God Hongtian

Chapter 2671 A better choice!

The wild cat is furious!

The white hairs all stood up!

You can move it!

Touching its dried fish is absolutely not allowed!

"Dog paws!" Huang Mao saw the dog paw prints.

Suddenly, the fat body became extremely strong, jumped up, and jumped on the head of the statue next to it.

"It's really a big dog!"

The wild cat gritted its teeth because it found that the cat face pattern it drew on the head of the big dog stone statue was gone, and even the fish bones it had thrown away had been cleaned up.

"You're a big dog, you're brave, you just came back, are you going to challenge my status?"

The wild cat cursed.

On the top of the Gouzi stone statue, I used my cat's paws to pull hard and draw a bunch of cat face patterns. After struggling for a while, I finally calmed down a little.

The wild cat, who had calmed down a little, suddenly looked to the side.


"Why is there an extra hole?"

"This breath..."

"It's very familiar!"

The fat wild cat swayed and flew to the hole pierced by the sword energy. The cat touched the edge of the hole with its paws, and then extracted a residual... sword energy from the hole!


Instantly, Arimao's eyes widened.

Extremely excited!


"The boss is here!"

"The boss is here to see me!"

"Boss left this sword energy to provide guidance to me!"

"Meow meow meow!"

The wild cat was so happy that all the fat on his body was trembling with excitement!

"I'm going to find the boss!"

The wild cat swallowed up the sword energy left by Yun Hao.

But at this moment.

A rather helpless voice came from the valley.

"You fat cat, you took the bell back and didn't come in to report it?"

The wild cat jumped and flew back to the top of the stone statue. He hung the bell around his neck and said, "I don't have time to pay attention to you. I'm going to find the boss!"

The voice in the valley sounded again: "You can't go!"

Wild Cat: "Why?"


The wild cat blinked: "How dangerous is it?"

"Two Immortal Emperors!"

Huangmao's eyes widened: "Two immortal emperors want to kill my boss?"


The wild cat took a breath and sighed: "Exciting! As expected of the boss of this cat, he is so fierce! He doesn't take the usual path!"

"That meow is going to go even more!"


next moment.

The bell hanging around the wild cat's neck made a crisp sound.

Jingle Bell!

Jingle Bell!

Immediately afterwards, a rumbling vibration erupted.

The huge giant cat statue actually started to move!

The mysterious will in the valley clearly sounded shocked: "Primitive spirituality...when did you, fat cat, wake up?"

The wild cat chuckled and said: "When I was looking for the bell, I took a nap and woke up immediately. Don't worship meow. Meow is just a legend. I'm gone!"


Previously, in the area where Yunhao and Ling Feiyu fought against the vines and puppets, the Immortal Emperor of the Kuimu tribe stood beside the abyss with a complicated expression.

The Heaven Splitting Fairy Butterfly, who was formerly the Immortal Emperor, said in an incredible tone: "Brother Mu, is that kid really so powerful? He even cracked your method? Could it be that Hong Yun from the human race found him first? It must be Hong Yun’s method..."

Even if this is just the power carried by a piece of skin of the Immortal Emperor of the Kuimu Clan, the Sky-Splitting Immortal Butterfly knows very well how powerful this power is, so he finds it incredible.

The Immortal Emperor of the Kuimu Clan shook his head and said: "It is indeed the power of Yun Hao. He has the Green Lotus Karmic Fire, and this kid is very mysterious. He can absorb the Phoenix Immortal Fire. The Phoenix Immortal Fire of Ling Feiyu is also It’s very powerful and contains the power of the Phoenix Pure Fire!”

"The power of flames has already restrained our Kuimu clan, and Yun Hao can also fuse these two powerful flames. It does not mean that he is really that strong. It only proves that this human monk named Yun Hao has There are so many secrets!”

"They just moved not long ago. It's easy to find them. They can't escape!"

The Immortal Emperor of the Kuimu Clan immediately took the Sky-Splitting Immortal Butterfly and continued tracking!

This was because this trial place was filled with a strong pale aura, which interfered with his perception. Otherwise, why would it be so troublesome?

The other side.

"Emperor Hong Immortal, you said that Yun Hao cracked your talisman?"

Huang Tianba, who was following Hong Yun, had a look of disbelief on his face.

Hong Yun hummed and said: "If I guessed correctly, that boy possesses the secret magic of Zhenzi, and he has already achieved quite a lot!"

"Nine Secrets of the Ancient Times!" Huang Tianba's tone revealed a strong emotion of shock.

Even for them, the Nine Ancient Secrets are an incredible inheritance. Any one of the Nine Secrets is more attractive than most of the Imperial Scriptures!

In the Exiled Land, there are also some powerful beings who master several of the Nine Secrets. The status of those guys is not ordinary...

"We have to speed up. Just now I used the runes to explore this trial land and found traces of that old guy from the Kuimu tribe. He is almost finding Yun Hao!"


Hong Yun, the Immortal Emperor of the human race, reached out with one hand, picked up Huang Tianba, and disappeared from the place in a flash!


The fiery red fairy light flew at high speed. Ling Feiyu flew with Yun Hao at full speed, and Yun Hao's mind clone entered the acupoint in the palm of his right hand.

"Senior Hand!"

Yun Hao's mind clone saluted solemnly in front of the pale hand.

"I said, I need to rest and can't help you!"

A cold voice came from the pale hand.

Yun Hao actually knew that the pale hand had no power...it really couldn't help him. He came in with another idea.

In the current situation, he and Ling Feiyu wanted to escape like this because they were targeted by two fairy emperors. It was impossible and there was no chance, so they had to find a way!

"Senior Hand, if I fall into their hands, you will be discovered. I think you don't want to be discovered by them." Yun Hao said.

The pale hand is closely related to the exile land.

Yun Hao made this guess based on some signs.

Otherwise, the Pale Hand could take the Immortal Emperor's Heart and pass some information through it to contact those old guys in the Land of Exile.

Moreover, the Immortal Emperor's Heart was left by the former generals of the Pale Hand. The generals of the Pale Hand died, and the Immortal Emperor's Heart was used as a trial item, which was enough to explain something.

"You are smart, okay, the power of the Immortal Emperor's Heart can be borrowed by you!" The voice of the Pale Hand sounded again.

Yun Hao felt a little relieved and said, "With Senior Hand here, how can I use the Heart of the Immortal Emperor?"

"Although the Heart of the Immortal Emperor contains the complete Dao of the Immortal Emperor,... this Dao is completely dormant. A physical body is needed to bear this Dao and awaken the dormant Dao!"

"You can't do it. Only the existence of enlightenment can awaken the dormant Dao in the Heart of the Immortal Emperor! Moreover, your physical body can't bear it. Once your physical body collapses, I will be exposed."

"Let Ling Feiyu come. She is stronger than you, and she has already realized the Dao and can awaken the dormant Dao in the Heart of the Immortal Emperor!"

Yun Hao's mental clone frowned: "Then, once the Dao of the Heart of the Immortal Emperor is awakened, will it conflict with the Dao that Feiyu has realized?"

Pale Hand: "You two, you can't even save your lives now, why are you still worried about this? Those who achieve great things don't care about trivial matters!"

He did not directly respond to Yun Hao's question.

But Yun Hao already knew the answer!

The conflict of Dao is very dangerous, and Ling Feiyu must not be allowed to bear it!

"Reluctant?" The pale hand said coldly.

Yun Hao's face showed a special expression, his eyes flashed, and he said: "Carrying this Immortal Emperor's heart... I have a better choice!"

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