God Hongtian

Chapter 2670: ‘Burning World’ Reappears!

The ground was surging with ripples like waves, and the power of the Immortal Emperor of the Dao level was spreading. The next moment, countless vines burst out from the ground, like long whips, like chains, whipping Yun Hao and Ling Feiyu!

"It's the Immortal Emperor of the Kuimu Clan!"

Yun Hao instantly made a clear judgment.

These vines that looked like long whips and chains were dense and unavoidable.

Yun Hao shouted angrily, holding the stone sword tightly with both hands, and slashed forward!

The pseudo-primordial immortal power in the body burst out.

Third-level innate immortal energy!

The Secret Immortal Art of Lie Zi!

Taicang Sword Dao!

But it only cut off a few vines!

"Shua shua shua!"

Ling Feiyu was covered with flames, and the Emperor Corpse Immortal Sword was in her hand, slashing out a series of immortal fire sword energy. As a first-level immortal who had realized the Dao, she was more calm than Yun Hao in dealing with these vines, and she blocked all the vines that burst out.

One vine after another was cut off by Ling Feiyu's immortal fire sword energy.

But there were still countless vines growing on the ground, as if they were endless and could not be completely eliminated.

Yun Hao's sword technique suddenly changed, using the tangible forty-nine swords of the escape sword technique, combined with the extremely fast body movement brought by the secret immortal technique of the character "Xing", so he was not unable to resist.


Yun Hao and Ling Feiyu both knew one thing.

Now, it was just the immortal emperor of the Kuimu clan who launched a tracking technique against them through incredible means. This was just an attack attached to the tracking technique.

At this moment, the immortal emperor of the Kuimu clan must have locked on this side and was rushing over.

Although they are still dealing with it easily now, once the immortal emperor of the Kuimu clan comes in person, then... they will definitely have no chance!


The immortal fire on Ling Feiyu's body exploded even more fiercely!

The Phoenix Immortal Fire, which contained 20% of pure fire, burst out with thousands of sword qi. The power of the flame brought great damage to the vines, burning a large number of vines.

But the next moment.

The vines that continued to grow from the ground no longer attacked Yun Hao and Ling Feiyu, but climbed on the ground, then blossomed and bore fruit, and the fruits cracked one by one. In the cracked fruits, bodies emerged one by one...!

These bodies looked like humans, but their skin was bark, and their eyes were glowing with green light.

The means of the Immortal Emperor, just these changes attached to the tracking technique, were so incredible!

These "puppets" of the Immortal Emperor of the Kuimu Clan, burst into the air, and could even use all kinds of immortal arts to attack Yun Hao and Ling Feiyu.

The Emperor Corpse Immortal Sword in Ling Feiyu's hand burst out with brilliant sword light, the sword edge swept out, the fire and sword light intertwined, swept out, and a large number of Kuimu Clan Immortal Emperor's 'puppets' were annihilated in this power filled with scorching breath and sharp edges.

But the number of these 'puppets' was too large, and they knew how to use all kinds of immortal arts and had fighting instincts, which made them more difficult to deal with than the previous vines.

In just a moment, a large number of 'puppets' passed through the sea of ​​fire and sword light slashed by Ling Feiyu.

Yun Hao shouted lightly, and the Azure Lotus Karma Fire burst out from his body. As one of the ten legendary immortal fires in the immortal world, the power of the Azure Lotus Karma Fire was stronger than Ling Feiyu's Phoenix Immortal Fire, which had transformed into 20% of pure fire!

But there were too many 'puppets' around.

More and more!

The vines on the ground were still blooming and bearing fruit, giving birth to 'puppets' one after another.

"Fei Yu, this is not a solution. We are being held back and unable to move. If we wait for the Immortal Emperor of the Kui Mu Clan to arrive, it will be even more impossible for us to leave!"

"I have a way!"

"Let me control your Phoenix Immortal Fire!"

Yun Hao shouted.


Ling Fei Yu agreed without any hesitation. She was still performing sword techniques to block a large number of 'puppets', while Yun Hao pressed his left hand on Ling Fei Yu's back!

Dragon and Phoenix Immortality Art!

Directly absorb the origin of Ling Fei Yu's Phoenix Immortal Fire!

In an instant.

There was no trace of burning breath on Ling Fei Yu's body, and the immortal fire disappeared!

