God Hongtian

Chapter 2676 Valley Projection!

The wild cat and the dog were wrestling with each other.

Yun Hao had no choice but to rush forward and pick up the wild cat.

Ya Ya also rushed over and hugged the dog's neck with both hands.

"Meow! You big dog, how dare you stare at me! I'm very angry! Boss, let me go, I'm going to teach it how to be a dog!"

The wild cat was lifted up by Yun Hao, and its claws were waving in the air.

The dog, whose neck was hugged by Ya Ya, also grinned and said, "Sister Ya Ya, let me go, this fat cat just scratched me with its claws, I can't stand it, I'm going to beat this fat cat flat!"

"Meow! Come on! I'm going to fight you for three hundred rounds!"

"Woof woof woof, dog, I'm going to beat you so hard that you doubt your life as a cat!"

Yun Hao had a speechless expression on his face and said, "Calm down!"

"Ya Ya, comfort the dog." Yun Hao said.

Then, he picked up the wild cat and temporarily moved away.


"Boss, is Gouzi your new love?"

The wild cat was very angry and fumed.

Yun Hao: "Gouzi helped me a lot..."

The wild cat got even angrier and said: "I know, I am greedy and sleepy, and I am good for nothing..."

Yun Hao was overwhelmed: "You have also helped me a lot, and you are my friend in the past and now!"

The wild cat: "What's the use? The old love can never beat the new love!"

Yun Hao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and then took out a bunch of dried fish for the wild cat. Ling Feiyu also came over to help calm the wild cat's little emotions.

After a long while.

The wild cat finally calmed down.

"Boss, I am not making trouble for no reason, nor am I unreasonable, and I am not jealous, do you understand?" The wild cat said seriously.

Yun Hao nodded and said, "You are well-educated, gentle and kind!"

Wild Cat: "Boss, if you insist on thinking so, I am worthy of the name."

Yun Hao said, "I won't fight you later, okay?"

Wild Cat: "Okay, for the boss's sake, as long as the big dog doesn't glare at me, I won't punish it!"

Yun Hao and Ling Feiyu, with the wild cat, returned to the dog, who was also calmed down by Yaya.

"Dog, you are still glaring at me?!" the wild cat shouted.

Dog: "You fat cat, if you look at me with such contempt again, I will bite you!"


Yun Hao's scalp was numb.

Yaya came to Yun Hao and whispered: "Uncle Yun, the dog's eyes are bigger, the cat misunderstood the dog, the cat's eyes are smaller, so the dog also misunderstood the cat."

The dog immediately raised his head proudly: "I understand, my eyes are bigger than yours, you are just jealous and hateful!"

The wild cat: "Hehe, you stupid dog!"

"Woof woof woof!"

"Meow meow meow!"

"Come and fight if you don't agree!"

"Who's afraid of who!"

Yun Hao was quick-witted and rushed to the middle of the dog and the wild cat, pressing the dog and the wild cat's heads with his left and right hands.

"Be quiet for a while!"

Serious tone!

Yaya and Ling Feiyu also stepped forward and pulled the dog and the wild cat apart.

After a while.

The wild cat and the dog finally calmed down.

The dog carried Yaya and walked in front.

Ling Feiyu held the wild cat and kept a little distance. After a while, the angry wild cat fell asleep with half a dried fish in its mouth.

Ling Feiyu looked at Yun Hao with a helpless face and smiled: "Think about it, I didn't go to the God Realm. Although I missed the time with you, I also avoided meeting Sister Qinglan. Otherwise, if Sister Qinglan and I were like this, you would only have more headaches than now."

After saying this, Yun Hao had a headache.

How to tell Ling Feiyu that although Sister Qinglan is no longer in the fairy world, she has a sister Shuer...

Ling Feiyu continued: "Have you noticed that when the wild cat and the dog fight, they are actually very restrained and do not use the power of cultivation at all."

Yun Hao nodded.


The wild cat is a third-level immortal realm cultivator.

The dog is only a perfect immortal emperor.

Moreover, the wild cat has awakened the original spirituality and even found the bell. If they really fight desperately, the dog is no match at all.

Ling Feiyu smiled and said, "It seems that both of them have their limits. They are just making a scene. Perhaps, the two guardian bloodlines of primitive creatures have always been like this. They instinctively dislike each other..."

"Meow! That's right! I get angry when I see it!" The wild cat, which was originally asleep, opened its eyes and pushed the half-cut fish in its mouth with its paws. Then it added, "I am magnanimous and tolerant. If I really want to punish it, it will be like a father beating his son!"

Yun Hao quickly grabbed a handful of dried fish and stuffed it into the wild cat's mouth, asking it to stop talking...

But it was still heard by the dog.

The dog shouted loudly, "Sister Yaya, I am actually giving face to the master. Otherwise, I would really want to punish that fat cat, which is so inflexible and has four short legs. I would just roll it into a ball and kick it!"

"Stupid dog, say it again if you have the guts!"

The wild cat curled up in Ling Feiyu's arms was furious.

The dog's tail stood up, and he turned his head to glare at the wild cat: "Fat cat, you are so arrogant!"

"Meow meow meow!"

"Woof woof woof!"

A black line appeared on Yun Hao's forehead...

He grabbed the wild cat in Ling Feiyu's arms with one hand and threw it out.

"Yaya, let go of the dog!"

