God Hongtian

Chapter 2629 The power of the dog!

Yun Hao took the wooden longbow in his hand.

The moment he took it in his hand, he felt a special energy surge, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"This... is actually the breath of the immortal emperor who has achieved enlightenment!"

He had come into contact with Tongtian Immortal Emperor of Yuheng Star Domain, Li Ji Immortal Emperor, the Palace Master of Yuheng Star Palace, the Immortal Emperor-level Palace Master of the Seven Killings Immortal Palace of Gene Civilization, Feiyang Immortal Emperor, the Sect Master of Zhuxian Sect, the mysterious Immortal Emperor of the world inside the Soul Transmutation Pool...

And Ye Chen, the Immortal Emperor who controls the years.

As for Lu Yi, he never had direct contact with him after he came to the Immortal Realm, but he had indirect contact with him many times.

Yun Hao was quite familiar with the breath of the Immortal Emperor. He felt that his judgment would not be wrong in nine out of ten cases. The energy flowing in this wooden longbow in his hand was of the Immortal Emperor level!

"Is it a super immortal weapon made with the body of the Immortal Emperor?"

Yun Hao then looked at the palm again.

This is the hand of the guy who used this wooden longbow. The hand that was cut off by him is still firmly grasping the bow, but it has also turned into a wooden form.

"That guy is not a human. His bloodline is obviously this special wood-attributed creature. The longbow he used was made from the torso of a powerful person of the Dao level in his tribe. The Immortal Emperor used it as a weapon. It was really a big deal!"

"At that time, I used the stone sword of Senior Dugu Jianmo, and used the secret immortal art of the word "soldier" to perform the palm weapon technique, so that I could cut a small gap in the bow of this wooden longbow."

"If it were replaced with other weapons, I'm afraid it would not cause any damage to this longbow at all."

"It can also be seen from this how powerful this flawless stone sword is. It can even destroy the super immortal weapon made from the torso of the Immortal Emperor, and this is just a little power of the stone sword that I have initially excavated!"

Thinking of this, Yun Hao's power suddenly shook, tearing the palm that had turned into wood into pieces.

His pseudo-primordial immortal power slowly surged into the wooden longbow, and then tried to pull the bowstring.

But the bowstring did not move at all.

No matter how hard Yun Hao exerted, he could not pull the bowstring open.

It was different from stone tools!

As long as his right hand, which sealed the pale hand, touched the stone tool, even if it was a perfect stone tool without any flaws, it would be forcibly controlled by the pale hand, but this longbow made of the trunk of a wood-attributed creature, the pale hand could not pull the bowstring.

Then, Yun Hao used the secret immortal art of the word "bing" with all his strength.

The bowstring was pulled open!

But Yun Hao always felt something was wrong.

It was too forced!

It was impossible to exert the power of this longbow.

The secret immortal art of the word "bing" could be controlled and used, but it was limited by Yun Hao's own strength, resulting in that even if the bowstring was pulled open, it was still just a flower stand and had no practical significance.

"It seems that this is a super immortal weapon that can only be used by creatures of the same bloodline!" Yun Hao showed a trace of regret. "Master, I think I can do it!" At this time, the dog muttered, and the next moment, a bone fell off, and the shape of the bone changed in the air, forming an arrow! Like a fairy jade, the crystal clear bone arrow floated in front of Yun Hao. "Master, give it a try!" Yun Hao hummed, then grabbed the dog's bone arrow and put it on the wooden longbow. Suddenly. The energy surging in this wooden longbow trembled violently, and then Yun Hao easily pulled the bowstring! The bow opened, like a full moon! As Yun Hao's fingers holding the bowstring suddenly loosened. In an instant, the arrow transformed from the dog's bones suddenly shot out, bursting out with terrible power, and the mountains and the ground were shattered and annihilated wherever they passed! "Swoosh!"

Then, the bone arrow flew back again, turned into the dog's bones, and spliced ​​back into the dog's body, but it had lost its crystal luster, and it was obvious that the power contained in it had been consumed.

But it didn't matter.

The dog's energy, consumed, can be restored.

"It really works!"

Ya Ya clapped her hands and shouted excitedly: "Gou Zi, you are so awesome!"

Gou Zi smiled: "Sister Ya Ya, don't praise me like this, I'm just a little bit awesome."

Yun Hao's eyes flickered.

This time, the longbow that even the pale hand couldn't use was actually triggered by the energy in the dog's bones. It seems that the guess of Cang Wu Xian Zun can basically be confirmed as a fact.

Gou Zi is a primitive creature in the exile land, and primitive creatures have mysterious abilities!

Yun Hao put away the wooden longbow with the Immortal Emperor as the torso, and he fell into thought.

Where is Ling Feiyu?

Cang Wu Xian Zun only gave the clue to Feng Jing and Huang Qin.

But at that time, the incident happened suddenly. They were fighting with the monks of the Black Phoenix camp. A group of dangerous guys appeared. Yun Hao had to leave. If he stayed there, the consequences would be unpredictable.

The man with the wood attribute bloodline had a super immortal weapon made of the immortal emperor's torso. The guys who appeared with him must have all kinds of special and powerful immortal treasures in their hands!

Yun Hao couldn't go back now. If he went back, there was a high probability that he would directly crash into the encirclement of those guys.

Moreover, even if they go back, it is impossible to find Fengjing and Huangqin at their original location. The two of them are strong and should not die. In all likelihood, they have disappeared. They must either evacuate this mysterious and unknown place or Just continue to find Ling Feiyu to meet up.

Yunhao's thoughts were a little confused.

Yaya muttered: "Uncle Yun, what are the origins of those guys? In this place of exile, I thought that apart from the undead, there were only a group of normal Phoenix clan and those black phoenixes..."

Yun Hao came back to his senses, with an extremely complicated expression on his face, and said: "They should be the descendants of batches of Immortal Emperors. Their survival time in the Exiled Land is much longer than that of the two Phoenix camps we have come into contact with before. It’s much longer for a clan monk!”

The place of exile is formed by pieced together the fragments of the Immortal Era.

All the Immortal Emperors who entered here never left.

Either he joined the plan that was rejected by Dugu Sword Demon.

Either they refused to join, were forced to stay, imprisoned and suppressed, or... they were directly killed.

How many immortal emperors were born in each immortal era?

How many immortal emperors have entered here?

How many immortal emperors have joined that plan here?

Yun Hao didn't know, but he knew that the number of Immortal Emperors hidden here was extremely exaggerated!

Yaya's eyes widened and she said: "Uncle Yun...the batches of Immortal Emperors you mentioned...can the Immortal Emperors be described as batches..."

Yun Hao nodded and said: "The secret of the Exiled Land is something we cannot imagine yet."

Then, he looked at Gouzi and said: "Although the call from the underworld that you sensed is intermittent and very vague, as soon as you sense it again, tell me immediately and follow the call as much as possible. Go over there and see what’s going on!”

Since I don’t know where to start to find Ling Feiyu at the moment, let’s take care of Gouzi’s affairs first!

Gouzi nodded.

Yaya: "Uncle Yun, what if those guys come to cause trouble again?"

A cold light flashed in Yun Hao's eyes!

Although, he doesn't want to have any contact with these guys anymore.

Because behind these guys is a terrifying plan that is so big that it involves every fairy world era, but if the other party really wants to pester him, he will not just escape!

There must be a counterattack!

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