God Hongtian

Chapter 2638: The Dog's Sensing!

The army of undead controlled by Yun Hao rushed towards the last opponent.

The pressure on Gouzi was greatly reduced!

Suddenly, the few remaining bones flew back to Yaya's side.

They could no longer piece together a complete head.

Yaya cried with heartache.

Gouzi was so pitiful.

"Master, these bones are broken anyway, just use them up!"

Gouzi shouted.

Anyway, the skull is still there, everything is fine.

Then, the dimly lit and damaged skull bones turned into "bone arrows" in the air.

Yun Hao also knew that these undead alone could not solve this guy in the seventh level of the Immortal Emperor Realm.

The most urgent task now is to end the battle quickly, the sooner the better, in case there are more pursuers coming, which will be more troublesome.

With a thought, he took out the immortal bow made of part of the torso of the Immortal Emperor of the Kuimu Clan, opened the bow and shot an arrow!


A bone arrow burst out.

The arrow was accurately shot at the man of the seventh level of the Immortal Emperor Realm, whose body was covered with fine black scales!

But this arrow only blew up a part of the scales on the guy's body.

After all, the strength of the dog's bones was greatly consumed, and they were damaged, and their power was not as strong as before.

The black-scaled man roared and wanted to kill Yun Hao, but was immediately intercepted by a group of undead.

Yun Hao shot the remaining five "bone arrows" at once!

"Swish, swish, swish..."

This round of shooting finally brought serious damage to this guy. Many of the black scales on his body were shattered, and a hole was pierced in his abdomen, bleeding.

The dog's "bone arrows" were completely exhausted.

The man did not dare to fight again!

He wanted to break out of the siege of the undead and escape.

Yun Hao shouted coldly, holding the stone sword, rushed into the army of undead, controlled the army of undead, and cooperated with his sword skills to surround and kill the target.

Half a quarter of an hour later!

Only then did the battle end!

Yun Hao's chest was devoid of flesh and blood. That was the injury caused by the target's crazy counterattack before death.

And the undead he summoned this time were almost destroyed!

The skull of the dog flew out of Yaya's arms, floating in the air, and began to absorb the breath that was scattered after the undead was annihilated. Gradually, bones grew and it initially recovered into the shape of a dog's head!

"Let's go!"

Yun Hao shouted lightly, took the dog and Yaya, and left the battle area again at a very fast speed.

A few days later.

The skeleton of the dog finally recovered.

But every bone was still dim.

Yun Hao also took advantage of these few days to adjust his own state and settle the power that broke through to the sixth turn of the only self.

"Master, I'm afraid it will be difficult for the dog to help you fight next..."

The dog came to Yun Hao's side and made a sound, with a sense of loss in his tone.

Its source was consumed too much.

Even though it devoured a lot of the power of the undead, it only grew a skeleton body, but its power... dropped severely. Now, at best, it is equivalent to the level of entering the Immortal Emperor realm.

Yun Hao knew that Gouzi had tried his best, and he patted Gouzi's skull.

At this moment.

On the side, Yaya, who was sitting cross-legged in meditation, suddenly had a layer of gorgeous fairy light.

Then, Yaya's breath and the fairy spirit of the exile land had a slight fit!

Yaya opened her eyes, with a happy look on her face, and said: "Uncle Yun, I finally succeeded!"

After this period of fighting.

Yun Hao already had a lot of exercises from the exile land in his hands.

He selected some that he thought were suitable for Yaya to practice and gave them to Yaya.

Yaya has finally mastered a technique now.

"Sister Yaya is awesome!"

Gouzi instantly rushed to Yaya's side.

Yaya held Gouzi's head and said, "Gouzi, Sister Yaya will protect you!"

Then, Yaya looked at Yunhao with a firm look and said, "Uncle Yun, I can try!"

Yunhao hummed.

Raising his hand and flicking it, he handed the stone flute that could control the undead to Yaya.

Yaya has the Wanbao Immortal Body.

The Wanbao Immortal Body not only has a unique advantage in finding immortal treasures, but also in controlling immortal treasures, it is not inferior to Yunhao's Bingzi Secret Immortal Technique.

Yaya took the stone flute and tried to play it. Sure enough, it succeeded. A series of chaotic notes floated out of the stone flute, and the group of undead around them suddenly seemed like a group of demons dancing wildly...

Yaya quickly stopped playing the stone flute!

Looking embarrassed...

Yunhao smiled and said, "Practice the vortex sound wave skill again, and you can control the undead skillfully."

Then, he also passed the vortex sound wave skill to Yaya.

Let Yaya control the undead, this is good!

First, if there is another battle, Yaya can protect herself!

Second, when Yun Hao personally participates in the battle, he can no longer finely control the offensive and formation of the undead army, resulting in a significant reduction in the destructive power that the undead army can bring.

Next, Yaya is responsible for controlling the undead, which greatly enhances their team's combat effectiveness overall!

After Yaya learned the vortex sound wave power, her face was full of excitement.

Finally, she doesn't have to stand by every time and need the protection of Yun Hao and Gou Zi.

She can also participate in the battle!

Don't be a burden!

"Master, that mysterious call has appeared again, and this time the call seems to be very strong. Perhaps we are not far from the location where the call came from!"

At this time, Gouzi spoke.

In the past few days, the phoenix-shaped fairy jade has not been sensed again. Yun Hao doesn't know where Ling Feiyu is.

Yun Hao nodded and said, "Then follow the call you sensed and see!"


Ya Ya sat on Gouzi's back. Gouzi was responsible for rushing the way, while Ya Ya focused all her energy on comprehending and practicing the vortex sound wave.

Half a day later.

The call that Gouzi felt was interrupted and disappeared again like before.

Gouzi was extremely annoyed!

"Master, almost!"

"It should be nearby!"

Yun Hao's spiritual power spread out immediately.

He also wanted to figure out what the mysterious call to Gouzi was.

If it was the trace of the original creature, if Gouzi found it, would he usher in a transformation?

If Gouzi can recover, or even become stronger, it will have great significance for all their actions in the exile land!

But after Yun Hao's mental power spread, it seemed that he was trapped in a maze, unable to distinguish the specific direction at all, and his perception was distorted.

This area is very strange.

"Wait a little longer!"

"The call to you should appear again!"

But at this time.

Yaya, who was comprehending the vortex sound wave power, suddenly opened her eyes. She blinked, her long eyelashes trembled, and her black and bright eyes flashed with bright light.

"Uncle Yun!"


"There is a strong breath of fairy treasure in this direction!"

Yaya pointed to the southeast and said!

Yun Hao's eyes flashed, and he made a quick decision: "Go and have a look!"

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