God Hongtian

Chapter 269 Conflict

The Qingfeng General Academy's Heart-Sharpening Pool was originally used to sharpen the mental will of the formation masters.

But spiritual will also has a huge effect on warriors.

With a strong spiritual will, even if you are not good at using mental power, you can better sense the vitality of heaven and earth, better control the vitality of heaven and earth, and make faster and more accurate judgments in battle!

Therefore, before the start of the imperial competition, the Qingfeng General Academy directly let the ten people who were going to participate in the competition enter the Li Xin Pond.

Because, in such a short period of time, trying to forcibly improve martial arts cultivation will only lead to empty strength, unstable foundation, and no benefit.

When it is impossible to improve your martial arts cultivation level, strengthening your spiritual will is the surest way to improve your combat power!

Dongfang Xiu led the way and led Yunhao to the entrance of Li Xin Pond.

Lu Chong and the others had already arrived. When he saw Yun Hao, Lu Chong turned his head quickly and looked away, feeling very guilty.

"Junior Brother Yun!"

A cheerful voice sounded, and He Dongliu strode over.

Along with He Dongliu was Qin Meng, the daughter of Chief Dean Qin Xiao.

Qin Meng's talent and strength are very good, and he is also one of the five reserved places.

He Dongliu, who walked up to Yun Hao and the others, was in a peaceful mood. He had figured out in the past few days that there was no need to feel inferior in front of Yun Hao.

You have your own way!

Why should someone else's talent affect your own mentality?

No matter what, I am also a senior brother!

"Brother Black, I haven't seen you for a few days. You seem to have turned a little darker." Dongfang Xiu greeted warmly.

He Dongliu's mentality, which he had finally adjusted to, almost collapsed again.


Zi looked at Qin Meng and smiled: "Senior Sister Qin, the last time we met, we made eye contact. In the past few days, I often think of Senior Sister Qin's voice and appearance. As the saying goes, not seeing each other for one day is like three autumns. I miss you so much. I miss her so much. I miss you!”

Qin Meng had a dark face and didn't want to speak anymore. He squeezed his little pink fist and wanted to give this wretched fat man a few blows.

At this time, another group of people also came over from a distance.

Eyes of undisguised hatred fell on Yun Hao.

"Brother, you must... help me take revenge!"

Xu Lin, who was suppressed by Yun Hao in the qualifying competition, said through gritted teeth.

Next to Xu Lin was a handsome man.

There is no doubt that this person is the number one member of the younger generation in Qingfeng General Hospital, Xu Ziliu!

In the Qingfeng General Hospital, when it comes to the number one person of the younger generation, everyone will subconsciously ignore Han Qianshan, because Han Qianshan has become the top powerhouse of the Qingfeng Dynasty!

In fact, Han Qianshan was just over thirty.

Seven years ago, Han Qianshan's strength had already entered the realm of Guiyi. Even though his realm had not improved in the past seven years, he had his own Dao Yun, and then with the help of Yun Hao, he turned the Dao Yun into a The true Tao!

In any case, Han Qianshan has passed his thirties and can no longer represent the Qingfeng General Academy in the dynasty competition.

Xu Ziliu's eyes swept over Dongfang Xiu and others, and finally landed on Yun Hao. His expression was indifferent, and a cold flash flashed in his eyes.

"Don't worry. I'm going to teach this kid a lesson. There's no need for Senior Brother Xu to take action. I'm enough!" Li Dongfeng grabbed the hand of his sweetheart Xu Lin.

, said: "The Lixin Pond is the home of the Formation Master, I will let him walk around in it without food!"

Li Dongfeng, a master of both spiritual and martial arts, is full of confidence!

They came over. Xu Lin's eyes were sharp and she stared at Yun Hao like a knife. Her face was gloomy and she said, "Yun Hao, I'm not done with you about the qualification competition!"

He Dongliu's eyes flashed, and he stood up and said: "The qualifying competition has passed and the outcome has been decided. Why should Junior Sister Xu continue the grudge?"

"He Dongliu, this is a matter between us and Yun Hao. It has nothing to do with you. I advise you not to meddle in other people's business!" Li Dongfeng snorted coldly, showing no face at all.