Ling Fei Yu's Phoenix Immortal Fire, which had already transformed into pure fire by 20%, entered Yun Hao's body, and then merged with Yun Hao's Qinglian Karma Fire...!

This was an extremely crazy move!

Whether it was Ling Fei Yu's Phoenix Immortal Fire or Yun Hao's own Qinglian Karma Fire, they both possessed extremely violent energy.

The two flames were completely different. Once they collided, the danger brought to Yun Hao was huge.

He was fully focused and tried his best, not daring to be careless. Although such a fusion was very stressful for him, the whole fusion process was as smooth as flowing water!

"It works!"

Yun Hao was delighted.

Although this method was a temporary idea, it was not a temporary attempt. He had used this technique in the secular world, and learned it from the projection clone of Tianji Taoist!

Then he entered the God Realm and continued to deduce and improve it.

Now, based on his past experience, combined with his various perceptions of the immortal way, the domineering power of the pseudo-primordial immortal power, and the control of the flame by the Dragon and Phoenix Immortal Art, he successfully deduced this technique to a new height!

This technique is called... Burning the World!

The Azure Lotus Karma Fire merged with Ling Feiyu's Phoenix Immortal Fire, which contained the power of the Pure Fire. Yun Hao shouted, held the stone sword tightly with both hands, and slashed in the air!

The Sword of Burning the World!

The fused flame sword energy was tens of thousands of feet long and powerful. Just the heat wave it created turned a large number of nearby 'puppets' into ashes!

Such a terrifying flame sword energy slashed the ground, cutting a nearly one million-foot abyss in the ground. The hot breath raged underground, and all the vines spreading on the ground withered!


Yun Hao grabbed Ling Feiyu's arm with his left hand, and used the Dragon and Phoenix Immortal Art to return the flame source to Ling Feiyu.

This fire control technique was ultimately just a temporary deduction based on the past and the current situation. It was not stable. If the flame source was not returned to Ling Feiyu, it would conflict with his Qinglian Karma Fire and explode in his body.

Ling Feiyu noticed that Yun Hao was a little weak. She knew that it should be the move just now that caused a certain amount of... backlash damage to Yun Hao. While feeling distressed, she immediately released a soft breath and took Yun Hao to fly in the air and move.

However, it didn't take long.

The aura of the Immortal Emperor appeared again in the world around Yun Hao and Ling Feiyu!

Countless lights and shadows were flying in the sky and earth, and in the lights and shadows, there were strands of extraordinary immortal runes.

"The Immortal Emperor of the Human Race!"

Yun Hao judged the identity of the Immortal Emperor of the Human Race by the aura of these runes.

Two Immortal Emperors entered!

One was the Immortal Emperor of the Kui Mu Clan, and the other was the Immortal Emperor of the Human Race!

The Immortal Emperor of the Kui Mu Clan should be nearby and could appear in front of them at any time.

And the Immortal Emperor of the Human Race also found them...

Even though it was the Immortal Emperor of the Human Race, Yun Hao did not relax at all. After all, these Immortal Emperors of the Human Race in the Land of Exile would not help him because of their human bloodline. They also came to capture him for the many secrets on him.

These runes from the Immortal Emperor of the Human Race floated in the air, and then gathered together, turning into a huge cage, trying to trap Yun Hao and Ling Feiyu.

Ling Feiyu waved her sword, trying to break these immortal runes, but it was useless. Her power and the broken immortal runes were insignificant compared to the vast number of runes.

Seeing that the rune cage was about to fall.

Yun Hao looked solemn. After adjusting his state a little, he gritted his teeth and said, "I'll do it!"

The secret immortal art of the formation word was running at full power!

The stone sword slashed violently again!

The rune cage was broken into pieces!

At the same time.


A crisp bell sounded at the entrance of the primitive valley of creatures that had been hidden.

The fat wild cat with snow-white fur was like a piece of fat meat, smashing down from the sky and landing steadily on the top of the giant cat stone statue.


"Little dried fish!"

"Mr. Meow is back!"

The wild cat swung its claws and threw a golden bell beside it, but in an instant, the wild cat was very angry!

Because the pattern of dried fish that the wild cat had hung out to dry looked like it had been scratched by a dog’s paw… it was a mess!

“Damn it! Who touched my dried fish!”

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