God Hongtian

Chapter 190 Joint Suppression

After Yunhao left Yuqi Peak and returned to his residence in Yujian Peak, not long after, the peak master of Yujian Peak, Qin Lan, took the initiative to see him.

Qin Lan behaves normally when there are outsiders.

When there was no one else, she always maintained awe in front of Yun Hao!

"Mr. Yun, regarding the quota, I'm sorry to have caused you some trouble."

There are some things that even Bai Changfeng, the dean of Qingfeng Martial Academy, cannot suppress, let alone the peak master of Yujian Peak.

There is so much talk that it cannot be stopped.

Therefore, they simply didn't care about it. The best way to solve this kind of problem was for Yun Hao to handle it personally.

Yun Hao nodded and said: "The trouble has been solved. Peak Master Qin, when will the fragmented space be opened?"

Qin Lan: “In three days, Mr. Yun, you can go there now.

The entrance to the fragmented space is also filled with the power of thunder. You can get used to it there first and wait for the space to open before entering. It will be of great benefit. "

Yun Hao: "No need, I'll go there in three days."

For others, they need to adapt to the aura of thunder power first to facilitate their actions after entering the space debris, but for Yun Hao, this is not necessary at all.

The cave spiritual root in his dantian has been integrated with the power of thunder, which can continuously breed thunder yuan.

The slight thunder aura that filled the entrance to the fragmented space was far less than the speed at which the Cave Heaven Spiritual Root could give birth to the Thunder Element, so there was no point in going there.

Qin Lan just gave a suggestion. She didn't dare to interfere with Yun Hao's decision, so she said: "Okay, let's wait until the fragmented space opens before going there."

Yun Hao: "By the way, I have to ask Peak Master Qin to explain the situation in that fragmented space to me in detail."

All this time, Yun Hao only knew that the power of thunder in the fragmented space could be used to assist in body tempering.

But he really didn't understand it in detail.

Others thought that if Yun Hao wanted to go in, he must already know these things.

West, so no one told him.

Including Qin Lan thinks so too.

Therefore, when he heard Yun Hao say these words, Qin Lan was stunned for a moment, and then said: "It is said that the fragmented space was when a strong man broke through and triggered a powerful thunder tribulation, which smashed the space into pieces. Countless fragments.

It took decades for the strong men of Qingfeng Martial Academy to collect part of the fragmented space.

Among them, the largest piece of fragmented space is located in the main hospital.

Some small fragmented spaces are distributed to various branches and used as training resources to enhance the strength of martial arts disciples.

In the debris space, some thunder holes will condense every one year.

The existence time of thunder holes can only last ten days, and there will be no more than ten thunder holes at most.

It is precisely for this reason that our martial arts academy only opens the fragmented space once a year, and only a maximum of ten people can enter at a time.

Over the past few decades, there have been at least two thunder holes.

Therefore, if there are not enough thunder holes, there will inevitably be a fight for those who enter, and who can grab it depends on their ability..."

Qin Lan talked about many details.

After the introduction, Qin Lan paused for a moment, and then continued: "It is said that there seems to be some changes in the largest fragmented space in the main hospital, but I don't know exactly what happened.

All I know is that the fragmented spaces in the headquarters and various branches have been sealed and will no longer be opened.

The reason why the fragmented space of our Beihan County Martial Arts Academy can still be opened must have something to do with the dean.

At first, people from the main hospital came to explore the fragmented space.

Before they explored, I discovered that the dean had quietly entered the fragmented space.

After the inspection by the people from the main hospital, no problems were found, so they allowed us at Beihan County Qingfeng Martial Academy to continue to open this fragmented space. "

Yun Hao's eyes flashed.

Bai Changfeng of Beihan County Martial Arts Academy is not as he seems on the surface.

Simple, he had known this for a long time. After all, he had felt the powerful aura of Di Fei, his close friend in his previous life, in Bai Changfeng.

Yun Hao has always wanted to figure this out, but there has been no progress yet.

"Okay, I understand, Peak Master Qin, then I will stay in seclusion for a few days to prepare for entering the fragmented space."

Qin Lan hummed and left Yunhao's residence.

After entering the training room, Yunhao took a Fierce Yang Pill, then circulated the Lei Yuan that was constantly born in the spiritual root of the cave, and combined it with the Taichu Creation Technique to temper the physical world!


Yuyin Peak.

Li Wen, the first core disciple, stood in front of his teacher Fang Cun.

Since being suppressed by Yun Hao last time, Li Wen has been depressed.

He thought of countless ways to take revenge, but he couldn't do it.

There have been no arrangements for the Shen Yong Hou Mansion recently, and he did not dare to go to the deputy dean Zhang Tai. After all, it was lucky that Li Wen was not exposed after the elder Zhou Yu's incident happened last time. He did not dare to contact the deputy dean without permission. Dean.

Fang Cun looked at Li Wen with an expression that showed he hated iron, and said: "Li Wen, this time, no matter what, you have to fight for Yuyin Peak!"

