God Hongtian

Chapter 267 The hostility of the thousand-year black dragon

At the gate of Qingfeng General Hospital, a group of people were waiting for Yun Hao to come back after he went to the palace.

Dongfang Xiu clasped one hand behind her back and held a folding fan in the other, posing coquettishly in the howling cold wind.

"It's hard to give up on natural beauty. For some people, standing there is the most beautiful scenery in the world." Dongfang Xiu sighed.

Fatty: "So, who is the woman chasing you today?"

Dongfang Xiu: "Damn Fatty, don't mention this. The important point now is that a group of senior and junior sisters knew that I was here, and they all came out. Didn't you see? The senior sister's eyes were fiery, and the junior sister's eyes were reserved, but their expressions They're all telling me they want to eat me!"

Shi Feng: "They are waiting for Brother Yun. You heard that they were at the door and took the initiative to come over."

Dongfang Xiu: "You don't understand!"

"Bah, shameless!" the fat man spat, then walked towards the female disciples of Qingfeng Main Academy and said: "Sisters, are you hungry? Can I treat you to something to eat? My cooking skills are excellent.

Dongfang Xiu also came over and said: "If you want to capture a man, you have to capture his stomach first. Senior sisters can

The female disciples looked at the two of them with eyes filled with evil.

Two shameless bastards!

"Look, Yun Hao is back!"

When a female disciple saw Yun Hao coming from a distance, her eyes suddenly lit up and she rushed over like a strong wind.

"Junior Brother Yun is back!"

The other female disciples also rushed over.

Only Fatty and Dongfang Xiu were left messy in the wind.

"Shame!" Shi Feng stayed away from the two of them, his face full of disgust.

Xiao Hei also sighed: "Master Gou's face has been completely humiliated by you!"

Being beaten by a group of female brothers

Yun Hao, who was surrounded by his children, was also a little dizzy at this time.

The culture of women in the Imperial City is countless times more popular than that in Beihan County.

The unabashed looks in the girls' eyes all express an attitude. If possible, they can enter the bridal chamber tonight!

"Junior brother Yun, don't worry, senior sister, I'm not greedy for your body, I just admire your moral character and style!"

"Haha, it's strange that you don't covet Junior Brother Yun's body. Your mouth is drooling!"

"Junior Brother Yun, don't be afraid. Senior Sister's mind is your haven. Come on, Senior Sister will protect you!"

"Ask what love is in this world, and teach people to commit themselves to each other. The first time I saw Junior Brother Yun, I knew I had met the right person!"

at this time.

A tyrannical pressure suddenly descended.

The whole world became stagnant.


"How dignified!"

Angry shouts followed.

I saw a middle-aged man wearing a black gown and a serious face walking over.

The black gown was extremely wide, but it was still held up by the astonishing muscles of the middle-aged man!

The girls looked over, their expressions suddenly changed, and they dispersed in panic.

Yun Hao also looked at the middle-aged man in black.

This person is inhuman!

His body was filled with a tyrannical demonic aura. Yun Hao was no stranger to this demonic aura. It was the same source as the dragon essence and blood he had used to condense the Qinglong Yuanling!

Obviously, this is the thousand-year-old black dragon from Qingfeng Martial Academy!

The man in black stared at Yun Hao. His power suddenly shrank, but he did not take it back. Instead, he pressed all on Yun Hao.

The Qinglong Yuanling in Yunhao's body reacted immediately, letting out a dragon roar, and the Qinglong Yuanling came out of his body, competing with the power of the man in black!


. "

The corner of the man in black's mouth flashed an icy arc, and then, a hundred-foot-long black dragon phantom appeared behind him, majestic and powerful!

Although Yunhao's fifteen-foot-long green dragon Yuanling is countless times more noble than the black dragon, the difference in strength is still a bit too big.

Qinglong Yuanling is obviously weak.

Yun Hao snorted coldly, and the sword energy surged in his body. The sharp edge was like a divine sword being unsheathed, and the sword energy soared into the sky!

Even though the man in black is powerful and coercive, Yun Hao is not at a disadvantage in the confrontation of momentum!

"Jiao Wuyu, the dean is looking for you."

A figure suddenly appeared in the field, blocking the way between Heijiao and Yunhao. It was Lu Ming, the vice president of Qingfeng General Hospital.

Jiao Wuyu is the name of this thousand-year-old black dragon.

He withdrew his aura and pressure, looked at Yun Hao, and said, "Boy, that's interesting."

