God Hongtian

Chapter 254 Nine Dragons Shocking Formation

Han Qianshan, who had shown terrifying combat power just now, single-shotted and silently killed four Half-Step Return to One Realm experts, turned around and stood in front of Yun Hao, respectfully calling Yun Hao Master Yun.

Dongfang Xiu, Fatty, and Shi Feng were all shocked.

Who is Han Qianshan?

A super genius who is said to appear only once every five hundred years!

Now it is the top of the Qingfeng Dynasty's combat power pyramid.

Even if Dongfang Xiu and the others have no doubt that Yun Hao can surpass Han Qianshan in the future, for now, Yun Hao is still too young after all...

However, Han Qianshan called Yun Hao Master Yun... If this news spread, it would definitely shock the jaws and eyes of countless people!


Yun Hao looked at Han Qianshan, and he admired this person more and more.

Born as a scholar, he has the pride and etiquette of a scholar, but does not have the pedantry of a scholar. He has a pure will and a clear mind.

"Mr. Han, there is no need to thank me. Everything is your chance. Let's continue on our way." Yun Hao said.

Han Qianshan nodded and said: "A group of Xiaoxiao no longer dare to come again, we have to speed up."

As he spoke, Han Qianshan's Yuanling appeared, and a great roc rushed out of his body. The great roc flapped its wings, with a faint golden light glowing on the edges of its wings, and a sense of nobility and pride lingered around him.

"A Yuanling with a trace of the blood of the Golden-winged Dapeng is not bad at all." Yun Hao thought to himself.

The pure-blooded golden-winged roc is an ancient alien species, one of the former overlords of heaven and earth, and can even compete with the dragon clan.

Han Qianshan’s blood contains a trace of golden-winged roc blood.

Although the Yuanling of the Yangtze River is far behind the pure-blooded Golden-winged Dapeng, its level is still one level higher than Dongfang Xiu's black dragon Yuanling.

Yuan Ling soared into the sky, and Han Qianshan jumped up and said, "Come up."

Yun Hao stepped up on the breeze, his figure elegant and free, and landed on Dapeng Yuanling.

Fatty, Dongfang Xiu, Shi Feng, and Xiao Hei also flew up one after another.

"The roc rises with the wind in one day and soars ninety thousand miles!" Dongfang Xiu said in a generous and heroic tone, seeming to be quite emotional.

"Xiu'er, I didn't expect you to have such literary talent." Shi Feng looked surprised.

Dongfang Xiu looked profound and said, "I have many abilities, you will know them later."

"I once wrote poems when I was young and frivolous. I didn't expect that people would still remember them now." Han Qianshan's voice sounded.

Dongfang Xiu: "..."

It turned out that these two poems were actually written by young Han Qianshan... He really didn't know.

Seeing the strange looks Shi Feng and Fatty gave, Dongfang Xiu felt embarrassed...

I wanted to show off, but was slapped in the face instantly.


Han Qianshan drank lightly.

The next moment, the figure of Dapeng Yuanling swept forward in an instant.


Panic screams rang out, and Fatty and the others were so frightened that their hearts trembled.

What a speed!

The howling wind sounded like a sword in their ears, but fortunately Han Qianshan's power protected them.

Han Qianshan looked back and saw only three people and one dog, all showing signs of palpitations. Only Yun Hao looked calm.

Sit on your knees, and while breathing in and out, bursts of energy and blood glow are looming.

Han Qianshan sighed in his heart, turned around, controlled the Dapeng Yuanling with all his strength, and rushed to the imperial city as quickly as possible.


Imperial City.

The towering city wall stood in front of Yun Hao and others like a giant dragon.

The group of people stood outside the city. Fatty and Shi Feng had shocked expressions on their faces.

It's so majestic!

An unspeakable aura came over the surface, giving people a suffocating pressure.

Dongfang Xiu grew up in the imperial city, so she was used to it and didn't feel anything.

Yun Hao looked at the city wall in front of him. In his eyes, countless spiritual patterns were embedded in the city wall, forming an extremely powerful formation.

Even though the Qingfeng Dynasty was just a small country at the bottom of the heap, the capital of a country should not be underestimated.