He didn't like Li Wen, but when he remembered that Yun Hao had contradicted him that day and even warned him, he wanted to slap Yun Hao to death.

Li Wen: "Jiaoxi Fang, I..."

Fang Cun snorted coldly and said: "Huang Wei from Yuzhan Peak has been with me for a while, and I have told him that he will help you deal with Yun Hao!"

As soon as these words came out, Li Wen finally breathed a sigh of relief and said: "With the help of Senior Brother Huang, there will be no problem in dealing with Yun Hao!"

Time flies, and the day comes for the opening of the fragmented space.


Occasionally, a subtle lightning arc flashed in the air.

Eight young disciples sat cross-legged.

Li Wen, the first core disciple from Yuyin Peak, was among them.

"It's almost time."

Suddenly, one of them spoke.

This person is very tall

, but very thin, skinny, with high cheekbones and sunken eye sockets.

But his body exuded a domineering pressure, and the thunderous aura permeating the area seemed to be actively moving towards his body.

As soon as he spoke, the other seven people all opened their eyes.

"Senior Brother Huang, you entered this fragmented space last year and gained a lot. You even almost understood the meaning of the Thunder Fist. This time you enter the fragmented space again, and you will definitely be able to fully understand the meaning of the Thunder Fist!"

"Under the golden elixir, it is too difficult to comprehend the power of artistic conception. Senior Brother Huang is now at the ninth level of the Yuangang Realm. If he can comprehend the power of artistic conception, then among the monks under the golden elixir realm in the entire Qingfeng Dynasty, Senior Brother Huang's battle He can at least be in the top 100!"

"The difficulty of condensing the golden elixir is as great as climbing to the sky. Understanding the power of artistic conception is equivalent to having opened the door to the golden elixir realm. Maybe, at this time next year, Senior Brother Huang will be the disciple of our generation in Beihan County. It’s my first golden elixir. Congratulations to Senior Brother Huang!”

"As expected of the number one core disciple of Yu Zhan Peak in Beihan County, Senior Brother Huang's talent is beyond our reach."

Several people opened their mouths to compliment.

This person is none other than Huang Wei, the number one core disciple of Yuzhan Peak, and the number one disciple of Qingfeng Martial Academy in Beihan County who is now recognized as the number one disciple.

Listening to everyone's compliments, Huang Wei looked proud and said: "My current achievements are certainly due to my hard work and talent, but they are also inseparable from the training of the martial arts academy.

If I can understand the meaning of Thunder Fist, I will try my best to help all junior brothers and sisters this time and get more benefits from it. "

The compliments returned.

"Senior Brother Huang has a broad mind, I admire him!"

"Senior Brother Huang is truly a role model for our generation!"

"It is our honor to get help from Senior Brother Huang!"

Amidst the compliments from everyone, Huang Wei walked towards Li Wen and said, "Junior Brother Li, I heard about what happened at your Yuyin Peak some time ago.


Yun Hao, the new core disciple of Yujian Peak, is really excessive and unruly.

We at Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy have always been united and respected our teachers.

However, Yun Hao acted recklessly, first branding the Royal Seal Peak, and even rudely speaking to the teacher Fang Cun, which messed up the atmosphere of Qingfeng Martial Academy.

Before, I was in retreat and had no time to pay attention.

Since Yun Hao will also come this time, I will give him a good beating! "

Li Wen: "Senior Brother Huang wholeheartedly thinks about the martial arts academy, which is admirable!"

Everyone also followed suit.

"Indeed, Yun Hao is too self-righteous."

"A newcomer, relying on some strength, doesn't follow the rules at all. Even Fang Jiaoxi from Yuyin Peak dares to contradict him!"

at this time.

Chu Xinyue, who had a ponytail and a delicate face with two small pear dimples on her face, flew over.

The long skirt flutters.

His agile temperament is like that of an elf.

After Chu Xinyue arrived, she blinked her big black and bright eyes and looked left and right.

The woman in the field looked at Chu Xinyue and felt quite ashamed of herself.

As for the man, except for Li Wen, who had hatred in his eyes, everyone else was filled with admiration.

Chu Xinyue joined Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy and occasionally showed up a few times. She had already conquered the hearts of countless male disciples of Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy!

With a smile on his face, Huang Wei walked towards Chu Xinyue and said, "Junior Sister Chu, long time no see."

Chu Xinyue looked at Huang Wei in surprise, and thought seriously: "Have we... met?"

Huang Wei still had a smile on his face and said: "Last time I was on the main peak, I met Junior Sister Chu. I also invited Junior Sister Chu to go to Yuzhan Peak for a walk."

Chu Xinyue: "It turns out to be Senior Brother Zhang. I remember it."

There was dead silence.

Huang Wei's face was full of embarrassment.

"Junior sister Chu, my name is Huang..."

But before Huang Wei could finish what he said, Chu Xinyue's eyes suddenly lit up and she ran to the other side, waving vigorously as she ran.

"Yunhao, here, I'm here!"

Huang Wei: "..."

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