God Hongtian

Chapter 188 Refining the Flying Sword

Ouyang Chun, who was being supported by someone, turned pale.

Just now, Xiao Hei's burst of power shocked his internal organs.

He is extremely scared now!

Once his pet beast Ice and Fire Giant Eagle is bitten to death, he will also suffer severe backlash.

The monks who follow the path of beast control are actually very similar to the monks who practice witchcraft. They both cultivate with their lives and are closely related to their pet beasts.

Once the pet animal dies, its own life source will be severely damaged!

"Xiao Hei, come back."

Yun Hao spoke.

There is no need to kill anyone in today's matter.

"Woof woof woof!"

Xiao Hei released his grip on the ice and fire giant eagle's head, barked twice proudly, then returned to Yun Hao's side, looked at Ou Pingchun, and said: "My master planned to reason with you, but you just didn't listen. This is all self-inflicted.

If you're still not convinced, keep going.

My master doesn't have to lift a finger, I'll use my dog ​​mouth to tell you another truth! "

Xiao Hei grinned, with the flesh and blood residue of the giant ice and fire eagle still hanging in his sharp fangs. He looked extremely fierce and terrifying. The pet beasts released by the disciples on the opposite side of the Beast Control Peak all shrank their heads.

The disciples at Yushou Peak did not dare to say anything anymore.

They can't reason with this idiot!

Ouyang Chun hurriedly put the ice and fire giant eagle with half of its head bitten off into the pet space, and shouted: "Yunhao, let's wait and see!"

After saying a harsh word, he became dejected

He ran away with the people.

A group of people all stared at the big black dog in front of Yun Hao.

"What a fierce dog!"

"Junior Brother Yun, what kind of dog are you?"

“This is the first time I’ve seen such a powerful big dog!”

Xiao Hei lay lazily at Yun Hao's feet and narrowed his eyes, not wanting to pay attention to these ignorant ordinary people.

Shi Feng came forward, thought for a while, and said: "We also had a big black dog in our village before, but that big black dog specially ate the chickens in the village and was of no use at all, and was then slaughtered and stewed. Dog meat. Brother Yun is Brother Yun, and the dogs he raises are extraordinary.”

The fat man squatted next to Xiao Hei, touched the dog's head with one hand, and said: "There is a female dog at Yushou Peak...Brother Yun, why don't you lend me this dog for a few days, and I will take it back to breed it. They are so vigorous, even if they are cross-bred, they should be able to produce good offspring!”

Xiao Hei immediately opened his eyes and stared at the fat man with a fierce look.

But the fat man was not afraid at all. He looked at Dongfang Xiu again and said, "Xiu'er, do you have the kind of medicine that can make dogs go into heat?"

Dongfang Xiu: "There is no medicine specifically for dogs, but there is a medicine that I take one pill every time before going to Hongchenlou. The effect is very good. It should be suitable for this dog."

With that said, he was about to take out the medicine from the storage ring.

Xiao Hei couldn't bear it anymore, stood up suddenly and rushed towards Dongfang Xiu.

Dongfang Xiu was so frightened that he ran away quickly, shouting as he ran: "Brother Yun, help...Brother Yun, help."

me! "

The fat man smiled like a fat man weighing five hundred pounds.

After a while.

Xiao Hei pounced on the fat man again.

The fat man also ran away screaming!

These two living treasures, plus Xiao Hei, completely dissipated the depression caused by what just happened.

After a while, everyone dispersed.

Fatty and Dongfang Xiu hid, not daring to appear in front of Yun Hao again, for fear that Xiao Hei would chase them and bite them.

Shi Feng also said goodbye to Yun Hao: "Brother Yun, I'm going back to Yuqi Peak first. I'll go back and help you find out information about Zhang Yong."

Yun Hao shook his head and said: "You don't have to focus on these trivial things. It's more important for you to practice the Nine Tempering Golden Body Technique."

