God Hongtian

Chapter 2710 Extending life for 9,000 years!

Who would have thought that the first words of the Cangwu Immortal Emperor of the Xiantong Ancestral Land would be this?

The last step of the Cangwu Immortal Emperor's enlightenment was taken with the help of Yun Hao...

Then the relationship between Yun Hao and the Cangwu Immortal Emperor... is... extraordinary!

So, today, the Cangwu Immortal Emperor came to the Fentian Immortal Palace specially to... thank Yun Hao for his help in enlightenment!

Moreover, the Cangwu Immortal Emperor did not come privately, but put on a huge show to represent the Xiantong Ancestral Land.

In other words, Yun Hao, as a human, will be supported by the Xiantong Ancestral Land when he takes charge of the Fentian Immortal Palace!

The will of the Xiantong Ancestral Land has become Yun Hao's background!

Suddenly, those elders of the Fentian Immortal Palace who have already returned to Yun Hao were filled with emotion and were glad that they had made the right decision. The matter of Yun Hao serving as the Palace Master of the Fentian Immortal Palace has become a foregone conclusion, and no one can shake it anymore.

And a small number of elders who are still watching, wavering, and even expecting new variables have finally... given up on this idea!

The situation is set!

No one can reverse it!

Yun Hao still maintained a respectful attitude towards the Cangwu Immortal Emperor and said: "The Cangwu Immortal Emperor is the elder, and I am the junior. Etiquette cannot be abandoned."

"The Cangwu Immortal Emperor has come from afar, please enter the Burning Heaven Palace, let me, as a junior, do my best to be a host."

The Cangwu Immortal Emperor nodded, then stepped out, left the immortal boat, and came to Yun Hao's side.

Ling Feiyu followed behind the Cangwu Immortal Emperor.

"My husband, I haven't returned to the ancestral land of Xiantong yet, but the master has deduced our location, so he came to find us. I met the Immortal Master halfway, so we were able to arrive so quickly."

At this time.

A group of elders in the Burning Heaven Palace discovered Ling Feiyu.

Yun Hao's Taoist partner!

It turned out to be... the disciple of the Cangwu Immortal Emperor!

No wonder!

So young, but so powerful, just entered the realm of the Immortal Master, he has already realized the Tao!

In the future, it is very likely that there will be another Immortal Emperor-level strongman from the Xiantong ancestral land!

Yun Hao's control over the Burning Heaven Palace is really...completely set, no one can shake it! ...

After entering the Burning Heaven Palace.

Cangwu Immortal Emperor did not put on any airs, just walked a scene, and then left the public occasion to contact Yun Hao, Ling Feiyu, and Yaya privately.

"I know all the situations."

"The Xiantong Ancestral Land will help to look after the Fentian Immortal Palace and get everything back on track as soon as possible."

"The Fentian Immortal Palace has just experienced turmoil and suffered heavy casualties. It is not appropriate to march and fight again. I know that you want to go to the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan, so the forces I brought from the Xiantong Ancestral Land will go with you."

"As for me, I can't go, because I have to rush back to the Xiantong Ancestral Land to assist the clan leader in dealing with more important matters."

"But don't worry, before I set out here, I explained the situation to the clan leader and obtained a ninth-grade top-grade Emperor Heart Pill from him. You take this pill and give it to the clan leader of the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan, which can extend his life for 9,000 years!"

The Cangwu Immortal Emperor is a very straightforward person. He does things neatly without any dragging his feet. He has thought of everything for Yun Hao.

The Phoenix Clan Monk Army of the Xiantong Ancestral Land!

The Emperor Heart Pill that extends the life of the Immortal Emperor of the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan for 9,000 years!

These are enough to completely suppress the turbulent situation for the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan!

After saying that.

Cangwu Immortal Emperor handed the Emperor Heart Pill to Yun Hao.

The pill was placed in an immortal bottle emitting brilliant and colorful immortal light. It was sealed with layers of seals, but Yun Hao could still feel the incredible energy surging in the immortal bottle.

