God Hongtian

Chapter 189 Different methods

The peak master of Yu Weapon Peak gave Shi Feng an exclusive weapon refining room. The equipment was quite good, and it was almost as good as the treatment of core disciples.

This is already a great reward for a newcomer.

It has been less than two months since Shi Feng joined Imperial Weapon Peak. From knowing nothing about weapon refining, to now he can almost forge a middle-grade yellow-level weapon on his own. This rate of growth is worthy of this treatment!

After Yunhao looked at the various facilities in the weapon refining room, he took out the weapon refining materials exchanged yesterday from the storage ring and handed them to Shi Feng.

Shi Feng: "Brother Yun, what is this?"

Looking at the pile of weapon refining materials, including some of the more precious items, Shi Feng looked at Yun Hao with a puzzled look on his face, not knowing why.

Yun Hao: "Help me forge a batch of swords."

The process of refining weapons is more complicated than the process of refining elixirs, and requires a lot of time.

The space fragment containing the power of thunder in the Qingfeng Martial Academy was about to be opened. Yun Hao had to go in, so he planned to leave the matter of forging the flying sword to Shi Feng!

Shi Feng looked embarrassed and said: "Brother Yun, my weapon-making skills are too poor... The sword I forged is not suitable for you to use..."

Yun Hao smiled calmly and said, "Just help me forge the sword embryos. Here are the drawings and the requirements for each sword embryo. You can take a look at it first. If there is anything you don't understand, just tell me directly."

It is certainly unrealistic to expect Shi Feng's current level of weapon refining to forge a flying sword.

Therefore, Yunhao's plan was for Shi Feng to complete the first few steps of refining the weapon.

Shi Feng already has a certain understanding of the Nine Forging Golden Body Technique, so it is not difficult to create a sword embryo.

As long as the sword embryo is finished, Yun Hao will take it upon himself to integrate the flying feather stone into the sword embryo and carve the spirit pattern formation into it, and the flying sword will be completed.

This saves a lot of time.

Anyway, Shi Feng took the path of weapon refining and needed constant training.

Making and practicing hands can be said to be the best of both worlds.

Shi Feng was extremely concerned about Yun Hao's affairs and looked at the drawings and various requirements regarding the sword embryo seriously.

at this time.

"Dong dong dong!"

There was a loud knock on the door of Shi Feng's exclusive weapon refining room.

"Shi Feng, come out, senior brother is here to teach you how to refine weapons!"

"Elder brother rarely has time to give you some advice today. This is your boy's blessing!"

"Why don't you come out quickly to greet Senior Brother?"

Shi Feng's face turned a little ugly.

Yun Hao had just come to his place not long ago. Zhang Yong, the first core disciple who usually didn't even look at him, had always raised his eyes above his head and his nostrils to the sky. This was definitely not a coincidence.

"Brother Yun, he must know that you are coming and deliberately come to cause trouble. You stay here and I will go out to deal with them. Don't worry, there are rules at Yuqi Peak. There is an exclusive weapon refining room. No one dares to break into it, even if It doesn’t matter if Zhang Yong is the first core disciple of Yuqi Peak!”

Yun Hao: "Let him come in."

Shi Feng: "This..."

Yun Hao: "Even if we don't let him in, he will have people guard him outside. I can't stay in the refining room all the time."

Shi Feng thought about it and felt that this was also the case, so he immediately walked out of the weapon refining room, looked at the people outside, and said: "Senior Brother Zhang wants to give me some advice on how to refine weapons, so please come in."

Zhang Yong glanced at Shi Feng, snorted coldly, rolled up his sleeves and strode into Shi Feng's weapon refining room.

The others also wanted to go in.

Shi Feng directly blocked the door.

"Shi Feng, what do you mean?" one person asked.

Shi Feng: "Since it was Senior Brother Zhang who instructed me to refine the weapon, then Senior Brother Zhang can just go in. There is no need for irrelevant people to go in."

"Shi Feng, you are so brave. Don't forget, you are just a newcomer. Even if the Peak Master treats you differently, you still have to behave with your tail between your legs in front of us!"

Shi Feng glanced at these guys expressionlessly, then turned around, flicked his hand, and closed the door of the weapon refining room with a bang, not bothering to answer!

A group of people at the door were so angry that they gritted their teeth.

Inside the door, Zhang Yong stopped, looked at Shi Feng with a cold expression, and said, "Why, do you want to join forces with Yun Hao to deal with me?"

Shi Feng: "Senior Brother Zhang misunderstood."

Zhang Yong sneered and said: "Since I'm here, I'm not afraid of you using any means. Shi Feng, don't blame me for not reminding you to keep your position, otherwise, there will be no place for you in Yuqi Peak!"


Zhang Yong was filled with anger when he saw Yun Hao and snorted coldly: "Are you Yun Hao?"

"Why ask knowingly?" Yun Hao responded calmly.

