God Hongtian

Chapter 253 Thanks to Master Yun for pointing the way

Han Qianshan, who believed in tranquility, saw the word "quiet" mentioned by Yun Hao, but his heart could no longer be calm.

His original intention was to teach Yun Hao, a young man, as the chief instructor of Qingfeng General Hospital.

But in the blink of an eye.

This young man gave him such a big...surprise, even a shock!

In essence, Han Qianshan is more like a scholar. The word "quiet" he writes is the true meaning of his martial arts, but the true meaning of his martial arts is like a seed that fell into the fertile soil and just gave birth to tiny roots. Must.

After reading it, Yun Hao also wrote the word "quiet". This tranquility, based on the seeds of his martial arts, has sprouted, grown vigorously, and even...has grown into a towering tree!

The horror in Han Qianshan's heart could not subside for a long time.

Seeing this, Yun Hao shouted softly: "A gentleman keeps his heart!"

Although the sound was not loud, it contained Yun Hao's spiritual will, like a thunderbolt exploding in Han Qianshan's ears on a clear day.

Han Qianshan's body trembled violently and finally came to his senses.

His face looked a little pale. He took a deep breath, moved his eyes away from the word 'quiet' written by Yun Hao, and solemnly raised his hands towards Yun Hao, saying: "No reward for no merit, the weight of this word is too big." It's heavy!"

Yun Hao: "It's just reciprocity. Mr. Han gives me a gift and I give him a gift in return."

Han Qianshan: "But... my word is just a feather of a swan goose, but your word is as thick as a mountain!"

Yun Hao smiled faintly and said, "My thoughts are irrelevant."

Han Qianshan was a very pure scholar and a very pure martial artist. He felt that Yun Hao had great potential, so he showed the true essence of his martial arts to Yun Hao without reservation.

It is for this reason that Yun Hao simply helped him pave the road to a truly strong man in a smoother and more open way!

Han Qianshan stood up directly in the carriage and bowed: "There is a sequence of learning, and those who master it are teachers. Han thanked Master Yun for his teachings."

Yun Hao nodded and said, "Mr. Han, I'll go back to my carriage first."

When Yunhao left


Han Qianshan sat down again and looked at the word "quiet" written by Yun Hao in front of him.

This word seems to have the potential of violent winds and rain, and the heaven and earth will collapse.

But its core has not changed, and it is in line with the true meaning of his martial arts.

It took him seven years of seclusion to realize this word.

But Yunhao just glanced at the word "quiet" he wrote and wrote far more "quiet" than he did.

Han Qianshan was thinking about this with complicated emotions. After a long time, he finally calmed down. Then all his energy was concentrated on the word "quiet" written by Yun Hao. He gradually became immersed in it, as if he had entered a different world. .




The carriages and horses moved forward slowly on the uneven official road.

Yunhao sat alone in the carriage, meditating and adjusting his breath.

Qi and blood surged throughout the body, and the earth-attribute power contained in the female Xuan Pearl slowly spread out and merged into the world of the spleen.


Yun Hao suddenly opened his eyes, and a frightening cold light flashed from his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Hei, who was following the carriage, had all black hair standing on end, and changed into a fighting form without hesitation.

The hurricane demon wolf suddenly jumped up and rolled up a fierce storm.




A large number of densely packed giant crossbow arrows shot through the air.

The storm surged, crushing all the giant crossbow arrows.

"Shameless young man, can you only do sneak attacks? Come out if you have the guts, don't let Mr. Dog look down on you!"

Xiao Hei stood in the air while speaking words, with the storm rolling around him, which made him quite powerful.

"Uncle Dongfang is here, don't you want to die if you don't have eyesight?" Dongfang Xiu shouted, with the black dragon spirit surrounding him.

The fat man rode the flying thunder pig and shouted: "The fat masters of Liuyun are here, come if you want to die!"

Shi Feng held two big hammers and thought for a while, not knowing what to say, so he just hit them with two big hammers, making a huge explosion.

Yun Hao also walked out of the carriage.

"Brother Yun, don't worry. As long as I'm here, Dongfang Xiu, no one can hurt you!" Dongfang Xiu's tone was crazy, but his eyes betrayed him.

This guy's eyes were secretly looking at the carriage where Han Qianshan was sitting.

Even the fat man's little eyes were secretly staring at the carriage.

There is also Shi Feng, who also has his hopes in Han Qianshan!

After all, Han Qianshan is a super boss. These guys who dare to intercept and kill must have a few brushes. They know it very well. They can't do it. They can only rely on Han Qianshan to shoot the guys who come to intercept and assassinate. Stab to death!

At this time.

A loud laugh broke out.

In the air, a burly man with red hair flew over.

This person raised his hand and pressed it.

The storm swirling in the sky disappeared directly!

This world seems to be covered with a layer of heavy shackles.

"Fire Valley, red-haired old ghost!" Dongfang Xiu, who was well-informed, recognized this guy and whispered: "Brother Yun, this is the great elder of Fire Valley. He is a peak golden elixir. It is said that he has already stepped into the golden elixir with one foot." Entered the Guiyi Realm!"

The old red-haired ghost laughed and said, "You're already here, why are you hiding me?