After saying that, Jiao Wuyu directly entered the gate of the main hospital.

Lu Ming turned to look at Yun Hao and said, "It may be because the aura of your divine dragon spirit had some influence on him that he became hostile to you. Don't worry, we will deal with it."


The residence arranged by Qingfeng General Hospital for Yun Hao.

A group of people entered the room.

Dongfang Xiu carefully closed the door, checked it again, then sat down and whispered: "My seventh uncle said something unintentionally before, this black dragon is getting more and more out of control, Brother Yun, Be careful, I always feel that there are more complicated factors behind Jiao Wuyu's hostility towards you."

"Master Gou, I will practice hard and kill that long black insect!" Xiao Hei said angrily.

The fat man blinked and said, "Brother Yun, why did the emperor summon you to the palace?"

Yun Hao briefly explained the situation.


Regarding Yun Hao's choice, the three of them were not surprised.

They have a certain understanding of Yun Hao. How can they catch Yun Hao's attention with just a mere official position?

To put it bluntly, they even felt that even Yun Hao would not like it if the emperor gave his seat to Yun Hao!

Yun Hao looked at Dongfang Xiu and said, "Who is Lin Zhenming to you?"

Dongfang Xiu: "My mother's grandfather, Brother Yun, why do you ask this?"

Yun Hao: "I took out a source stone from the royal treasury."

Dongfang Xiu's eyes suddenly widened and he said, "Brother Yun, please don't... that thing is very evil and has killed many people..."

Yun Hao: "There are two more Origin Stones. Is there any way to get them?"

Dongfang Xiu: "It's kept by my mother. I wanted to take a look out of curiosity, but my mother wouldn't allow it...Brother Yun, listen to my advice, don't touch that thing, it's too dangerous!"

Yun Hao hummed and said, "Find some time to visit your mother."

Every disaster source stone symbolizes great opportunities, and Yun Hao does not intend to miss it.

Moreover, when he went to visit Dongfang Xiu's mother, he not only wanted to get the two source stones of disaster, but also had a very important factor, that is, to open the source stone of disaster in his hand, he needed to use a A complete set of professional tools!

This kind of source stone cannot be cut casually.

If there is even the slightest mistake, disaster will break out and the things in the Source Stone will be destroyed.

Dongfang Xiu knew that Yun Hao still wanted to give up, so she could only nod and said: "Okay, my mother will come to the imperial city to visit my seventh uncle every once in a while. When she comes, I will take you to see her, but then I really can’t guarantee the two Source Stones..."


, Brother Yun, you haven’t forgotten what the vice-dean said after today’s quota competition, right? "Dongfang Xiu reminded.

"What's the matter?" Yun Hao asked.

Dongfang Xiu: "I really forgot..."

Fatty: "In three days, the ten people who will represent the Qingfeng Martial Academy in the Imperial Competition will all enter the Li Xin Pond."

Shi Feng also spoke: "I heard someone say today that Li Xin Pond is a place to hone one's mental state. It has a strong effect on strengthening the mental will. It is said that if one can break the record, he will even be rewarded with soul pills and soul pills. Dan is a treasure that even a high-level Xuan-level formation mage would be jealous of!"

Even if you are a warrior who does not major in spiritual power, you cannot ignore spiritual will.

A strong spiritual will has many benefits for warriors.

Yun Hao nodded: "I understand."

Dongfang Xiu looked at Yun Hao's calm expression and felt that she was heartbroken and said: "Brother Yun, the Xu Lin you taught today is Xu Ziliu's biological sister and Li Dongfeng's sweetheart.

Xu Ziliu is the number one among the younger generation in Qingfeng General Hospital, and he is at the ninth level of the Golden Core Realm.

As for Li Dongfeng, he was at the sixth level of the Golden Core Realm, but he was a spiritual and martial arts practitioner, and he was also a mid-level Xuan-level formation master.

They will definitely not just let it go with Xu Lin's matter. If they enter the Li Xin Pond in three days, they might get involved. Brother Yun, please don't be careless..."

Yun Hao hummed.

Dongfang Xiu feels tired!

He knew that Yun Hao was very strong, but none of these geniuses in the imperial city were simple. He was really worried that Yun Hao would capsize in the gutter.

But Yunhao didn't seem to care at all.

After a while.

After everyone dispersed, Yun Hao directly entered the training room provided by his residence, running the Taichu Creation Technique, and absorbing the energy of the female Xuan Pearl integrated into the world of spleen!

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