God Hongtian

Chapter 185: Perfect Treasure Body, Flying Sword Plan

In the training room.

Yun Hao used the Taichu Creation Technique to control the powerful energy and blood to envelop the thunder power in his body.

The power of thunder is extremely strong and yang, domineering and fierce.

Tempering the body in this way, although the process is extremely painful, the effect is excellent!

On Yun Hao's body, the lightning gradually restrained, and what followed was the glow of Qi and blood spurting out from every pore.

The entire training room was illuminated with magnificent splendor.

The level of cultivation in the middle stage of the top-level treasure body increased at an extremely fast speed, and it took less than an hour to reach the level of the top-level treasure body.

It is equivalent to the eighth level of the Spirit Gathering Realm!

At this moment, Yun Hao still had some power of thunder left in his body.

Continuing to use it for body quenching will not have much effect.

Therefore, under Yun Hao's control, all the remaining thunder power in the body rushed towards the dantian.

"Absorb this ray of thunder power."

Yun Hao's will was clearly transmitted to the cave spiritual roots in his dantian.

The cave spirit root immediately transformed into a little girl, and accepted it aggrievedly and rushed into Yun Hao.

The power of thunder in Dantian.


The little girl's whole body was crackling and shaking.


I was so scared that I started crying.

Yun Hao: "..."

In desperation, he controlled the vitality of his physical body, heaven and earth, and helped the little girl transformed from the spiritual root of the cave to control this wisp of thunder power.

The little girl stopped crying and blinked. Her chubby little hands were gradually covered with a thin layer of lightning. The lightning sometimes turned into electric arcs and flashed. The little girl had a great time playing.

“You try to refine this power of thunder and integrate it into its origin.

From now on, you can control the power of thunder! "

The little girl seemed to understand, and said oh, then transformed into the appearance of the cave spirit root again, trying to integrate the power of thunder with the origin.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Dongtian Spiritual Root turned into the appearance of a little girl again.

She can already give birth to the power of thunder through herself!

The Cave Heaven Spiritual Root has the ability to control thunder, and the vitality born in the future can be called Lei Yuan.

With the help of Lei Yuan to temper his body, Yunhao's cultivation progress will definitely speed up a lot.

After taking care of this, Yun Hao walked out of the training room and took the initiative to find Lu Yi.

Today's thunder tribulation caused a lot of noise.

Lu Yi helped suppress the news, so when Yun Hao saw Lu Yi, he expressed his gratitude.

Lu Yi felt quite flattered by Yun Hao's thanks.

"Master Yun Dan, I have already said that your business is the Bao Dan Tower's business, so there is no need to be so polite."

After this thunder catastrophe, Yun Hao's status in Lu Yi's heart has once again increased a lot.

Looking at the entire Qingfeng Dynasty, there are only a handful of times in history where thunder tribulation has been achieved through alchemy!

This is a symbol of strength!

The next day.

Outside the county town.

Yun Hao, Yun Tiankuo, Xiao Hei, Lu Yi, Mu Baifeng, and Ling'er were standing on a spacious avenue.

Yuntiankuo faced everyone and said, "Okay, just send it here."

Saying that, Yuntiankuo bowed his hands to Lu Yi and Mu Baifeng: "Master Lu, Master Mu, my son Yunhao is still young after all, and he will inevitably act impulsively. I'd like to trouble you two to be patient in the future."

. "

Lu Yi cupped his hands in return and said, "Brother Yun, you can rest assured. Although Master Yun is young, he behaves like a big shot and will have a bright future."

Mu Baifeng also said: "By the time Pavilion Master Yun returns from his travels, Master Yun Dan may already be the most powerful person in the Qingfeng Dynasty."

Yun Tiankuo is going to meet Yun Hao's mother, but only Yun Hao knows about this, and he claims to the outside world that he is going on a trip.

"Uncle Yun, take care." Ling'er said, taking out some freshly prepared pastries from the storage ring, and said, "When Uncle Yun comes back, Ling'er will make more delicious pastries for you."

Yuntiankuo smiled and took the pastry from Ling'er and said, "Okay!"

Finally, Yun Tiankuo looked at Yun Hao.

He originally had a lot to say, but suddenly he didn't know how to say it.

After a moment of silence, he stretched out a palm and patted Yun Hao heavily on the shoulder: "Hao'er, you have grown up, and you will have a good time on the road ahead!"

Yun Hao nodded and glanced at Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei barked several times immediately.

"Dad, let Xiaohei

Follow along. "

Yuntiankuo rubbed Xiao Hei's head and said: "Forget it, although this dog is powerful, it is too lazy. I don't know whether it will take care of me or I will take care of it on the way."

Xiaohei: "..."

After saying that, Yuntiankuo laughed heartily and said, "Okay, don't give it away, I'm leaving!"

He turned over and rode on the spirit horse, then left.

"Lin'er, our child has grown up. I came to you as promised!"

"Hao'er, you must be well. Your mother and I will definitely come back!"

He thought silently in his mind.

Complex thoughts intertwined, and the eyes gradually turned red...

When Yun Tiankuo's figure completely disappeared from sight, Yun Hao withdrew his gaze and looked at Lu Yi, Mu Baifeng, and Ling'er.

"Master Lu, Alchemist Mu, Ling'er, it's time for me to go back to the martial arts academy."

Counting the time, the fragmented space containing the thunder attribute in the Martial Arts Academy is almost about to be opened.

Moreover, the forging of the flying sword must start from the Royal Weapon Peak of the Martial Arts Academy!

There, there is the most complete forging facility in the entire Beihan County!

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