God Hongtian

Chapter 2669: Fight!

The two Immortal Emperors were like two heavy mountains, pressing down directly and pressing hard on Yun Hao's body!

This place is the last pure land for primitive creatures.

The descendants of the Immortal Emperor in the Exiled Land, a large group of practitioners, cannot find it here, but the Immortal Emperor-level experts can be found!

That means.

Yun Hao has to go, get out of here!

He looked at Ling Feiyu.

Ling Feiyu, who had just been promoted to the Immortal Realm and achieved enlightenment at the same time, flew down from the sky. There was no fear on her face and she said: "Let's break out together!"

Those guys in the Exiled Land cannot come at will anytime and anywhere. If the two Immortal Emperors appear here, they must pay a huge price.

And this place is filled with a strong pale aura, and it is a place used for trials by the descendants of the Immortal Emperor.

In other words, it will be less difficult for the two Immortal Emperors to come here. If they can leave this trial place, there is a high probability that the two Immortal Emperors will not be able to chase them out.

Yun Hao said nothing more, he just nodded towards Ling Feiyu with a firm expression.

"Yaya, come up quickly!" The dog suddenly lay down, urging Yaya, riding on its back.

Yun Hao's eyes flashed and he said: "This is the last piece of pure land belonging to primitive creatures. Even if you have to hide it, Gouzi, you can enter the valley and hide with it..."

Don't wait for him to finish.

Gouzi grinned and said: "Master, the old master once told me that I must be loyal. You are my master now. I definitely can't hide myself. I want to work with you to help you defeat those hateful guys and get out of danger." territory!"

"Anyway, I've already been here. Even if I hide here, I can still find it at any time, so master, don't worry about me!"

Yun Hao was silent for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay!"

Then, he looked at the giant cat stone statue on the side of the valley, and saw Yun Hao's right hand raised, his middle finger and index finger together, condensing a sword energy, the sword energy shot out, and pierced a hole in a stone next to the stone statue. A hole!



Gouzi was carrying Yaya, Ling Feiyu was holding the Emperor Corpse Immortal Sword, and Yun Hao was carrying the flawless stone sword and left this special area as quickly as possible.

As soon as they went out, the pale air behind them began to roll violently. The valley belonging to the primitive creatures was flooded by the pale air, and then disappeared without a trace.

Yunhao and the others were ready to fight at any time and evacuated quickly.

But only half a day had passed before they encountered a group of trialists from the Exiled Land.

Now, not only the two powerful Immortal Emperors at the Dao Enlightenment level are looking for them, but the previous batch of trialists are also looking everywhere.

After the encounter between the two sides, this group of trialists became extremely excited and extremely excited. They immediately used the Immortal Treasure to release a signal, and then swarmed up and launched a ferocious offensive against Yun Hao!

The loud cry of the phoenix sounded.

The terrifying hot breath exploded!

Behind Ling Feiyu, phoenix wings suddenly spread out, and the immortal fire surged into the sky. He was promoted to the realm of Immortal Lord, and he had realized the Tao. Ling Feiyu's strength ushered in an incredible improvement.

Holding the Emperor's Corpse Immortal Sword in her hand, she launched a counterattack against the rushing group of practitioners. The Emperor's Corpse Immortal Sword swept across, and the Immortal Fire Sword Qi was overwhelming in an instant, violent and fierce!

Ling Feiyu's sword swept across, disintegrating all kinds of immortal magic. Her phoenix wings vibrated, her body shot up, and she rushed into the enemy team.

With the help of Yun Hao, almost 10% of her Phoenix Immortal Fire had transformed into Phoenix Pure Fire. After enlightenment and breakthrough to the Immortal Realm, some of the Phoenix Immortal Fire was transformed into Phoenix Pure Fire!

Equivalent to 20% of the original source of fairy fire, which has been turned into pure fire!

Just as the terrifying flames swept across, there were several screams, and several practitioners were burned to serious injuries.

Ling Feiyu's sword skills were displayed accordingly, each move seemed to be the same as before, but the power contained in it was completely different. This was not only the blessing of immortal-level power, but more importantly, The changes brought about by enlightenment!

Yun Hao has not been idle either. He is the only one who has cultivated in the sixth level and fourth level of Wo Dao. Now he is more calm in dealing with these experienced people.

He held a stone sword in his hand and used the secret magic of Xingzi on his feet. He rushed into the battlefield at high speed, and combined with Ling Feiyu's powerful lethality, he used the second sword of the Nine Swords of Wenxian to kill all the experienced people who were injured by Ling Feiyu. Those who kill!

Although the sword of time is stronger, every time the sword of time is used, the consumption it brings to Yun Hao is very exaggerated. Anyway, the second sword of the Nine Swords of Wenxian, in this case, can also bring extremely Fast enemy killing efficiency.

As for Gouzi, he is responsible for protecting Yaya.

Just for a moment.

Yun Hao and Ling Feiyu ended the battle, collected all the loot, and then continued to fly, trying to leave this trial place filled with pale energy as soon as possible.

Now, there is no doubt that it has been exposed. Those guys just released the signal through the fairy treasure. The situation is getting worse and worse, but Yunhao is calmer.

"Gouzi, Yaya, later, if there is another battle, Feiyu and I will take action. You guys should leave quickly!" Yun Hao said.

"Uncle Yun..." Yaya's young face was full of nervousness, but... there was no trace of fear.

"Listen to the master!" Before Yaya could continue, Gouzi spoke, and then said: "Don't worry, master, I know what to do!"

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Yun Hao and his team to encounter several more practitioners. These practitioners had discovered the previous signal and were nearby, so they came immediately.

Without a word of nonsense, Ling Feiyu burst out with all his strength and instantly disrupted the formation of these practitioners. Yun Hao held the stone sword in his hand, just like before, cooperating with Ling Feiyu's offensive and killing the opponents one by one.

Gouzi followed Yun Hao's arrangement and ran away with Yaya.

Soon, Gouzi and Yaya completely left the battlefield.

Yaya's eyes turned red and said, "Gouzi, if we leave like this, Uncle Yun and Sister Feiyu will be in danger... What should we do..."

Gouzi said, "Sister Yaya, let's find a place to stop and wait for them to come and meet up. You can also take this opportunity to summon a group of undead armies, so that we can help better!"

Yaya's eyes suddenly lit up, and she hurriedly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and said, "Yes, Gouzi, you are so smart!"

On the other side

Yun Hao and Ling Feiyu, who had finished another round of fighting, had not yet had time to use their body skills to quickly move. Suddenly, the ground in all directions seemed to be full of waves, and a terrifying aura spread along the ground.

Yun Hao's expression was extremely solemn!

He had come into contact with quite a few Immortal Emperors at the level of enlightenment, so he knew very well that the terrifying aura emitted by this power came from... the Immortal Emperor!

Ling Feiyu's feelings were also very strong. After enlightenment, she was extremely sensitive to this aura.

The two looked at each other.

They saw a determined light in each other's eyes!

At this moment, there was no need to say anything!

The other party's thoughts were all clear in mind!

Since there was no way to hide, then... fight!

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