Qin Meng frowned slightly and said: "This is not nosy. The competition that day was just a normal competition. Competition is everywhere on the road of cultivation. Winning in the competition is gratifying, but losing is just a normal competition." It’s time to realize your shortcomings and work harder instead of continuing to stir up hatred off the court!”

It was difficult for Li Dongfeng to refute Qin Meng.

After all, this is the daughter of the chief dean.

As for He Dongliu, although he was Han Qianshan's disciple, Han Qianshan almost never interfered in the disputes within the martial arts academy, so he was not worried.

Xu Ziliu finally spoke. He still had the same aloof attitude and said, "I can stop caring about the competition, but Yun Hao must bow his head and apologize to his roommate."

As he spoke, he paused, stared at Yun Hao, and said, "You deliberately humiliated my sister. Now, are you willing to let me ask you to apologize?"


Dongfang Xiu laughed and said: "Your sister was so scared that she peed her pants. Do you blame me, Brother Yun?"

It's her own fault! "

The fat man also laughed and said: "She peed herself, not my brother Yun who peed on her. It's none of our business!"

"Dang!" Shi Feng took out two big hammers for making weapons, knocked them hard, and said, "I apologize for the hammer!"

He Dongliu: "..."

Qin Meng: "..."

Although they also felt that Yun Hao should not apologize.

But these three guys are indeed enough to make people speechless!

Xu Lin's face turned red and green. She was so frightened that day that she became incontinent. This incident was a great shame for a daughter's family.

At this moment, she wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in. At the same time, she also wanted to tear Dongfang Xiu and Fatty's mouths to pieces!

Xu Ziliu's cold and arrogant expression suddenly turned cold, and his powerful energy burst out.

"If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will pull out your tongue!"

Xu Ziliu shouted angrily.

Dongfang Xiu: "Oh, isn't Uncle Dongfang afraid of you?"

Li Dongfeng lightly touched Xu Ziliu with his hand without leaving any trace.

Only then did Xu Ziliu realize that he was too angry just now. It was not a good thing to fight with Dongfang Xiu. They couldn't afford to offend this guy.

Therefore, Xu Ziliu shouted again: "Yunhao, this incident happened because of you. I don't want to make a big fuss. I'll say it again, as long as you bow your head to my sister and admit your mistake and apologize, I won't argue with you anymore, otherwise , I won’t make it easy for you!”

Yun Hao's expression showed no change in emotion, and he said calmly: "You don't want to make me feel better? You don't have this ability, you are too far behind."


The vitality in Xu Ziliu's body suddenly exploded

, setting off a powerful storm.

Immediately afterwards, his figure rushed out suddenly, completely ignoring that this was the entrance to Li Xin Pond, and was about to take action!


He Dongliu shouted loudly, and the gun shot out like a dragon, shooting out the shadow of the gun all over the sky.

Xu Ziliu smashed all the gun shadows with one punch, but his offensive was also blocked.

He Dongliu took a few steps back, his breath surging, his face flushed, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"You are at the third level of the Golden Core Realm. You can stop my offensive. You are worthy of being a disciple of Mr. Han, but you want to support Yun Hao? You're talking nonsense!" Xu Ziliu shouted angrily, preparing to attack again.

at this time.

A figure walked out of Li Xin Pond.

It was Vice President Lu Ming.

Lu Ming's eyes were cold and he shouted: "What do you want to do!"

"Deputy Dean, young people are full of energy and are impulsive and warlike. This is not a big deal. The Lixin Pond has been opened. Let them go in quickly." Another woman came out of the Lixin Pond and said.

Lu Ming's eyes narrowed slightly and he said: "The ten people participating in the Dynasty Competition will enter the heart-hardening pool. If you can't hold on any longer, come out on your own. Don't show off!"

"Senior Brother Xu, let's go."

Li Dongfeng whispered.

Xu Ziliu and Li Dongfeng took the lead towards the entrance passage of Li Xin Pond. When they passed by Yun Hao and the others, their eyes swept over Yun Hao with a sinister light.

"Junior Brother Yun, we are going in too." He Dongliu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said.

"Thank you so much, Senior Brother He." Yun Hao thanked him, and then entered the Li Xin Pond with He Dongliu and Qin Meng.

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