God Hongtian

Chapter 2637: The Invisible Sword!

Yun Hao has broken through!

The Sixth Turn of the Only My Way, the First Level!

The power in his body exploded, and the stone sword in his hand also burst out with even greater power.

A wisp of pale breath flowed out from the stone sword.

At this moment.

The huge ice bird with the sixth level of cultivation in the Immortal Emperor Realm has also swooped down, its wings vibrating, and the cold air swept across the world. Countless ice crystals turned into weapons, densely packed, like a torrential rain, drowning everything around Yun Hao.

But the next moment.

A pale sword energy suddenly tore through the cold air that froze the world.

Yun Hao held the stone sword in his hand and jumped up. He was in the air, and the stone sword swung, and a violent collision broke out with the ice crystals that were like weapons in the sky. The escape sword method, the tangible forty-nine swords!

Every move was extremely sharp and varied. No matter how many ice crystals there were, none of them could get within three feet of Yun Hao.


The huge ice bird with the sixth level of cultivation in the Immortal Emperor Realm let out a loud cry.

Its sharp claws tore fiercely!

The terrible claw force attacked Yun Hao.

The stone sword in Yun Hao's hand circled, and the pale air surged, crushing the claw force.

His speed soared!

The Secret Immortal Art of the Word "Xing"!

In an instant, his figure flashed and approached the huge ice bird of the sixth level of the Immortal Emperor Realm. He swung his sword and slashed violently.

The Secret Immortal Art of the Word "Dou" was added to his body!

The Secret Immortal Art of the Word "Lie" was added to the sword!

Just as Yun Hao was about to use the first sword of the Nine Swords of Questioning Immortals, a blessing came to his mind, and a strong intuition burst out from the dark.

He gave up using the first sword of the Nine Swords of Questioning Immortals.

The stone sword in his hand seemed to be very casual, slashing out!

It seemed like an ordinary slash!

But the trajectory of the sword became ethereal, uncatchable, invisible and traceless, and seemed to interpret some supreme truth, mysterious and unpredictable!

The huge ice bird with the sixth level of cultivation in the Immortal Emperor Realm was originally preparing to use its trump card to kill and control the powerful immortal weapons to fight back.

But its mental will suddenly became dazed.

The stone sword held in Yun Hao's hand seemed to sweep over the huge ice bird!

But it seemed to fall into the void of space!

And the huge ice bird, although it did not feel any pain, felt as if it had suffered fatal damage!

This was an extremely strange feeling for Yun Hao and for this ice bird, a creature from the exile land with the sixth level of cultivation in the Immortal Emperor Realm.

This unpredictable change only appeared for a moment.

Everything between heaven and earth returned to normal.

The stone sword was still in Yun Hao's hand.

The huge ice bird was still flying in the air.

It was as if nothing had happened just now.

When the huge ice bird came to its senses and wanted to continue the attack, the power in its body burst out again, and then a heart-wrenching pain swept through its body.

The ice crystals on its body surface crackled, and countless cracks appeared in the blink of an eye.

A sharp breath appeared in its body and burst out along the cracks on its body surface.


A panicked shout filled with despair came out of its mouth, and the next moment, its body was completely torn apart in the amazing sharpness!

The immortal soul was also torn apart!


Yun Hao's eyes flashed with brilliance.

Even he felt incredible at this time.

He lowered his head and glanced at the stone sword in his hand!

The sword just now was not the power of the stone sword...

But, the escape sword method!

The invisible sword captured by the tangible forty-nine swords!

The strongest sword inheritance of the Zhuxian Sect!

The ultimate sword comparable to the nine swords of the questioning immortal!

The invisible sword is the one that escaped!

The ultimate truth of the Escape Sword Technique!

It has been some time since Yun Hao comprehended the tangible forty-nine swords of the Escape Sword Technique, but he still cannot grasp the key to the invisible sword and cannot see the secret.

Today, it is like this, by some strange coincidence, the sword becomes invisible!

Under normal circumstances, even if he has been promoted to the sixth level of the Only Self Dao, it is still difficult to win against this creature with the sixth level of cultivation in the Immortal Emperor Realm.

But under the mysterious invisible sword, everything becomes so simple!

This result shocked the woman of the Nether Clan and the man covered with a layer of fine black scales.

The next moment.

Yun Hao stepped on the secret immortal art of the Xing character and killed the woman of the Nether Clan!

This woman is only the fourth level of cultivation in the Immortal Emperor Realm!

But the Nether Clan can control the undead!

Yun Hao also wants to use this woman to try the invisible sword again!

He performed the Escape Sword Technique.

But the feeling just now disappeared, and he could no longer catch the trace of the escaping sword!

He could only use the tangible forty-nine swords of the escaping sword technique!

Yun Hao realized that it seemed that the invisible sword could not be used whenever he wanted.

Just now, just because his understanding of the tangible forty-nine swords had reached an extremely proficient level, he accidentally opened the door to the invisible sword.

Now, that door has been closed!

But Yun Hao was not disappointed.

Since it has been used once.

There will definitely be a second time in the future! The third time!

One day, I can use the incredible invisible sword at will!

This woman from the Nether Clan, who is at the fourth level of the Immortal Emperor Realm, was really scared just now.

If Yun Hao had given her that sword.

There is no doubt that she would have only one way to go, and that is death.

But Yun Hao's rounds of sword techniques slashed down, and she not only did not feel tired, but even dealt with it with ease.

Finally relieved.

"It seems that the sword just now is not your normal state. You can't use that kind of moves whenever you want!"

The woman of the Hades shouted, and then, she formed a seal with her hands and offered a hairpin that exuded a cold breath.

But at this moment.

The hairpin suddenly shook violently.

It was the power of Yun Hao's secret immortal technique of the word "bing" that permeated and interfered with the woman's use of immortal weapons!



Yun Hao slashed with a sword!

The vast and brilliant sword light, like a galaxy hanging tens of thousands of feet, fell from the sky!

The first sword of the Nine Swords of Asking Immortals!

The woman of the Hades Immortal Emperor Realm, the fourth level, suddenly felt her immortal heart shaken violently, and her spiritual will seemed to be torn apart by the invisible edge!

Yun Hao's sword was so powerful that it split the woman's body in half and exploded!

Before she died, the woman realized how ignorant she was just now!

Just now.

Yun Hao just wanted to try again to see if he could use the invisible sword again, so he gave the woman of the Hades an illusion!

Since he couldn't catch the mysterious truth of the invisible sword for the time being, Yun Hao would naturally not waste time and use the first sword of the Nine Swords of the Immortal to solve the battle neatly!

It was only the fourth level of the Immortal Emperor Realm.

Even though her bloodline was strong and her background was deep, Yun Hao really didn't take it seriously!

As soon as the woman died.

Immediately, Yun Hao played the stone flute again and regained control of all the undead.

Then, the army of undead rushed madly to the man with the seventh level of the Immortal Emperor Realm and his body covered with fine black scales!

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