God Hongtian

Chapter 2630 Terrible Creatures!

Yunhao took Gouzi and Yaya through this mysterious place.

To be on the safe side, he once again used the stone flute to summon a group of undead to stay by his side.

Although the undead are only low-level forces in the Exiled Land, once the number of undead increases, they can also bring extremely powerful damage.

Half a day later.

The dog suddenly jumped up excitedly.

"Master, I have feelings!"

"This way!"

The dog shouted excitedly, and immediately ran wildly, carrying Yun Hao and Yaya on his back, and rushed in the direction of the call it sensed.

Even the large group of undead at the rear couldn't keep up...

But only a moment later.

The dog's feeling disappeared.

Gouzi stopped and said in a tone full of disappointment: "I can't sense it anymore."

Yun Hao frowned slightly.

This kind of induction is most likely coming from one location.

Under normal circumstances, even if you can't feel it, if you follow this direction, you will get closer and closer to the location where the call came from.

But in a place like this, everything is abnormal, the sense of direction is wrong, there is no guidance, there is no way to follow one direction, and it will drift away unknowingly, and the direction will be messed up.

Yun Hao had already felt this. They went in circles several times and unknowingly returned to the area they had passed before.

at this time.


A bright fairy light appeared above Yun Hao and the others out of thin air. Like a violent sun, it fell hard downwards. The surrounding world seemed to be distorted, with terrifying pressure and ferocious force. The incomparable impact was on Yunhao, Gouzi, and Yaya.

Gouzi's power exploded instantly.

Yunhao took Yaya away from Gouzi's back.

His power protects Yaya.

And the dog rushed towards the sky!

Facing the falling, violent fairy light like the sun, hit directly!

The fairy light explodes!

The deafening roar echoed between heaven and earth.

The raging storm waves surged one after another.

Gouzi swooped down and returned to Yunhao and Yaya's side.

"Tsk, Osamu, now I really believe you. This undead skeleton is really not simple. Even if it is not transformed from a primitive creature, it still has great significance!"

A man said with a sneer. He waved his palm, and suddenly, another ball of violent fairy light, like the bright sun just now, condensed in the air.

Immediately afterwards, a woman also appeared. She stared at Gouzi and said, "It's really interesting. I didn't expect that I would encounter such a special thing in this trial. I just didn't know that perfect stone sword. Is it true? ”

Mu Xun, whose wrist was cut off by Yun Hao and took away the wooden long bow, also flew over. The three of them formed a triangular position and surrounded Yun Hao, Gouzi, and Yaya.

Mulan is at the fifth level of the Immortal Emperor Realm.

The woman is at the sixth level of Immortal Emperor Realm.

The other man was at the eighth level of the Immortal Emperor Realm.

These three guys were all born in the shocking situation in the Exiled Land. They are the descendants of the Immortal Emperors. Their aura far exceeds any opponents of the same realm that Yun Hao has come into contact with in the outside world.

Based on Yun Hao's own strength, the sword puppet is currently useless. If he fights alone, it will be very difficult to deal with a mulberry tree.

Mu Xun's eyes were staring straight at Yun Hao, and he shouted: "Ignorant guy, you think that you will be fine if you take away my immortal bow? How can you covet my immortal bow? Not only do you use No, even if you hide the Immortal Bow, I can always sense the location of the Immortal Bow. It can be said that it is precisely because of your ignorant greed that I found you so quickly! "

"Hand over my fairy bow!"

"Hand over the undead skeleton and the flawless stone sword, and explain everything about the stone sword and the undead skeleton, and I can give you a good time!"

"Otherwise, it will be useless for you to regret it when the time comes!"

Cortex barked loudly.

The three of them reached an agreement.

Although, he could only get back the immortal bow made from the torso of the Kuimu Clan's Immortal Emperor.

However, even if the undead skeleton and the stone sword fell into the hands of the man and the woman, it would be useful if he could figure out the secrets.

Therefore, he said harsh words and wanted to use his power to oppress Yun Hao.

But the most powerful man at the eighth level of the Immortal Emperor Realm was too lazy to talk nonsense. Not only did he want to catch the undead skeleton and get the stone sword, he also didn't want Mulan to know these secrets.

Therefore, the man sneered, his hands suddenly formed seals, and the balls of violent fairy light condensed in the sky suddenly fell down.

Gouzi's bones all spread out and turned into "sword bones". He used his crazy sword skills and slashed away against the violent fairy light. The battle broke out, and Gouzi's "sword bones" shattered these pieces. Immortal light.

Several of the 'sword bones' seemed to have been blown away by the storm and fell next to Yun Hao.

The remaining 'sword bones' re-condensed and turned into Gouzi's skeleton form, and pounced directly on the man who was at the eighth level of the Immortal Emperor Realm.

Dog paw slap!

The man obviously underestimated the dog's fighting power, and he was knocked backwards by the dog's claws.

"Woof woof woof!"

"Little scumbag!"

"The dog will bite you to death!"

The dog roared excitedly and continued to kill.

And the skin on the man's body suddenly tore apart, and tentacles grew rapidly from his body, reaching a length of ten thousand feet!

In the blink of an eye, the man transformed into an extremely huge giant. Moreover, each tentacle also carried incomplete stone tools and immortal weapons, and beat the dog crazily.

"Junior sister, go suppress those two guys!"

The woman who was at the sixth level of the Immortal Emperor Realm snorted coldly, and her body turned into a ferocious-looking spider. The spider legs were thousands of feet long and extremely sharp!

Whether it is the giant chapter or this spider, its bloodline ability is extremely powerful. This is a creature that Yun Hao has never seen recorded in any classics. It is obviously the most powerful species in a certain fairy world era in the past, their ancestors Among them, there must be a supreme being who has been promoted to the Immortal Emperor level.

The ferocious spider that the woman transformed into opened its mouth and sprayed out, but a spider web was thrown out and fell towards Yun Hao and Yaya.

The intertwined spider threads were actually filled with wisps of pale aura.

Yun Hao's expression condensed, and the next moment, the stone sword appeared in his hand, and the blade of the sword flew towards the falling spider web, tearing it apart.


"This is real!"

"He indeed has a flawless and perfect stone sword!"

"Brother, if you capture the undead skeleton, I will definitely seize the stone sword!"

The thousand-foot-long spider legs that were as sharp as spears moved crazily and rushed towards Yun Hao.

Yunhao immediately took Yaya with him, used the secret magic of writing to distance himself, and fled towards the distance.


"wishful thinking!"

The ferocious giant spider roared violently.

But at this moment.


In the direction where Yun Hao fled, a large number of undead souls rushed towards him!

It was the army of undead that Gouzi had left behind just now, and it finally came over!

In the blink of an eye, Yun Hao and Yaya rushed into the undead army.

The melodious sound of the flute sounded.

The undead army directly overwhelmed the terrifying spider that the woman had transformed into.

At this point, the Kuimu Clan's Acanthus was extremely excited.

The opportunity has come!

He didn't dare to think about the skeletal undead, but now, it was very possible for him to not only get back the stolen fairy bow, but also get the perfect stone sword.

As for the agreement with these two guys...

The fungus doesn't want to comply!

Once you get it, the worst possible outcome is to quit this trial immediately!

The cost of withdrawing from the trial is insignificant compared to getting back the immortal bow and stone sword!

The next moment.

Countless roots grew from the legs of the tree. The dense roots penetrated into the ground and spread silently to Yunhao not far away!

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