God Hongtian

Chapter 2668: The Immortal Emperor enters!

What Ling Feiyu got at this moment was not just the opportunity to reach the Immortal Realm in terms of cultivation.

Moreover, it is also an opportunity for enlightenment!

Yun Hao has come into contact with Tao, and he has no reservations about his understanding of Tao, and he constantly outputs it to Ling Feiyu!

But this matter is destined to not be accomplished overnight, and will take time.

at the same time.

Outside, in the area used for trials for a group of descendants of the Immortal Emperor in the Land of Exile, in front of Huang Tianba, the owner of the third-stage ultimate bloodline of the human race, suddenly, an old man from the human race appeared.

"Meet the Immortal Emperor!"

This old man is the Immortal Emperor of the human race, named Hong Yun.

Normally, not to mention the Immortal Emperor, even the powerful at the Immortal Lord level cannot come here. They have great restrictions in the Exile Land and cannot appear anywhere at will.

However, as long as you pay a certain price, you can break the restriction.

Huang Tianba had told Yun Hao before that what Yun Hao and the others had shown was enough to attract the attention and even the attention of the top powerhouses. Now, this scene has appeared.

The Immortal Lord doesn’t even have any arrangements.

The Immortal Emperor will arrive immediately!

This is to ensure that the problem is solved as quickly as possible.

"Tianba, I already know the information about those outsiders. Not only me, but also many old guys know it," Hong Yun said.

Huang Tianba took a deep breath and said, "Can you spare Yun Hao's life?"

Hong Yun's eyes flickered and he said: "Reason."

Huang Tianba said: "I think he is needed for the birth of the first-generation bloodline. Even if the hope is slim, it is still worth trying. Even if the first-generation bloodline cannot be born, with him here, the probability of birthing the three-stage ultimate bloodline will be very high!"

"Every three-stage ultimate bloodline is born, which is of great significance to us!"

Hong Yun was silent for a moment and said: "Then we have to find him first, and we can't let that old guy from the Kuimu tribe take him down first."

Huang Tianba showed a hint of worry: "The Immortal Emperor of the Kuimu Clan..."

Hong Yun hummed and said: "It is said that that boy Yunhao took the immortal bow of the Kuimu tribe, so a group of old guys were very decisive and directly let the immortal emperor of the Kuimu tribe come in here."

"Tianba, you have been in contact with Yunhao, do you know where they are hiding?"

Huang Tianba shook his head and said, "I don't know..."

Hong Yun sighed and said: "Then, we can only find it..."

While talking.

A magnificent energy burst out from Hong Yun's body. This was the power of a powerful Immortal Emperor at the level of Zhengdao. Countless immortal patterns were born in the air, and then turned into streams of light, exploding in all directions.

He released the secret skills of immortality and searched for the whereabouts of Yun Hao and the others, but then, he frowned slightly.

"What happened to the Immortal Emperor?" Huang Tianba asked hurriedly.

Hong Yun shook his head and said: "Breaking the restrictions, the backlash that has come here has already begun. It's not a big problem. As long as it doesn't exceed seven days, it will still be within the tolerable range."

Huang Tianba immediately said: "The Immortal Emperor of the Kuimu Clan did not achieve enlightenment purely by himself, but ascended to the position of Immortal Emperor by inheriting the power of the previous fallen Immortal Emperor of the Kuimu Clan. His His strength is far inferior to yours, so will he be able to arrive in a shorter time than you? "

Even Huang Tianba doesn't know much about these secrets, he just knows a rough idea.

Hong Yun shook his head and said: "The weaker the strength, the smaller the backlash he will suffer. He can last for at least nine days!"

Huang Tianba's expression became even more solemn.

The other side.

An old man, whose skin looks like the bark of an ancient tree that has gone through many vicissitudes of life, stays with the Sky-Splitting Fairy Butterfly.

"Brother Splitian, that kid made you suffer, it seems it's really not easy!" said the Immortal Emperor of the Kuimu Clan.