Yaya subconsciously loosened her hands around the dog's neck.

The dog immediately pounced on the wild cat.

The cat-dog war breaks out again.

Yaya: "Uncle Yun... started fighting again..."

Yun Hao: "Let them fight until they have enough."

Ling Feiyu's eyes flickered and he said, "That's right. When you get tired, you can stop."

"A fat cat like you, with four short legs, are you worthy of fighting with me?" Gouzi pinned the wild cat under him.

The wild cat directly hit the dog with its head, knocking the dog over, then jumped up and pressed on the dog's body. With its two fleshy short legs, it kept grabbing the dog's head.

"Stupid dog! Let you touch the dried fish that I dried!"

The dog was scratched for a while, but he managed to turn over, held down the wild cat's head, and shouted: "You fat cat, you went to the top of my stone statue to draw a cat face, and I gave you face?"

Yaya covered her eyes and couldn't bear to look directly.

Ling Feiyu suddenly discovered some special signs and said: "Perhaps, when they fight without using the power of cultivation, it is not that they maintain a certain degree of rational restraint, but that they restrain each other's strength!"

Yun Hao's eyes flashed and he said: "Indeed, once their bodies are not in direct contact with Huangmao and Gouzi, their power fluctuations are very violent, but once their bodies are in contact, the power of cultivation in their bodies suddenly The time has completely disappeared. Under normal circumstances, even a powerful person at the Immortal Emperor level cannot be so free. "

Ling Feiyu nodded and said: "I probably know the reason. The Cangmao bloodline and the Tengu bloodline are the two guardian bloodlines among primitive creatures. Moreover, in every fairy world era, the Cangmao bloodline and the Tengu bloodline are the only ones." Yes, if these two guys use the power of cultivation to fight, both sides will definitely lose, which is damaging the foundation of primitive life. "

"Therefore, the Cangmao bloodline and the Tengu bloodline, as well as each other's cultivation power, cannot have any effect on each other. In this way, no matter how fierce the Cangmao and Tengu fight, it is just a small fight and cannot be hurt. The foundation will not cause any damage to the place where primitive creatures live. "

Speaking of this, a meaningful smile appeared on Ling Feiyu's face, and he said: "This also proves that my previous guess was correct. The Cangmao bloodline and the Tengu bloodline are inherently at odds, and a cat-dog war is unavoidable. That’s why there are such restrictions on the Cangmao bloodline and Tengu bloodline…”

"That is to say, from now on, if Huangmao and Gouzi stay by your side, you will not be bored every day, and you will always be lively..."

Yun Hao looked at the scene in front of him. Huang Mao and Gou Zi were fighting again. Gou Zi bit one of Huang Mao's short legs, and Huang Mao poked Gou Zi's eye with one of his claws...

Will it always be like this?

It’s really lively...

After a while.

The wild cat and the dog finally got tired of playing and lost their energy.

Yunhao and Yaya stepped forward and pulled away the wild cat and dog biting each other.

But after they separated, as expected, the power of cultivation of Huangmao and Gouzi appeared again, and they suddenly became energetic and ready to fight for another three thousand rounds.

Next few days in a row.

No peace.

The battle between cats and dogs never stops.

Gouzi, who has always been honest and honest, quarreled with Huangmao for several days in a row and was very articulate.

The wild cat who always loves to sleep suddenly burst into fighting will like never before, and he didn't even doze off.

this day.

Yunhao and the others finally arrived at the edge of this so-called trial place.

Going out soon.

As long as you leave, your safety will naturally be more guaranteed, because the creatures of all races in the Exiled Land cannot come at will.

When they arrived at this so-called trial place, it was relatively easy.

Once they leave the trial area, it will be much more difficult for those guys to come.

This trip.

Although dangerous.

But the rewards are great.

Yun Hao found Ling Feiyu, and their reunion was undoubtedly the biggest gain for Yun Hao.

The wild cat was also found, and the dog regained his complete life.

The Emperor's Corpse Sword in Ling Feiyu's hand, and the Immortal Emperor's Heart obtained by Yun Hao.

Also, Yun Hao obtained the storage rings from a group of descendants of the Immortal Emperor in the Exiled Land. Each storage ring contained extremely abundant resources. Now, only those stone tools have some flaws, but are relatively complete. , more than twenty items!

Of course, there will definitely be troubles in the future. Those guys in the Exiled Land will not just let it go, even if they can't come at will... But there is no guarantee that there will be some guys who are willing to pay a huge price and do it themselves.

After all, the things in Yunhao's hands, the secrets on his body, and the primitive creatures were enough to make many immortal emperors crazy.

But Yunhao has already thought of a countermeasure.


Leave the place of exile completely!

Anyway, his original intention was to find Ling Feiyu.

found it!

It's time to go!

But just as they were about to leave this so-called trial place, suddenly, a piece of light and shadow appeared in front of them.

In the light and shadow, a valley appeared. On both sides of the entrance of the valley, huge stone statues of Cang Mao and Tengu stood.

The last pure land of primitive creatures was hidden, but at this time, it appeared in front of Yun Hao in the form of a projection. Yun Hao's expression condensed, he took a step forward, cupped his hands and said, "Senior, do you have something to explain?"

There is a mysterious will in the valley, which both Huangmao and Gouzi have confirmed.

Yunhao tried to communicate with that mysterious will!

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