God Hongtian

Chapter 2639 Appearance!

Yun Hao had no doubt about Yaya's judgment.

This is the innate ability of the Wanbao Immortal Body!

But after Yaya finished speaking, she was a little worried and said, "Uncle Yun, I'm afraid... there is danger..."

Before, Yun Hao encountered great danger because of the stone sword.

Some time ago, Yaya sensed a strong breath of immortal treasures, and it turned out that it was a trap set by Huang Shuang, a disciple of the extinction old demon in the Black Phoenix camp, and a pile of stone fragments exploded...

So, Yaya almost had a psychological shadow.

"I think we can go and see!" Gouzi said.

The things that exist nearby are very likely related to its life experience.

Gouzi really wants to figure it out!

Is he a primitive creature?

Why did he become like this?

Does he have any blood relatives?

Yun Hao also said: "Be careful, use the undead to explore the way!"


They followed the direction indicated by Yaya.


On the other side

Feng Jing, the seventh-level immortal of the Phoenix Clan, was really dying...

Before, he was besieged by two immortals from the Black Phoenix camp and injured, and then he was besieged and killed by a group of immortal emperor creatures in the exile land. He was finally rescued by Yun Hao. They went to find Ling Feiyu together, but they encountered another battle on the way.

He barely made it out.

But his injuries were even more serious.


A large number of immortal emperor creatures were still chasing him!

Feng Jing tried his best again and again to fight his way out.

But his condition was now at the end of his strength.

"Each of these immortal emperor creatures has incredible abilities, and they all have treasures. Now I have almost lost the ability to fight..."

"It's easy for them to kill me..."

Feng Jing's expression showed a deep sadness.

He could never have imagined that a dignified seventh-level immortal would end up like this.

Even though he was prepared to face danger before entering this place, the scenes that happened after entering were not what he had expected.


Suddenly, Feng Jing reacted abruptly!

"Oh no! I fell into a trap!"

The sad look on Feng Jing's face disappeared, and he became extremely nervous!

"My condition is so bad!"

"They could have killed me long ago!"

"But every time, I seemed to have tried my best and fought my way out of a bloody road with a narrow escape..."

"But every time, it was almost because I discovered the weakness in their cooperation that I was lucky enough to escape!"

"How is it possible that every time I caught the flaw in their cooperation by such a coincidence?"

"They did it on purpose!"

"They are using me as bait!"

Feng Jing broke out in cold sweat all over his body.

He realized that he was used as bait.

His injuries were very serious and his condition was too bad, so his thoughts were no longer so calm and rational, which led to his sudden alertness to this problem now.

What were those immortal emperors going to do by using him as bait?

The answer is self-evident!

Those guys wanted to use him to lure Ling Feiyu out!

"Whether in the Endless Fire Region or exploring the Land of Exile with Cangwu Immortal Venerable, I, Feng Jing, have been glorious!"

"How can I allow myself to be used as bait by a group of Immortal Emperor Realm guys?"


Feng Jing roared!

This is a shame!

The next moment.

From all directions, figures rushed over and surrounded Feng Jing.

Among them, in addition to the mysterious group of Immortal Emperor Realm creatures in the Land of Exile, it also included the disciple of the Black Phoenix Camp's Extermination Demon, Huang Shuang!

"Huang Shuang, I have to say that your plan is useful, but this guy has already noticed it, and the original plan can no longer be carried out."

"In that case, then kill him. Anyway, Ling Feiyu has appeared nearby, and a net has been set up around him. Get rid of him and then close the net. Ling Feiyu can't escape."



A series of domineering immortal lights blasted out one after another, killing Feng Jing.

Feng Jing roared, and the remaining power in his body burst out.

In an instant.

There were bursts of explosions.

Feng Jing's body rushed out of the storm, furious to the extreme. Even if he was going to die, he would kill a few more of these bastards.

But suddenly.

Huang Shuang raised his hand and swung it.

Several pieces of stone fragments suddenly shot towards Feng Jing.


"Boom boom boom!"

The stone fragments exploded.

The power was earth-shattering!

This scene caused a great shock even to the descendants of the Immortal Emperor in the exile land.

Huang Shuang's ability was very powerful!

This was also the reason why they chose to pull Huang Shuang into the camp.

In the destructive storm caused by the explosion of stone fragments.

Feng Jing's broken body flew backwards like a dead leaf.

Huang Shuang said coldly: "It's good that he's not dead yet. Catch him and hang him up. Maybe Ling Feiyu can't bear to see him being tortured and will come to rescue him. Then we don't have to look for her!"

Having the ability to detonate stone tools, Huang Shuang has a certain say among the descendants of the Immortal Emperor in the exile land.

At that moment, a figure immediately shot out, trying to catch Feng Jing, who was like a candle in the wind.

But at this moment.

Between heaven and earth, crisp sword sounds suddenly rang out!

Then, a mighty Phoenix fairy fire swept over.

In this brilliant fairy fire, a woman's figure emerged.

This woman had a very beautiful face and a proud temperament. She wore a fiery red long skirt. She raised her hand and waved it. Suddenly, the fairy fire surged and burned the fairy emperor who wanted to capture Feng Jing into ashes!

Then the fairy fire suddenly rolled up and enveloped Feng Jing's body.

"Ling Feiyu!"

Huang Shuang shouted.

At this moment, a strong and impatient killing intent appeared in her expression!

And the descendants of the fairy emperors in the exile land all breathed more quickly. Ling Feiyu's beauty and temperament made them feel ashamed.

"Catch her!"

A loud shout.

Suddenly, all these guys came back to their senses, and then each of them sacrificed their fairy treasures and performed powerful fairy secrets. Like a violent storm, they attacked Ling Feiyu.

That Huang Shuang also directly sacrificed seven pieces of stone fragments in one breath. These stone fragments, carrying the breath of destruction, were thrown at Ling Feiyu!

The light of the fairy fire was jumping on Ling Feiyu's body.

Her figure flashed and transformed into the phoenix body!

Each phoenix fairy feather flowed with bright and gorgeous light, beautiful and magnificent, and loud cries sounded. In an instant, there were endless feather swords, shooting out.

Each feather sword burst out with unparalleled sharpness and sharpness, evolving exquisite and powerful sword moves, breaking all the magic power that came. Then, the phoenix flapped its wings, carrying Feng Jing, and disappeared from the original place in an instant, easily avoiding the impact caused by the explosion of the pieces of stone fragments.

The fiery red streamer disappeared into the sky at an incredible speed under the gaze of a group of descendants of the Immortal Emperor of the Exiled Land.

"She is only at the Immortal Emperor level, how can she be so powerful?"

"The fighting power of this Ling Feiyu is incredible!"

"The blood of the Phoenix Clan and the blood of the human race are perfectly integrated, and she has such a talent..."

A series of exclamations filled with strong shocking emotions rang out.

Huang Shuang of the Black Phoenix camp growled: "If we don't capture her this time, if she hides again, it will be difficult to find her again. Send out a signal quickly and let your companions close the net. Don't let her escape!"

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