God Hongtian

Chapter 2675: Cang Mao and Tian Gou!

The stone statue raised its head and sighed at the invincible loneliness.

Suddenly, Yun Hao waved his hand, and small dried fish flew out of the storage ring.


In an instant, the wild cat emerged from the stone statue.

"Dried little fish!"

"This belongs to me!"

"This belongs to me too!"

"It's all mine!"

The chubby wild cat waved its fleshy claws and showed incredible flexibility in the air. In an instant, it collected all the dried fish and filled its mouth immediately.


"Why do you have dried fish?"

"Yum! So delicious!"

The wild cat chuckled, extremely satisfied, and then landed in front of Yun Hao with a bang, making the ground tremble.

Yun Hao looked at the familiar wild cat with a heartfelt smile on his face.

The wild cat today is still the same as the wild cat in memory, there is no change.

Not right either.

I’ve become fatter, so I’m stronger!

Ling Feiyu looked at this scene with quite complicated feelings.

This is unimaginable... The cat that I once came into contact with in the mortal realm will now meet again in the place of exile. Moreover, that cat, just now, forced away a person... the supreme master of the enlightenment level. Immortal Emperor!


At this time.

The wild cat jumped up again and lay on Yun Hao's shoulder.

Yun Hao's shoulders sank.

Wild Cat: "Boss, is this cat fat?"

Huang Mao: "Boss, tell the truth and tell your conscience, do you dislike me for being fat?"

Yun Hao: "You are actually not fat at all!"

Wild Cat: "I want to lose weight, I want to become as thin as a bolt of lightning!"

Yun Hao: "You can do it!"

Wild Cat: "Didn't you say that I'm not fat at all?"

Yun Hao: "..."

Arimako: "Hmph! Man!"

Ling Feiyu couldn't help laughing, and then said with a smile: "It's still not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's leave first."

The wild cat nodded, then stuffed a small dried fish into his mouth and said, "Go to my territory!"

Yun Hao's eyes flashed with light and he said: "We can't enter that valley, and if we go there, we will expose that valley, which is the last pure land of primitive creatures."

Arangmao: "...That's right, that guy, although he agreed to let me come out to help the boss fight... but he didn't say he would let me take you guys over... I'm so annoyed, that guy is not loyal at all!"


The wild cat ate several more small dried fish.

"Let's leave here first. Once we leave the trial area, it should be safer." Yun Hao said.

The wild cat thought for a while, nodded and said: "Okay! I will take the stone statue with me to protect the boss!"

While talking.

The wild cat wants to enter the stone statue again.

But suddenly, a rumbling sound sounded, the stone statue shook, and the wild cat bounced away.

Immediately afterwards, the huge stone statue disappeared into the sky with a whooshing sound.

Wild cat: "Meow!"

"Bring the stone statue back!"

"Otherwise, this cat will be angry!"

But there was no more movement.

Yun Hao lifted Huang Mao off his shoulders, held him in his arms, patted Huang Mao's head with his hand, and said: "Obviously, the will in that valley does not want you to use the power of this stone statue anymore. , I should be worried about it, and if that’s the case, there’s no need to force it.”

"Let's talk while walking." Ling Feiyu said.

"Yeah." Yun Hao nodded.

On the way.

"Huang Mao, when did you come to the fairy world?" Yun Hao was very curious.

Huangmao: "It's been a long time, about thirty years! I came here and wanted to find you, but I couldn't get out. Then I thought about practicing hard, becoming stronger, and using absolute power. Break the restrictions here and go straight out to meet you, boss!"

Ling Feiyu sighed: "No wonder, you now have the cultivation level of the second level of the Immortal Realm!"

Huang Mao nodded vigorously and said: "Yes, I practice too hard. I sweat and chase the sunset. I don't complain about hardship and don't fear tiredness. In the past thirty years, I have slept less and only slept. Twenty-seven or eight years..."

Ling Feiyu: "..."

Wild Cat: "Boss, can't you see? My whole body is filled with fatigue from lack of sleep!"

Yunhao silently took out some dried fish from the storage ring and stuffed it into Huangmao's mouth.

Huangmao was very satisfied with the meal, his eyes narrowed and he said: "It has to be my boss. The dried fish dried by the boss himself is so delicious. I won't feel sleepy after eating it."

Yun Hao asked: "What's going on with that stone statue?"

There are two stone statues guarding the entrance to the last pure land of primitive creatures. Just now, the wild cat controlled one of the stone statues and unleashed the supreme power that suppressed the fate of the human Immortal Emperor. It was really incredible.

Huangmao: "As long as you awaken the primitive spirituality, you can control that thing. My lineage is a primitive creature, but it is also the guardian of primitive creatures. As the saying goes, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Hey, so, I Meow can only turn stress into motivation and keep eating to adjust his mentality under great pressure! "

"Guardian of primitive creatures?" Ling Feiyu said softly: "Dogs too?"

Huangmao: "Yes, the guardian of the primitive creatures has two bloodlines. One is the bloodline of the brave, invincible, cute and well-behaved Cangmao. My name is Huangmao, but among the primitive creatures, my name is Cangmao!"

"There is another lineage, which is the vulgar, savage and annoying Tengu!"

"The bloodline of the Cang Mao and Tian Gou is unique in an era of the fairy world, so I am the only Cang Mao now!"

"As for Tian Gou, I originally thought that Tian Gou's bloodline had completely disappeared, but I was wrong. Tian Gou is back, because I found that Tian Gou used its claws to dig up the dried fish I dried!"


"When I meet Tian Gou, I will teach him a lesson and let him know how powerful I am!"

At this point, the wild cat suddenly reacted and said, "Boss, you left a sword energy next to the Cang Mao statue. You have been to the entrance of the valley. Did you run into Tian Gou?"

Yun Hao: "...The dog didn't dig up your dried fish on purpose."

The wild cat's eyes, which had narrowed into a line, tried to open a little, staring at Yun Hao, and said, "Boss, do you know Tian Gou?"

Yun Hao nodded: "The Tian Gou is nearby! "

Gouzi took Yaya away first.

But Yun Hao noticed that Gouzi and Yaya didn't leave at all.

Ling Feiyu emphasized: "Get along well with each other when you meet. You are both primitive creatures and the guardians of primitive creatures... Gouzi is actually... quite honest."

Wild cat: "Meow!"

"Don't worry, I'll be good!"

It didn't take long.

Yun Hao found Gouzi and Yaya.

A large number of undead have gathered in this area.

The sound of the stone flute kept ringing, and Yaya was still trying to summon the undead, ready to help Yun Hao to fight those powerful opponents at any time!

When Yun Hao appeared.

Yaya immediately put down the stone flute in her hand excitedly, and rushed to Yun Hao with Gouzi.



The wild cat also jumped out and stared at Gouzi.


The cat scratched the ground with its claws.

The body of Gouzi was crouched, staring at the wild cat, and grinned.


"Meow meow!"

"Woof woof! "

"Meow meow meow!"

"Woof woof woof!"

"You glare at me?"

"What if I glare at you?"

"Glaze at your uncle!"

"Glaze at my grandson!"

"I am very angry, the consequences will be serious!"

"Come and bite me if you don't agree!"

The next moment.

The wild cat and the dog just...wrestled into a ball.

Yun Hao: "..."

Ling Feiyu: "..."

Ya Ya: "..."

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