God Hongtian

Chapter 2631: Shoot!

The roots of the bark penetrated into the ground and passed through the ground silently.

Suddenly, a large number of roots rushed out from the ground under Yun Hao's feet!

Mu Xun's body also disappeared from its original position and appeared in front of Yun Hao.

This is the talent of the Kuimu tribe!

Those roots were so dense that they wanted to wrap around Yun Hao and imprison him!

But the next moment.

Yun Hao's body suddenly burst into green flames!

Qinglian karma fire!

Although, Yun Hao's personal strength is still a little behind compared with this Mulan.

But the difference is not too big!

After knowing that the bloodline of Acanthus was a creature with wood attributes, Yunhao decisively used the power of Qinglian Karmic Fire!

The green lotus karma fire swept across and burned all the entangled roots into ashes in an instant!

Immediately afterwards, Yun Hao held the stone sword in his hand, using the Green Lotus Karma Fire and the Secret Immortal Technique of Listing Words. At the same time, he blessed the sword's edge and cut out a terrifying Karma Fire Sword Qi, which struck at the tree.

Muxian's pupils shrank.

Yunhao's Green Lotus Karmic Fire made him smell the danger. He quickly formed seals with his hands, condensing layers of huge wooden shields in front of him.

The wooden shield was torn apart and burned!

Yun Hao's Green Lotus Karma Fire Sword Qi shattered more than a hundred layers of wooden shields cast by Acanthus before dissipating.

"Go to hell!"

Mushrooms roared angrily and was about to fight back.

But at this time, Yunhao took Yaya and distanced himself. A large number of undead surrounded Muxian and launched a brutal offensive against Muxian.

Mulan stared in the direction of Yun Hao. He used powerful spells to entangle and imprison batches of undead souls one by one. He quickly killed Yun Hao.

But this time.

In Yunhao's hand, he grabbed the immortal bow that originally belonged to Muxun, which was made from the torso of the Kuimu Clan's Immortal Emperor!

See this.

Xuanxiu sneered.

"It seems that you have exhausted all your cards. You have no other means, so you still want to use our family's treasure? Ridiculous! Stupid!"

Mulan shouted loudly, and his killing moves were very violent. He rushed through the undead army and quickly approached Yun Hao.

As for the ferocious giant spider that the woman transformed into, although its realm is stronger than that of Acanthus, Yunhao focused on it and dealt with the undead of the giant spider several times that of Acanthus. Therefore, the killing move of the giant spider is certainly not It's scary, but at this time, he is still surrounded by the undead army.

Gouzi was still fighting back and forth with the octopus that was swinging its tentacles.

Yun Hao stared at Mu Xi, the corners of his mouth raised in a cold arc, and the next moment, a crystal clear bone arrow appeared in his hand.

The moment the bone arrow hit the wooden fairy bow.

The energy in the Immortal Bow suddenly surged on its own.

Mushroom's eyes suddenly widened.

"How can it be!"

he exclaimed.

This is a treasure made from the torso of an Immortal Emperor-level expert from the Kuimu Clan!

Only the blood power of the Kuimu clan can control it.

The scene before him had a huge impact on his heart.

But he came to his senses immediately!

not good!


But this time.

Yun Hao has loosened his fingers holding the bow string.

That crystal clear bone arrow shot out, setting off a terrifying storm full of destruction!

Mulan roared, sacrificed the immortal treasure, and used all his strength to defend.

But all his defenses were in vain, meaningless, and as fragile as tissue paper in the face of the penetrating power of that bone arrow!


The bone arrow pierced Mushroom's chest.

Cortex's body was also hit backwards by this terrifying penetrating force.

A large amount of green blood spurted out from the hole in his chest!

He was still flying backwards, his body had not regained his balance, but there were a large number of undead, leaping up crazily, and pounced on the fungus.

Mushroom roared again and again, and reluctantly burst out a round of magic to repel these undead that came up!

