God Hongtian

Chapter 2677: Cultivation Method!

The projection of the valley, the last pure land of primitive creatures, appeared in front of Yun Hao and his friends. Yun Hao tried to actively communicate with the mysterious will inside.

The next moment.

An ethereal voice came from the projection of the valley.

"Cang Mao and Tian Gou can't go with you."


"Wherever the boss is, I'll be there!"

The wild cat was the first to express his dissatisfaction.

"Woof woof woof!"

"The dog is loyal to the master and can't abandon the master!"

The dog also refused to stay.

The mysterious will in the valley continued as if it had not heard what the wild cat and the dog said: "The return of the blue cat and the heavenly dog ​​is of great significance to the primitive creatures."

"The blue cat has just awakened its primitive spirituality and found its primitive fairy treasure. Next, it must continue to strengthen its primitive spirituality. This is the most critical moment. If it is delayed, the newly awakened primitive spirituality will be fixed over time, and more possibilities will be lost."

"The situation of the heavenly dog ​​is more complicated. The difficulty of awakening the primitive spirituality for the heavenly dog ​​to recast its body is countless times greater than that of the blue cat. Therefore, the heavenly dog ​​must stay in this pure land, and the chance of awakening the primitive spirituality will be slightly greater. If the primitive spirituality cannot be awakened, the heavenly dog's cultivation path has basically come to an end."

The mysterious will in the valley analyzed the situation and let Yun Hao know why the wild cat and the dog could not go with him.

I won't say much about the rest.

Yun Hao's expression condensed and looked at the wild cat.


"Boss, I finally reunited with you. I won't go back to the valley. It's too boring."

The wild cat flew to Yun Hao's shoulder and lay down, muttering: "Boss, I think it's pretty good now. The existing primitive spirituality should be enough for me to cultivate to the realm of the Immortal Emperor."

The dog also came to Yun Hao's side, rubbed his head against Yun Hao's legs, and said: "Master, the old master said that companionship is the most loyal act, and I can't bear to leave Sister Yaya."

Yun Hao was silent for a while, then said: "You go back to the valley!"



Without waiting for the wild cat and the dog to continue talking.

Yun Hao spoke again and said: "If you treat me as the boss and the master, listen to me!"

The wild cat and the dog now do have strong power.

Following him can help him a lot.


There is now a better development path in front of the wild cat and the dog.

Following him, except for accompanying him to face danger, he can't provide any resources for the wild cat and the dog to grow.

He would not be selfish and ignore the future of Huangmao and Gouzi.

On the side.

Ling Feiyu stepped forward and said: "Huangmao, Gouzi, since we know where you are, we will definitely meet again in the future. If you can become stronger, can you help your husband better?"

"If both of you are promoted to the realm of Immortal Emperor, or even the best among Immortal Emperors, then, with you two around, which Immortal Emperor dares to embarrass your husband in the future?"

"Go, return to the valley, practice well in the last pure land of primitive creatures, and become stronger!"

Yun Hao actually didn't think about these things just now.

He just didn't want to delay Huangmao and Gouzi.

But Ling Feiyu's words immediately made Huangmao and Gouzi agree very much.

The same thing, in a different way of saying it, has a different meaning.

The short separation now is to be able to return to Yunhao better in the future, and ride the wind and waves with Yunhao, and overcome all obstacles!

Yaya also came forward, hugged the dog's neck, and said: "The dog is obedient, the dog is the best."

The dog whimpered: "Sister Yaya..."

Yaya patted the dog's head and said: "It's okay, Uncle Yun and I will always miss you. We will wait for you to become very, very powerful. When you are here, no one will dare to bully us!"

The dog nodded vigorously.


"Master, Sister Yaya, I will always miss you!"

"The dog will definitely work hard and become very strong, and come out to find you as soon as possible!"

The wild cat lying on Yun Hao's shoulder also said seriously: "Boss, I will always be stronger than the stupid dog, and when the time comes, I will help you to blow up countless immortal emperors!"

The dog raised his head: "Master, the dog will prove to you that fat cats are unreliable, and dogs are the best!"

The wild cat: "Stupid dog, don't talk!"

The dog: "Fat cat, if you make a noise again, I will bite you and make you doubt your cat life!"

"Oh my, a dog can't spit out ivory!"

"All fat people will eventually become dead fat people!"

"Meow!" The wild cat was furious.

"Woof!" The dog's tail stood up and bared his teeth!

Yun Hao felt a headache and said with a serious expression: "Wild cat, dog, you return to the last pure land of primitive creatures to practice. I have something you must promise me!"

Wild cat: "Okay, whatever the boss says is what it is!"

Dog: "Master, you say."

Yun Hao: "Don't fight in the future!"

Wild cat: "No problem, as long as the stupid dog doesn't appear in front of me, I promise not to beat it!"

Dog: "Master, don't worry, dog understands, as the saying goes, out of sight, out of mind. Even if this fat cat appears in front of me in the future, I will pretend not to see it, ignore it, and treat it as a fart!"

"Stupid dog, you have the guts to say it again!"

"Fat cat, you don't accept it?"

Yun Hao: "..."

At this moment, the voice of the mysterious will in the valley projection sounded only in Yun Hao's ears.

"Let them fight."

"The blue cat and the heavenly dog ​​have always been like this. This is the cause and effect that can never be eliminated in the cycle of fate. Of course, you can also regard it as the bond between the blue cat and the heavenly dog..."

"These two troublesome guys can grow faster together, because no one is willing to give in to the other, and they all want to be stronger than each other. With the blue cat, the honest heavenly dog ​​will learn to use his brain, and with the heavenly dog, the greedy and sleepy blue cat will become diligent."

Yun Hao's eyes flickered, so he simply grabbed the wild cat lying on his shoulder and threw it far away.

The dog immediately pounced on him.

The wild cat also looked very ferocious.

The cat-dog war started again.

"Come in."

The voice of the mysterious will sounded again in Yun Hao's ear alone.

Yun Hao took a step forward and rushed into the picture of the valley projection in an instant. Everything around him was just a projection, but it gave Yun Hao a very real feeling.

The mysterious will did not show its body, and the ethereal voice echoed in the projected valley.

"Both the Cangmao and the Tengu recognized you. This is an incredible thing, because, generation after generation, the Cangmao and the Tengu are mutually opposed in all aspects. What the Cangmao likes, the Tengu hates, and what the Tengu likes, the Cangmao hates, but you... are too special."

"Nian Zai, you help me persuade the Cangmao and the Tengu to come back to practice, and this practice method will be my thank you gift."

The voice fell.

In this valley, a light curtain suddenly condensed.

The light curtain was suddenly covered with... dense characters!

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