God Hongtian

Chapter 255: Assassination in the Imperial City, Actions from All Parties

The Nine Dragons Shocking Heaven Formation in the imperial city covers the inner city, the outer city, and the city walls.

The spiritual patterns of the formation are everywhere.

But ordinary people can't detect it at all.

Even some practitioners of formations below the Xuan level can't see any clues. Formation masters above the Xuan level can sense the existence of the spiritual patterns of the formation, but they can't see any secrets.

And Yun Hao has the world's top cognition of formations.

The city wall he saw was only a part of the surrounding imperial city.

The outer city area he walked through was also just a corner of the huge outer city.

But he was able to determine that the Nine Dragons Shocking Heaven Formation covering the imperial city definitely had more than one hub.

So, he just asked casually.

But it is obvious that Han Qianshan only knows one.

Dongfang Xiu also only knows one. Dongfang Xiu's information is likely to come from his seventh uncle, Yuan Chunqing, the owner of the contemporary Tianshi Academy.

Does the royal family know?

It's hard to say!

It is possible that this is the deployment of the royal family. They deliberately hid another major formation hub. After all, the heart of the emperor always likes to play these tricks that make people difficult to distinguish between the real and the fake.

If the royal family does not know, then the problem can only be with Chu Kong, who arranged the Nine Dragons Shocking Formation.

If it is the latter, then it is tantamount to burying a time bomb in the imperial city.

At some important and critical moments, the detonation of this time bomb will bring a huge storm to the Qingfeng Dynasty!

Yun Hao did not say this.

Before figuring out the whole story, why bother

to add some unnecessary trouble to yourself?

Yun Hao just retracted his thoughts.


An extremely excited voice sounded in the crowd on the street.

"Han... Chief Instructor Han!"

"Chief Instructor Han of Qingfeng General Hospital!"

"Come and see, this is Han Qianshan, the legendary figure of our Qingfeng Dynasty!"

In an instant, it was like a calm lake, and a huge rock fell from the sky, causing layers of waves.

The dense crowd on the street rushed over frantically.

Their expressions were extremely enthusiastic.

The name Han Qianshan was so legendary. Finally, they could see Han Qianshan in person. The excitement in their hearts was hard to describe in words.

The crowd suddenly became chaotic.

Han Qianshan was a person who didn't like the hustle and bustle.

When he was in Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy in Beihan County, he became unnatural when he was looked at with admiration by a group of people in Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy. Now this situation made him a little confused.

These are ordinary people.

You can't take out a spear and stab them one by one, right?

Looking at Han Qianshan who was drowned in the crowd, Dongfang Xiu smiled and said, "Fatty, Tiedan, I will take you to the Jiaofang Division later. I am more popular there than this!"

As for Yun Hao...

He didn't dare to take Yun Hao with him!

With Yun Hao's dragon breath nearby, he went to the Jiaofang Division. Even if he was full of ambition, he couldn't take up his gun and go into battle!

He had verified this point.

As long as he stayed near Yun Hao, even if the beauty of the young ladies in the Jiaofangsi kept appearing in his mind,

the key position was as soft as a slug.

What's more... this is the imperial city, the territory of the little princess Chu Xinyue. If he took Yun Hao to the Jiaofangsi, Dongfang Xiu had no doubt that the little princess would hang him up and beat him!

On the street, a large number of people swarmed in, all wanting to see the true face of the legendary figure Han Qianshan.

Yun Hao watched this scene calmly.

Several people who came to watch the excitement passed by Yun Hao, and suddenly, the eyes of these people were full of murderous light.

They were very close to Yun Hao.

Their movements were extremely fast.

Several people suddenly stopped their forward momentum at the same time, and their figures flashed, and there were several bright cold lights flashing, and a group of daggers that were obviously tempered with poison stabbed Yun Hao fiercely.

All this happened too suddenly.

Even Dongfang Xiu and others who were also next to Yun Hao did not react at all.

Just as those poisoned daggers were about to pierce Yun Hao, a loud roar of dragons resounded, and a huge blue dragon spirit rushed out of Yun Hao's body.

The powerful aura, like a storm compressed to the extreme, suddenly exploded.

Those poisoned daggers were then shattered into powder!

The assassins who attacked and killed flew backwards uncontrollably.

"Get out of the way!"

A loud shout rang out.

Han Qianshan, who was submerged in the crowd, exploded, and with his aura surging, he threw a group of people away. When he rushed in front of Yun Hao, he had already held the spear in his hand.

The face of this gentle scholar was extremely ugly at this time.

There are actually people who are so bold that they dare to take action in the imperial city...

"They are all dead!"

The fat man walked to the assassins who were thrown to the ground by Yun Hao's dragon spirit, checked them, and said: "They all took poison in advance."

Such a sudden change made the boiling crowd around dare not make a sound.

After all...someone is dead!

"Let's go back to the headquarters first!" Han Qianshan looked around and did not find any suspicious people, so he could only make this decision first.

When Han Qianshan took Yun Hao and others away, someone finally came back to his senses from the shock.

"What's going on? Who was that young man just now? Is he...his Jiaolong Yuanling?"

"No, it's definitely not the dragon spirit. I've seen someone use the dragon spirit before. It's not like that."

"Dragon, that is the real dragon spirit!"

"Could it be...could it be that the young man just now is the super genius Yun Hao from Qingfeng Martial Academy in Beihan County?"

"It's him, it must be him. He is the super genius Yun Hao who put down the rebellion of Murong Guang in Beihan County!"

"Oh my God, I just went to watch Mr. Han's practice and ignored Yun Hao..."

"That's not the point. The point is, as soon as Yun Hao came to the imperial city, someone assassinated him in the street. Who was so brave?"


Prime Minister's Office.

"Master, we failed."

In front of Zhou Rong, an old man with cold eyebrows bent down and said.

Zhou Rong snorted coldly: "It doesn't matter, just think of it as giving him a show of strength. I'm going to see the teacher. Hum, when my bone pattern is perfect, I want him to be humiliated that day."

Repay it ten times or a hundred times! "

A deep, dark place that never sees the light of day and exudes a damp and putrid smell.

"Demon King, Yun Hao has entered the imperial city. I arranged for a group of people to intercept him on the way, but failed. Han Qianshan shot him at will, and the world was silent. He killed four people in half a step and returned to the one realm. This man's strength has been greatly improved. "

"Hmph, Han Qianshan is nothing to be afraid of. No matter how talented he is, he can't be my opponent before he enters the cave. Just remember, try your best to kill Yun Hao!"

"Why does the Demon King care so much about Yun Hao? Does the Demon King know that Yun Hao has other secrets?"

"It's not your place to ask, don't talk too much, get out of here!"

The outer city of the imperial city, the backyard of a manor.

The enchanting and scantily clad Blood Lady, the demon witch from the Blood Fire Demon Cult, knelt in front of an old man.

In the old man's hand, he held a wine glass made of white jade, which was filled with bright red blood.

The old man took a big sip, with an expression of great enjoyment on his face.

"Master, Yun Hao, who ruined our plans in Beihan County, has come to the Imperial City.

The disciple was defeated by him last time because he was unprepared. The disciple has found out that his innate fire is Sun Yan Burning Heart Fire, and the disciple has also found a way to resist Sun Yan Burning Heart Fire.

I also ask Master to allow me to take action again. If I don’t suck Yun Hao’s blood completely, it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in my disciple’s heart! "The blood lady said through gritted teeth.

The old man stuck out his tongue, licked the blood on his lips, and said, "Go ahead, I'll give you half a month to come back with Yun Hao's head!"

Blood Lady: "Yes!"

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