But then, there was an explosion of heat that was so scorching that Mushroom felt like his body was going to be burned to ashes. It was Yunhao holding a stone sword and the Green Lotus Karma Fire who came to kill him with one sword!

Ask the Immortal Nine Swords! The first sword!

Under such a situation, Mu Xun's Immortal Heart was already fluctuating violently, and it was even more difficult to withstand the power of Yun Hao's sword. His Immortal Heart trembled directly, and then was struck from above by Yun Hao's stone sword surrounded by the Green Lotus Karma Fire. Chopping all the way down, the body split into two halves and exploded!

The two halves of the exploded body were burned to ashes by the Qinglian Karma Fire before they even hit the ground!

Including the immortal soul of Acanthus, it was also annihilated!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The ferocious giant spider that the woman transformed into was still fighting in the encirclement of the undead army. The spider threads bound the undead, and the sharp spider legs like spears penetrated and crushed each undead!

The death of Muxian immediately made him feel fearful.

"Senior brother, the situation has changed. This human boy can use the Kuimu clan's immortal bow!"

There was a loud shout, with a bit of panic in his tone!

But she just finished.

A sharp whistling sound had already sounded.

A bone arrow shot out!

This ferocious giant spider hurriedly raised one of its spider legs to block the bone arrow.

The spider's legs were shot directly off!

The force of the bone arrow was still powerful, and with a pop, it penetrated the body of the giant spider!

Seeing this, Yun Hao once again held a bone arrow, placed it on the immortal bow, and started shooting!

Another arrow shot out!

This arrow hit accurately and penetrated the head of the ferocious giant spider!

His remnant soul escaped!

A stone hairpin also shot out from the huge corpse!

Her remaining soul was hidden in the stone hairpin.

Although the stone hairpin is not big, it is still a complete stone tool, with only slight cracks on the surface. This stone hairpin carries the woman's fairy soul and wants to escape, but Yunhao catches up with the secret magic of walking characters.

What he never expected was that the woman's remnant soul actually made a feint. Her original intention was not to escape at all. The stone hairpin suddenly changed its direction, and the sharp end pierced Yun Hao's eyebrows!

Yun Hao looked calm and grabbed the stone hairpin with his right hand.


From inside the stone hairpin, the woman's ferocious and angry scream came out.

But Yunhao just grasped the stone hairpin with his palm!

The power contained in the stone hairpin was extinguished in an instant like a candle!

When dealing with stone tools, the pale hand has absolute control!

If this woman had changed her approach, Yun Hao might have to go through some extra trouble.

But the current situation is equivalent to throwing yourself into a trap and sending it to Yun Hao for nothing, leaving it at Yun Hao's mercy.

Immediately afterwards, the woman's remnant soul was taken out of the stone hairpin by Yun Hao, and then sealed with the secret magic of formation.

In the blink of an eye, only the guy who turned into a terrifying giant seal was left.

Several of this guy's tens of thousands of feet long tentacles have been torn to pieces by dogs.

Dogs have an advantage!

Yun Hao played the stone flute, and the remaining undead rushed over madly and besieged the guy.

Gouzi, on the other hand, retreated to Yaya and brought Yaya to Yun Hao's side.

"Clatter, crash, crash!"

Three more intact bones fell off the dog's body and turned into arrows, floating in front of Yun Hao.

"Master, shoot him!"

Gouzi shouted excitedly!

Yun Hao grabbed the three 'bone arrows' of Gouzi with one hand and placed them on the immortal bow.

He didn't want to get too entangled with these guys.

But the matter has come to this, and if he doesn't take action, these guys will linger on and keep causing trouble, causing him a lot of trouble.

Moreover, through the words of these guys just now, Yunhao also knew that Gouzi and Shijian had a very exaggerated attraction even to these guys!

Then we must not let them spread the news, otherwise, there will be endless trouble!

When it was time to take action, Yun Hao did not hesitate at all. In an instant, he opened the wooden fairy bow again, and three 'bone arrows' burst out!

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