Come out together, let's take action together, and capture Yun Hao first.

If you want to hide in the dark and watch and pick up bargains, then no one can expect to get good results. Han Qianshan's spear is not a vegetarian! "

As soon as these words came out.

Another figure shot out.

Three of them, at first glance, were all ferocious men. Their auras were comparable to those of the red-haired old ghost, the Great Elder of Flame Valley. They were obviously strong men who were in the Half-Step Return to One Realm.

In addition to these four half-step Guiyi realms, there are more than thirty Jindan realms, as well as a large number of Yuangang realm minions!

This lineup is truly luxurious and terrifying!

Dongfang Xiu: "That aquiline nose, if I guess correctly, should be the deputy leader of the Blood Demon Hall, nicknamed the Blood Demon Flying Eagle.

The man with a crooked mouth, nicknamed the Butcher, had a notorious reputation. He had committed many major crimes, and his hands were stained with blood!

As for this ugly guy who looks neither yin nor yang, I don’t know where he comes from..."

The red-haired old ghost looked at the three people who were not much different from him in strength and said with a smile: "Three of you, our purpose is obviously the same, it is for Yun Hao's innate fire.


But before we catch Yun Hao, we can only work together to hold Han Qianshan down. As for how to distribute the innate fire after catching Yun Hao, we will discuss it separately. What do you think? "


"Then it's settled!"

"I've always heard how powerful Han Qianshan is, so I'd like to give it a try today!"

The red-haired old ghost: "Then it's such a happy decision, let's do it!"

As soon as the words fell, the four powerful men erupted one after another with their majestic vitality and terrifying roars.

"Mr. Han, help me!" Dongfang Xiu's confidence disappeared instantly and she shouted.

next moment.

A layer of light rippled from the carriage where Han Qianshan was sitting.

Light swept across.

The world with a radius of several thousand meters seemed to have fallen into complete silence!


Han Qianshan's silence could only be concentrated on his spear.

But now, Han Qianshan's silence can already affect the world within a radius of several thousand meters!

The terrifying howl, as well as the ferocious smiles of the surrounding minions, all seemed to disappear.

Yun Hao looked at the carriage where Han Qianshan was sitting, with a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

Han Qianshan's understanding is indeed extraordinary. In such a short period of time, I have benefited a lot from the word "quiet" he wrote!

Immediately afterwards.

Han Qianshan flew out of the carriage, swiped his spear, and the four spear shadows shot out at extremely fast speeds without making any movement, piercing the heads of the four half-step Guiyi realm.

Four corpses fell from the sky and hit the ground, still making no sound.

The group of minions brought by the four people were stunned.

Everyone in the Qingfeng Dynasty knew how powerful Han Qianshan was.

But this was the first time they knew that Han Qianshan was so powerful!

The next moment, a group of guys who were still grinning just now, like ants after the collapse of an ant nest, fled in panic!

Han Qianshan did not pursue him.

He stood in the air holding a spear, looking into the distance.

Half an hour passed.

Only then did Han Qianshan fall from the sky.

"Mr. Han is so powerful!"

"Mr. Han is a great teacher!"

Even Shi Feng, who was not good at flattering, couldn't help but exclaimed: "Mr. Han is so awesome!"

Han Qianshan: "These four dead people are just chess pieces here to explore the way and test my strength.

Just now, there were four true Guiyi Realm in the dark, and I recognized two of their auras.

The first one is the chief instructor of Cangxing General Academy.

The second one is the previous generation owner of Flame Valley.

I don’t know who the third one is, but his aura is very similar to that of a demon cultivator who practices the Blood Fire Demon Cult.

As for the fourth one...it's not human. "

Yun Hao: "Demon clan."

Han Qianshan discovered it, and Yun Hao also discovered it.

In other words, the forces that came to intercept today have already involved the Valley of Fire, the Blood Fire Demon Sect, the real demon clan, Cangxing General Academy, and the Blood Evil Hall!

When Yun Hao said the word demon, Han Qianshan was extremely shocked. He nodded: "Yes."

Obviously, Han Qianshan also knew about the Demon Clan, but because the Demon Clan matter was too involved, it was inconvenient for him to talk about it.

But Yunhao actually knew... He had nothing to hide.

Dongfang Xiu's lips turned white.

Unexpectedly... so many powerful forces participated, and four of the real Guiyi Realm came...

So dangerous!

"Han... Mr. Han, will those four return to the Unity Realm... still come?" Dongfang Xiu's voice was stuttering and her legs were weak.

Han Qianshan: "If it were me half an hour ago, they would definitely come again, but now I have made them afraid to come again."

Fatty: "Mr. Han, do you mean that you have become a lot stronger in the past half hour?"

Dongfang Xiu said hurriedly: "As expected of Professor Han, my life depends on Professor Han..."

Han Qianshan put away his spear, looked at Yun Hao, and bowed solemnly once again: "Thank you, Master Yun, for pointing the way. Without Master Yun's guidance, Han would have struggled to see the way forward clearly even after several more seven years."

Dongfang Xiu, Fatty, Shi Feng, and Xiao Hei all looked at Yun Hao blankly.

Countless question marks appeared in their minds.

How is this going? !

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