Zhang Yong smiled and said: "You are really brave. Knowing that I want to settle a score with you, you still dare to come to Yuqi Peak. If I let you leave Yuqi Peak today, my name, Zhang Yong, will be ruined." Come and write!”

Shi Feng immediately stood in front of Yun Hao.

Zhang Yong shouted: "Shi Feng, if you dare to interfere when I take action, you will be responsible for the consequences!"

Shi Feng didn't hesitate at all and said: "It doesn't matter, Yun Hao is my friend, if you want to do it, I will accompany you to do it!"

Zhang Yong laughed angrily and said, "Okay, in that case, it doesn't matter if you two come together, I'll still beat you until you lie on the ground begging for mercy!"

"Brother Shi, I'll handle it." Yun Hao's voice sounded.

Shi Feng looked back at Yun Hao, then nodded and stepped aside.

Yun Hao faced Zhang Yong directly and said: "The quota is set by the Martial Arts Academy, but it has indeed squeezed you out of an opportunity. I can give you some compensation."

He also said this to Ouyang Chun.

But Ouyang Chun insisted on taking action, and in the end Ouyang Chun suffered a big loss.

Yun Hao said the same thing to Zhang Yong again.

Zhang Yong dismissed it and sneered: "Compensation? What can you get?"

How can you compensate me? I just want my spot! "

"How to make up for it, you will know soon." Yun Hao still spoke very calmly. When he finished speaking, Su Xin Sword suddenly came out of its sheath with a swish sound.

Thirty-six sword qi whizzed, changing dexterously, and the sword light engulfed Zhang Yong in an instant!

Layers of protective masks appeared on Zhang Yong's body!

As the fat man said before, Zhang Yong is a tortoise, and his whole body is covered with protective objects. Even if he stands on the same spot and is attacked at will by a half-step Jindan realm strongman, his defense can last for a long time.

Originally, after Zhang Yong deployed all his protective measures, he wanted to fight back immediately, but the next moment, his expression became extremely... shocked!

It's not even an exaggeration to describe it as horrified.

Because Yun Hao's sword energy could easily tear apart his protection layer by layer!

This kind of tearing is not to forcefully break through the protection, but to accurately capture some of the flaws and shortcomings of the objects he uses to protect his body, and launch a force impact on these subtle flaws and flaws, thereby making his body-protecting objects lose their effect... …

He had never told anyone about these flaws, and in his opinion, it was impossible for anyone to see them.

But now, it is what it is.

His strongest protection was useless under Yun Hao's sword energy.

A few breaths passed.

All the protection on Zhang Yong's body has lost its effect!

Yun Hao's sword energy was like hundreds of rivers flowing into the sea, and it returned to the scabbard as he sheathed the sword.

Zhang Yong stood there dumbfounded, his whole body wet with cold sweat.

Thinking of the sword energy just now, if Yun Hao had been more ruthless, his body would have turned into a sieve!

Yun Hao raised his hand and waved.

A piece of paper with diagrams and text written on it, and the ink was still wet, fell at Zhang Yong's feet.

"You are a top-level Huang-level weapon refiner. This is a top-level Yellow-level inner armor forging master.

The way it is made, the protective effect of this inner armor is comparable to any low-grade Xuan-level inner armor you know. Yun Hao said.

This is the compensation he gave Zhang Yong.

When dealing with Ouyang Chun, he could make Xiao Hei bite him mercilessly.

But for Zhang Yong, he chose another way.

After all, Shi Feng still has to stay at Yuqi Peak. Shi Feng's character is relatively straightforward and honest. If he has too much grudge with Zhang Yong, it will seriously affect Shi Feng.

What happened to Yunying before, try to avoid happening to other people again.

As for the fat man, Yunhao was not worried. The guy was very cunning and would not suffer easily.

Zhang Yong recovered from his initial shock and hurriedly picked up the inner armor forging method on the ground.

Without Yun Hao's intimidation, he would definitely not give up.

Now, I can't beat him again and again. What if the inner armor forging method given by Yun Hao is true?

This is a good thing that can be forged by a top-level Huang-level weapon refiner, and its protective power is comparable to that of low-level Xuan-level inner armor. If there is no problem, get three or five pieces and wear them...

Thinking of this, Zhang Yong was even vaguely excited!

"Yunhao, it seems that there was a misunderstanding about the quota. Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, things are clear between you and me." After saying that, he turned around and left, eager to try forging inner armor!

After Zhang Yong leaves.

Yun Hao looked at Shi Feng: "You should continue to see if there are any doubts about the forging of the sword embryo."

Shi Feng hesitated to speak.

He knew the reason why Yun Hao didn't directly teach Zhang Yong a lesson just now, and he felt deep gratitude in his heart. Then he nodded heavily and continued to look at the sword embryo map carefully.

Yun Hao helped him during the assessment and gave him the Nine Forging Golden Body Technique, and now he was thinking about him so much. He felt that all he could do was to try his best to help Yun Hao complete this batch of sword embryos!

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