The supreme immortal pill that extended the life of an immortal emperor for 9,000 years.

9,000 years, for an immortal emperor, is just a blink of an eye.

It is really short.

But... 9,000 years can do a lot of things.

It is enough for the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan to maintain stability for the next 9,000 years. With Yaya's Wanbao Immortal Body, it will be fully grown by then.

Yun Hao took the ninth-grade Emperor Heart Immortal Pill, put it away solemnly, and said with a bow: "Thank you, Cangwu Immortal Emperor!"

Yaya knelt down on the side and said: "Yaya... Thank you, Cangwu Immortal Emperor, for saving our Golden Winged Dapeng Clan!"

Cangwu Immortal Emperor smiled faintly, raised his hand and waved it. The soft power supported Yaya's body and let Yaya stand up. He said: "After the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan's affairs are resolved, you can let your ancestor go to the Xiantong Ancestral Land, and the two clans will discuss some cooperation matters."

"In addition, if you want, you can stay in the Xiantong Ancestral Land to practice directly. You can leave whenever you want."

The significance of these words is very important!

The Phoenix Clan cooperates with the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan!

Yaya entered the Xiantong Ancestral Land to practice, which also laid a strong foundation for Yaya to... take charge of the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan in the future!

In the future, Yaya's background will not only be the Immortal Emperor of the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan, but also the Xiantong Ancestral Land to support Yaya!


"Yaya remembers it!"

"When I see the old ancestor, Yaya will tell the old ancestor what you said, Cangwu Immortal Emperor!"

Yaya is still young and has not experienced much. She does not understand the deep meaning of Cangwu Immortal Emperor's words, but she still speaks very seriously.

Cangwu Immortal Emperor nodded and said: "Fei Yu, don't go to the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan this time."

"Master, I..."

Immortal Emperor Cangwu said: "The top forbidden area in the immortal world, Bailian Galaxy, has been turbulent recently. With your current strength, you should gain a lot from going to Bailian Galaxy, but you still can't be careless and you must be well prepared."

Yun Hao's eyes flashed.

Bailian Xinghe?

The origin of the Nine Secrets!

The supreme powerhouse who has practiced the secret magic of Douzi to the extreme, the hometown of "Yi"!

Yun Hao also promised "Yi" to send his body back to Bailian Galaxy within a hundred years.

Now... more than half of the century has passed!

"Immortal Emperor Cangwu, what's going on with Bailian Galaxy?" Yun Hao asked hurriedly.

He also cares about this matter.

Immortal Emperor Cangwu said: "No one knows the secret of Bailian Galaxy, but... Bailian Galaxy is a place of enlightenment, and there are many immortal connections to achieve enlightenment in it. It is a battlefield belonging to the Immortal Lord."

"If you want to go, you can go, because your combat power is already comparable to that of a strong person who has just entered the Immortal Lord level, and some of the secret techniques you practice have a great connection with Bailian Galaxy. You will have a unique advantage in Bailian Galaxy."

"But there's no need to go there in a hurry. The Hundred Refiners Galaxy has just opened and it's extremely chaotic. There's no point in going there. After you finish dealing with the affairs of the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan, you can go back to the Endless Fire Territory and visit the Immortal. Tong Zudi, I will personally send you and Feiyu to the Bailian Galaxy when the time comes. You will have plenty of time and you will be able to make it in time.”

Yun Hao nodded to express his understanding, then looked at Ling Feiyu and said: "Feiyu, you listen to Cangwu Immortal Emperor and go back to the Xiantong Ancestral Land to prepare. As for the matter with the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan, it is already very certain. You don’t have to worry about me, I’ll go to the Xiantong Ancestral Land when I’m done, and then we’ll go to the Bailian Galaxy together!”

Ling Feiyu nodded and said: "Okay, husband, when you go to the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan, you must be careful and pay attention to safety!"

After a while.

Yunhao told Fengjiu some things about the Burning Heaven Immortal Palace, and then took Yaya with him to lead a group of powerful forces from the Xiantong Ancestral Land to the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan!

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