God Hongtian

Chapter 268: Breakthrough, Perfection of the Spleen World

When he was in Beihan County, Yun Hao had already refined the Minxuan Pearl into the Spleen World, but the refined energy had not yet been fully digested.

As the Taichu Creation Technique started to work, a roar like a giant drum was heard from the heart position, and the energy and blood in the whole body was like the mighty force of thousands of horses galloping, and it was like the endless rushing of the river.

The Sun Flame Burning Heart Fire, which was fused with a wisp of Phoenix True Fire, exuded a scorching hot breath, which rushed into the spleen world.

The five elements are mutually reinforcing.

Fire creates earth!

Yun Hao's heart world has been tempered to perfection, and the fire spirit has been cultivated. Driven by the breath of the fire spirit, the energy belonging to the female Xuan Pearl is tempering the spleen world at an extremely fast speed!

People who practice don’t know the years.

There is no exaggeration in this statement.

It seemed that in just the blink of an eye, Yun Hao had already been in seclusion for a whole day!

The energy of the female Xuan Pearl was finally completely exhausted in the process of tempering the spleen world. Yunhao did not stop, and with a thought, he took out the Red Kun Stone obtained from the royal treasury.

This object is very different from the Mixuan Pearl and cannot be stored in the body.

Moreover, the effect of Red Kun Stone is also very simple. It has no effect of changing gravity. It is purely an innate spiritual material containing abundant earth attribute energy.

It is precisely because of its purity that the earth attribute energy in the Red Kun Stone is several times that of the Mixuan Pearl!

Yun Hao's whole body was steaming with dense qi and blood, and the red kun stone was suspended in front of him.

Under the control of power, wisps of thick aura escaped from the Red Kun Stone and was absorbed into his body.

More than one day has passed.


A huge crack appeared on the surface of the Red Kun Stone, and countless fine cracks spread along this huge crack. In the blink of an eye, the Red Kun Stone turned into powder and debris!


On Yun Hao's body, a layer of earth-yellow luster burst out, and the feeling of thickness and majesty was extremely obvious. His body was like a majestic mountain that existed forever.

The spleen is tempered and perfected by heaven and earth!

The cultivation of earth spirit is successful!

The fire spirit in the heart world and the earth spirit in the spleen world echo each other, turning into mysterious energy and integrating into every part of Yun Hao's body.

The speed at which physical vitality is born in the entire physical world has been greatly increased, and the degree of purity of physical vitality has also been greatly improved!

The fire spirit nourishes the earth spirit, and the breath of the earth spirit rushes into the lungs, directly opening up the world of the lungs.

Lungs belong to gold.

Yunhao was already prepared. He took a large piece of rare Geng Gold from the royal family's treasury, which could temper the lungs and heaven and earth by absorbing the metallic substances in Geng Gold.

But he didn't proceed.

Nothing is too much or too little.

For him, although there will be no sudden increase in power that will lead to insufficient control of power, after the heart world and spleen world are tempered and perfected, mysterious energy will be born to nourish the body, and this mysterious energy must be digested first!

Yun Hao calmed down the rushing Qi and blood, and opened the

He opened his eyes and said to himself: "The water here in the Imperial City is much deeper than I expected.

The royal family regards the soul pool as a forbidden area, and the thieves from the headquarters of the Blood Fire Demon Sect from the ancient country of Daxia are also concerned about the soul pool.

Behind Cangxing General Hospital, Prime Minister's Mansion, Flame Valley, Demon Clan, and many other forces, there is an invisible big hand, and the spearhead held by this big hand is pointed at me.

On the surface, it seems to be due to innate fire, but there is definitely a factor of being the descendant of the Demon King because of my status as the Demon Suppressor.

That thousand-year-old black dragon also had an inexplicable hostility towards me.

The current emperor and the prince were all cast under witchcraft spells, which meant that there must be a strong witch clan hidden in the dark. "

A brief analysis.

Yun Hao suppressed his thoughts, channeled his mental power, and practiced the Ancestral Divine Art.

There are many crises around.

Relying on others is never as good as relying on yourself.