The predecessor of the Sky-Splitting Immortal Butterfly was an Immortal Emperor-level powerhouse, and he had a good relationship with the Kuimu Clan Immortal Emperor.

He flapped his wings and said: "The power of time is incredible. There are too many secrets in that kid. As long as we find him and extract his soul and refine it, it will definitely bring huge benefits to us!"

The Immortal Emperor of the Kuimu Clan nodded and said: "Since I am here, I will naturally do my best to find him. Otherwise, paying such a high price to come here, wouldn't it be a loss of blood?"

"But the attitude of the human race is very subtle. With the great fortune of the human race coming, their first choice must be to keep Yun Hao and use Yun Hao's blood to cultivate more three-stage ultimate blood lines. They may even think about cultivating The so-called first-generation bloodline of their human race!"

"So, Hong Lun will be my biggest trouble this time!"

The Sky-Splitting Immortal Butterfly flapped its wings, raising splendid fairy lights, and said: "The human race is too strong here. There are even a group of people who have deviated from their original intentions and want to change their plans. If the power of the human race is allowed to continue to grow, then It’s really possible for them to succeed!”

"If they take Yun Hao away, they will not only use Yun Hao as a raw material for bloodline breeding, but they will also obtain all the secrets of Yun Hao..."

The Immortal Emperor of the Kuimu Clan narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "So, I must be one step ahead of Hong Yun and find Yun Hao!"

While talking.

Hong Yun's right hand suddenly grabbed his left arm!

Forcibly, a piece of skin like tree bark was torn off.

This piece of skin squirmed in his palm, dripping a large amount of green juice.

"That immortal bow is in Yun Hao's hand, and my body is an inheritance. This piece of skin and that immortal bow are one and the same. Using this to find Yun Hao, I shouldn't waste too much time!"

The Immortal Emperor of Kuimu said, and then, the piece of skin that he tore off and held in his hand, which was like bark, suddenly fell to the ground, and countless roots grew, pierced into the ground, and spread in all directions at an incredible speed!


Outside the entrance of the valley belonging to primitive creatures.

Ling Feiyu was surrounded by the Phoenix Immortal Fire, and the fiery red fairy light was blazing, and Ling Feiyu's human bloodline was also blooming, and the brilliant and gorgeous light was intertwined.

Yun Hao had ended the operation of the Dragon and Phoenix Immortal Art and no longer assisted Ling Feiyu in his practice, because he had given everything he could give, and at this moment, Ling Feiyu had also reached the last step of his promotion to the Immortal Venerable Realm!

Yaya came to Yun Hao's side, staring at Ling Feiyu bathed in the gorgeous fairy light with wide eyes, and couldn't help but say: "Uncle Yun, Sister Feiyu obviously doesn't look any different from before, but I just feel that she is more beautiful!"

She never called her aunt, but called her sister.

Ling Feiyu's change was that invisible temperament.

A smile appeared on Yun Hao's face. One of his hands was placed on Yaya's forehead, gently rubbing it. His eyes were fixed on Ling Feiyu. In his eyes, there was only Ling Feiyu. Today, Ling Feiyu would not only break through and be promoted to the realm of Immortal Venerable, but also directly realize the truth!

Just after entering the realm of Immortal Venerable, he was a super Immortal Venerable who realized the truth!

Directly pave the way for the truth!

But at this moment.

Between the two huge cat and dog stone statues, at the entrance of the valley, the dog rushed out in a hurry.

"Master, something bad is going to happen!"

The dog rushed to Yun Hao, looking very panicked, and said: "The mysterious will in the valley told me that there are two Immortal Emperor-level strongmen looking for you. They have the ability to find this place, so this place has to be temporarily closed... Because this place is the last piece of pure land for primitive creatures. If they are discovered by them, the consequences will be disastrous!"

The smile on Yun Hao's face disappeared instantly, and his expression became extremely solemn!

Beat a group, and then a stronger group came.

After beating the small ones, now the old ones are on the stage!

Moreover, at once, two Immortal Emperors came directly!

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