Han Qianshan noticed that Yun Hao was staring at the city wall, so he said: "A hundred years ago, a genius formation mage appeared in the Qingfeng Dynasty, named Chu Kong, who was promoted to the top level of Xuan level at the age of thirty.

The previous emperor entrusted him with the task of building the Imperial City Formation. After a hundred years of deployment, the walls of the Imperial City, the inner city and the outer city, were all covered by the Nine Dragons Shocking Formation.

The Nine Dragons Shocking Heaven Array, ranked among the top Xuan level formations, can suppress even the powerful Dongtian warriors who have surpassed the Guiyi Realm! "

The fat man blinked: "So, that formation master Chu Kong has also been promoted to the top Xuan level?"

"No." Dongfang Xiu was the one who spoke, "He is still half a step away from being at the top of the Xuan level. The reason why this formation can be ranked at the top of the Xuan level is because

A collection of dynasty heritage.

He competed with my seventh uncle and grandpa for the position of Heavenly Master, but lost to my seventh uncle and grandpa. Since then, he has stayed at home and has not left his residence for twenty years.

By the way... Zhou Rong from the Prime Minister's Office is Chu Kong's only disciple. "

Zhou Rong was almost killed by Yun Hao in the secret realm of Fire Ruins, but luckily escaped with the teleportation magic weapon.

Yun Hao revealed his innate fire in Beihan County. Logically speaking, the news did not spread to the imperial city so quickly. It was the methods of the Prime Minister's Office that fueled the fire behind the scenes, which led to the interception and killing of people on the way.

Fortunately, Qingfeng General Hospital was prepared and allowed Han Qianshan to leave the customs. Otherwise, the journey from the county town to the imperial city would not have been so smooth.

"Enter the city." Yun Hao said calmly.

He could notice that at this moment, there were many eyes staring at him from above the city wall.

But there is nothing to fear.

They don't dare to take action at will now!

At the foot of the city wall, attacking and killing the super genius of Qingfeng Martial Academy was a naked break with Qingfeng Martial Academy and a serious challenge to the power of the dynasty!

What's more, with Han Qianshan standing next to Yun Hao, even if they take action, they are not sure of succeeding!

With Han Qianshan here, the city wall guards didn't dare to stop him and let him go without even asking routine questions.

Behind the city wall is the prosperous scene of the imperial city, with spacious streets, luxurious buildings, and a constant flow of people. The top-level Jindan realm experts in Beihan County can show off from time to time on the streets of the imperial city.

Find one or two.

Dongfang Xiu said: "This is the outer city. Ordinary people, family members of fourth-rank officials, and people coming from other places can only live in the outer city area.

Only high-ranking officials of third rank or above, nobles with titles, and some special talents of the dynasty are eligible to live in the inner city.

Because Qingfeng General Hospital has many disciples from all over the dynasty, the main hospital is built in the outer city, but it is the area closest to the inner city.

As for Cangxing General Hospital, hey, they are not qualified to settle in the Imperial City! "

No matter how strong the Cangxing Martial Academy has been in recent years, in the final analysis, the Cangxing Martial Academy is a foreign martial arts academy, and the Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy is the place where the Qingfeng Dynasty cultivates warrior talents!

The imperial city is closed to air, even Han Qianshan is no exception, so they can only walk to Qingfeng General Hospital.

Fortunately, Han Qianshan rarely showed up and not many people knew him. Otherwise, this legendary figure from the Qingfeng Dynasty would definitely cause a sensation.

After passing through the bustling streets, Yun Hao suddenly spoke, "General Manager Han, how many hubs are there in the Nine Dragons Shocking Formation in the Imperial City?"

The hub of the formation naturally refers to the core of the control formation.

Without waiting for Han Qianshan to answer, Dongfang Xiu rushed to answer: "There is only one hub, located in the palace, and only the national jade seal can completely control the power of the formation!"

Han Qianshan nodded, indicating that what Dongfang Xiu said was correct.

"Is there only one hub?" Yun Hao thought to himself, his eyes flickering. The Nine Dragons Shocking Formation he saw was not like this!

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