He could tell that Shi Feng had actually started practicing this technique and had achieved certain results.

The process of practicing the Nine Tempering Golden Body Technique is extremely painful.

Moreover, the training resources available to Shi Feng were very limited. In such a short period of time, he had achieved results. Yunhao could imagine how much blood and sweat he had put in.

Shi Feng hummed and said: "I have practiced the Nine Forging Golden Body Technique, and my weapon refining level has also improved accordingly. Brother Yun, I seem to be... almost able to forge middle-grade yellow-level things by myself.

The Peak Master of Yu Weapon Peak already knew about this matter, so the Peak Master rewarded me with a separate refining room.

The peak master also said that if I could forge a high-grade yellow-level weapon within a year, he would make an exception and promote me to a core disciple. "

You must know that before Shi Feng joined Yu Weapon Peak, regarding weapon refining,

Completely ignorant and without any foundation!

This kind of improvement can be said to be extremely fast!

Of course, this is because the Nine Forging Golden Body Art is the strongest inheritance in the process of refining weapons, but there is also another important reason, that is, Shi Feng is very dedicated and can endure hardships!

Yun Hao: "One year... the top grade of the Huang rank is too low."

Shi Feng: "Huh?"

Yun Hao: "I believe you, within a year, you will be able to forge a low-grade Xuan-level weapon!"

Shi Feng's eyes widened, then he nodded heavily and said, "I will definitely work hard!"

Yun Hao: "Since you already have a separate weapon refining room, I will go to Yuqi Peak to find you tomorrow."

Yunhao plans to forge flying swords to prepare for the sword formation, and he needs to use the weapon refining room.

Shi Feng has a separate one over there, which is just right.

After Shi Feng left.

Yunhao went directly to the points exchange office of Qingfeng Martial Academy.

The most critical flying feather stone for forging the flying sword is already available, but some materials are still needed. These materials are not too scarce. He has seen the resource details of the points exchange office before, which can meet his needs.

Wang Wei, the core disciple of Yuzhen Peak, has been helping at the points exchange office. Seeing Yun Hao's arrival, she helped Yun Hao prepare everything he needed as quickly as possible.

Wang Wei carried a large bag of weapon refining materials and handed it to Yun Hao, saying, "Junior Brother Yun, do you want to refine weapons? If you need help, I can help you find a tutor at Yu Weapon Peak."

Yun Hao smiled faintly and said, "No need to trouble Senior Sister.

, I can just practice it myself. "

Wang Wei: "...Practice your hands?"

These materials cost almost 10,000 points!

Yun Hao actually used the items redeemed by such a large amount of points to practice...

Wang Wei didn't even know what to say.


The next day.

Yunhao went up to the Royal Weapon Peak alone and entered Shi Feng's exclusive personal refining room!

The news immediately reached the ears of Zhang Yong, the first core disciple of Yuqi Peak.

Zhang Yong snorted coldly and said: "This Yun Hao has squeezed out my quota. I haven't gone to him to settle the score yet. He is brave enough. Is he coming to my territory to show off his power?"

"Senior brother, do you want to teach him a lesson now?"

Zhang Yong: "Wait a minute, are you sure you came alone?"

"Yeah, he's the only one!"

Zhang Yong: "You didn't bring that big black dog with you, did you?"

Yun Hao's big black dog instantly suppressed Ouyang Chun's ice and fire giant eagle. This incident has spread in Qingfeng Martial Academy. Now, everyone knows how powerful the big black dog is!

"This...I don't know if he has the space to control beasts...so I can't be sure!"

Zhang Yong: "Hurry up and ask someone to go to Yujian Peak to find out where the big black dog is!"


It didn't take long.

The person who inquired about the information returned to Zhang Yong and said: "Senior Brother Zhang, we found out that the big black dog is still at Yujian Peak, chasing Dongfang Xiu and biting him!"

Zhang Yong snorted coldly and said: "Let's go and settle the score with Yun Hao!"

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