Improving one's own strength is fundamental!

While practicing the Ancestral Divine Art, Yun Hao also took out the dragon vein that had absorbed the dynasty's luck in the palace to strengthen the Qinglong Yuanling.

For the dragon vein to absorb the dynasty's luck, it does not have to be in the palace, it can be in any area of ​​the imperial city. However, the dynasty's luck is strongest in the palace.


A huge roar sounded in a small space in Qingfeng General Hospital.

A hundred-foot-long black dragon soared and rolled in the air.

A strong stimulation that made his whole body feel uncomfortable.

This comes from the essence of life level


After a while, the Baizhang Black Dragon finally suppressed the uncomfortable feeling. He turned into a human form and stood in the air, with a deep and dark light shining in his eyes.

"Qingfeng General Hospital, hehehe, I, Jiao Wuyu, have a thousand-year contract with you that is about to be completed. At that time, you will no longer be able to bind me. I will definitely eat you alive in repayment for the abuses you have inflicted on me over the past thousand years. Blood feud!"

"And that Yun Hao, tsk tsk tsk, it's just God helping me. I'm stuck at the top of the Xuan level, and I haven't been able to advance to the top of the Xuan level. But he sent me a nourishing dragon spirit, waiting for me to devour it. Mo When it comes to the highest level of Xuan level, even the Earth level has hope. There is even hope that I, Jiao Wuyu, will truly shed my dragon body and transform into a pure-blooded divine dragon!"

He muttered to himself.

Jiao Wuyu transformed into a hundred-foot-long black dragon again and got into the black pool in this small space.


"Dong dong dong!"

There was a knock on the door.

Yunhao walked out of the training room.

Dongfang Xiu, Fatty, Shi Feng, and Xiao Hei all gathered in the yard.

"Brother Yun has been in seclusion for a few days, and he feels much better again. His style is getting better and better every day." Dongfang Xiu flattered him as usual.

The fat man's face was full of pride, and he said: "How can the two heroes of Liuyun have a vain reputation? Do you need to praise them?"

"Do you still want shame?" Shi Feng silently complained about Fatty.

Xiao Hei also cast a contemptuous look at Fatty.

Dongfang Xiu came forward and said, "Brother Yun, I'm going to find my seventh uncle and grandpa.

, my seventh uncle and grandpa invite you to visit Tianshi Academy. "

"If I have time, I will pay a visit to Master Yuan Tianshi." Yun Hao said.

"By the way, there's something you definitely don't know about seclusion. Mr. Han is back. Tsk tsk, he's so awesome. In three days, he destroyed the five branches of the Blood Fiend Hall and smashed the Valley of Fire Valley's Valley Protecting Formation with one shot. "The fat man sighed with admiration on his face.

Shi Feng: "Brother Yun, the peak master of the Royal Weapon Peak of the Main Academy has accepted me as a closed disciple."

Dongfang Xiu immediately rushed to speak: "A certain fat man was thrown into the back kitchen of Qingfeng General Hospital, and he only knows how to eat every day!"

The fat man looked unhappy: "Did I eat your rice?"

Shi Feng has practiced the Nine-Refined Golden Body Technique, and he is also very talented in refining weapons. It would be appropriate for him to become the disciple of the Master of the Royal Weapon Peak of the General Academy.

As for Fatty, eating non-stop in the back kitchen is exactly in line with his Heaven-Swallowing Technique. Anyway, he eats whatever he wants. Moreover, there are no restrictions in the back kitchen. With Fatty’s mind, it would be better for him to have less restrictions. favorable.

As for Dongfang Xiu, there is no need for Yunhao to worry, the capital behind this guy is very strong!

Only Xiao Hei.

Yun Hao glanced at the dog lying at his feet.

Xiao Hei felt Yun Hao's disgust, and immediately stood up in excitement and said: "Master, I'm going to practice!"

Dongfang Xiu and the other three secretly laughed at Master Gou's coward nature, and then the fat man returned to his serious expression and said: "Brother Yun, the heart-hardening pool is about to be opened!"

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