Yan also immediately led his elite troops, all rushed out of the fairy boat, and came behind Yun Hao and Yaya.

"Uncle Yun... He is the fourth grandfather... The fourth elder of our Golden Winged Dapeng Clan, and the direct descendant of the ancestor... His name is Peng An." Yaya said to Yun Hao.

Then, Yaya looked at Peng An again and shouted: "Fourth Grandpa, I am Yaya! I'm back, they are not here to help Peng Wunian... Uncle Yun is a human, the new palace master of the Burning Heaven Fairy Palace, and Grandpa Feng Yan is from the ancestral land of Xiantong!"

The Peng Wunian mentioned by Yaya is the name of the supreme elder of the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan.

Peng An dispersed his original combat form and turned back into the appearance of an old man. He looked at Yaya with an extremely complicated expression and said, "Yaya, this... is this true?"

Yaya nodded heavily and said, "Fourth Grandpa, it's absolutely true!"

"Uncle Yun is a good man. My great grandfather was killed by the second elder. It was Uncle Yun who saved me!"

"Uncle Yun took me to the Endless Fire Region. We experienced a lot. Uncle Yun killed the second elder and Feng Zhenxiang in the Burning Heaven Palace. Now Uncle Yun has become the Palace Master of the Burning Heaven Palace."

"The Phoenix Clan's Cangwu Immortal Emperor has returned. The Cangwu Immortal Emperor sent Grandpa Feng Yan to help the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan deal with the current troubles. Moreover, the Cangwu Immortal Emperor also gave Uncle Yun a ninth-level top-grade Emperor Heart Immortal Pill from the Xiantong Ancestral Land, and asked Uncle Yun to bring it to the ancestor."

"With this Emperor Heart Immortal Pill... the ancestor can extend his life for 9,000 years..."

"Fourth Grandpa, please believe us..."

Yaya shouted with all her strength, very anxious, afraid that Peng An would not believe it.

Yun Hao stepped forward, clasped his hands, and said: "Senior Peng An, what Ya Ya said is true. I am now the master of the Burning Heaven Palace, and the Burning Heaven Palace no longer needs to ignite the Emperor Source Immortal Fire. Just look!"

The thought moved.

The Starry Immortal Fire swept out.

The sea of ​​fire was blazing, burning the starry sky, with boundless power.

Feeling the horror of the Starry Immortal Fire, Peng An had already believed most of it.

Because, he knew that the Burning Heaven Palace wanted to use the Immortal Emperor Origin of their Golden Winged Dapeng Clan to ignite the Emperor Source Immortal Fire.

But now that the Burning Heaven Palace has found the Starry Immortal Fire, then... it is indeed not necessary to ignite the Emperor Source Immortal Fire.

Immediately afterwards, Yun Hao took out the white jade fairy bottle containing the Emperor Heart Pill.

Peng An's breathing became much more rapid, and said: "But... the human race became the master of the Burning Heaven Palace... this... is too unbelievable!"

Of course he hoped that all this was true.

But... he still didn't dare to believe it completely.

Now, it's too critical!

If he falls into the trap, the consequences will be disastrous.

It's not that he doesn't believe Yaya, but Yaya is too young and has too little experience, so she is easily deceived!

At this time. ,

Feng Yan also stepped forward and said, "Elder Peng'an, this is a secret letter specially prepared by the Cangwu Immortal Emperor of the Xiantong Ancestral Land, and it is stamped with the Nirvana Immortal Fire Seal of the Fire Domain Immortal Lord!"

He took out a secret letter, raised his hand and waved it, and the secret letter flew in front of Peng'an.

Yun Hao really didn't know about this.

Cangwu Immortal Emperor didn't tell him.

However... this secret letter, handed over by Feng Yan, is more convincing than taking it out from Yun Hao!

Sure enough, Peng'an took the secret letter, and after reading it, he finally completely let go of his guard!

The Nirvana Immortal Fire Seal stamped in the secret letter does represent the Xiantong Ancestral Land, and it can't be faked!

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