God Hongtian

Chapter 186: Convincing people with reason

Qingfeng Wuyuan, Yujian Peak.

Yunhao's residence.

It was extremely lively at this time.

"Fat man, aren't you afraid of dying if you eat like this?" Dongfang Xiu stared at the fat man who kept eating, with curiosity on his face.

The fat man chuckled and said: "Xiu'er, don't you know that being able to eat is a blessing? Look at your small body, small arms and legs, how are you different from a girl!"

Dongfang Xiu: "..."

Shi Feng said silently: "Fat man, Xiu'er rolled her eyes at you and doesn't want to talk to you anymore."

Dongfang Xiu is a familiar type. When he learned that Fatty and Shi Feng had a good relationship with Yun Hao, he immediately established a friendship with the two...

As soon as Yun Hao came back from the county town, the three of them ran here to meet.

During this period, Liu Yan, Wang Wei, and Yunying also came, but after being teased by Dongfang Xiu and Fatty, they ran away again.

Dongfang Xiu looked at Shi Feng helplessly: "Shi Dan, your words are always so heartbreaking."

Fatty: "Stone eggs don't sound good, they're called iron eggs!"

Shi Feng thought about it seriously and said, "Then let's call him Tiedan."

Dongfang Xiu chuckled: "Tiedan, tomorrow I will take you to the most famous Hongchen Building in Kyoto, and use your iron egg to conquer those young ladies!"

Shi Feng didn't know why: "How to conquer?"

The fat man smiled wretchedly and said: "There are so many ways to learn, they are profound and profound!"

Dongfang Xiu glanced at the fat man and said, "It sounds like you know how to do it..."

The fat man glared at Dongfang Xiu and said, "Xiu'er, believe it or not, I called Chu Xinyue over!"

Dongfang Xiu: "Senior Sister Chu is not in the martial arts academy now. If you can find her, my name, Dongfang Xiu, is written upside down!"

Yun Hao: "Chu Xinyue is gone?"

Dongfang Xiu: "I don't know. My guess is that if she is still in Qingfeng Wuyuan, and Brother Yun comes back, she will definitely run over to you. If she doesn't come, it proves that she is not here."

The fat man nodded: "Xiu'er's analysis still makes sense."

Shi Feng looked at Yun Hao, thought for a moment and said, "Miss Chu is actually quite good."

"Where's Liu Yan?" Fatty asked.

Shi Feng nodded and said: "It's pretty good."

Dongfang Xiu joined in the fun: "Wang Wei is okay too."

Shi Feng hummed and said, "I think so too."

Fatty: "Tiedan, who do you think is the best?"

Seeing Shi Feng thinking seriously, Yun Hao felt a headache, coughed slightly, and said: "Okay, if nothing happens, go back to practice!"

"Wait, there's more business to do!" Dongfang Xiu looked at the fat man: "What's the name of the guy at Yushou Peak who wants to cause trouble for Brother Yun?"

Fatty: "Ouyang Chun."

Yun Hao frowned slightly: "What's going on?"

Fatty: "Brother Yun, are you going to spend some time?"

That fragmented space where the sky is about to open?

That fragmented space is only opened once a year, and only ten core disciples can enter each time. The quota has actually been decided long ago.

But this year, two quotas suddenly changed.

You and Chu Xinyue both joined temporarily, which resulted in the two people originally scheduled to lose their qualifications to enter.

One of them is Ouyang Chun from our Beast Controlling Peak. This person is the second-ranked core disciple of the Beast Controlling Peak and is at the fourth level of Yuangang Realm.

Although Ouyang Chun is not as strong as Li Wen, our Beast Controlling Peak is not focused on personal combat power, but on beast control!

Ouyang Chun is nominally the second core disciple of Yushou Peak, but in fact, he has surpassed the first core disciple of Yushou Peak.

His pet beast is a low-grade Xuan-level ice soul eagle.

A few months ago, the ice soul eagle ate something wrong and mutated. It gained the ability of fire attributes and became a giant ice and fire eagle, with the ability to change its size!

The reason why the Wu Yuan replaced him was because the thunder attribute power in the space fragment was not suitable for him.

But he was not convinced and did not dare to offend Chu Xinyue. He could only focus on you, Brother Yun.

He made harsh words a few days ago. When you come back, he must suppress you and prove to the martial arts academy that he is more qualified than you to get this opportunity!


It’s not a big problem, Ou

Ouyang Chun's ice and fire giant eagle will accidentally take a special laxative tonight, and it will cause diarrhea. By then, Ouyang Chun's ice and fire giant eagle's combat power will be greatly reduced, and all his energy will be used to serve the laxative ice and fire giant eagle. . "

As he said that, the fat man narrowed his mung bean-sized eyes and looked at Dongfang Xiu.

A proud and lewd smile appeared on both of their faces.

Dongfang Xiu immediately became serious again and said: "Tiedan, tell me about Zhang Yong, your number one core disciple of Yuqi Peak.

That guy was also squeezed out of his quota, and he also didn't dare to trouble Chu Xinyue. He also said the same cruel words as Ouyang Chun, saying that he would teach me, Brother Yun, how to behave. "

Shi Feng scratched his head and said, "Senior Brother Zhang is very crazy. His nostrils are pointed upward when he walks. I have met him several times and I have said hello to him, but he ignored me."

Fatty: "No more?"

Shi Feng thought hard and said, "By the way, although Senior Brother Zhang is tall and mighty, he talks a bit like Xiu'er."

Dongfang Xiu: "Huh?"

Shi Feng: "A bit girly."

Dongfang Xiu was about to get angry.

The fat man who was smiling from ear to ear said hurriedly: "Let me do the talking.

Zhang Yong, a third-level Yuangang Realm cultivation master, is a top-notch Huang-level weapon refiner.

It is said that this man wore several pieces of extremely protective inner armor and a bunch of protective treasures. In terms of defensive power, he was the strongest among the core disciples of Qingfeng Martial Academy.

according to

It is said that even a strong person with a half-step Golden Core Realm would have to spend half an hour to break through his defense. Although it is a bit exaggerated, this guy is indeed a tortoise.

Of course, Brother Yun, you don’t have to worry about this. If we fight for the treasure, we will never lose! "

"That's right!" Dongfang Xiu suddenly became very excited and said, "Brother Yun, I'll prepare a bunch of protective treasures and attack treasures for you!"

Fatty: "Brother Yun, I know you are very powerful, but we don't need to go head-to-head with them. It would be best if we could save some energy."

Shi Feng also nodded vigorously and said: "I will go back to Yuqi Peak to find out more information about Zhang Yong."

at this time.

Outside Yunhao's residence, a voice came in.

"Senior Brother Yun, Ouyang Chun from Yushou Peak is here, calling for formation at the foot of our Yujian Peak, asking you to get down..."

The fat man stared at Dongfang Xiu with a depressed look on his face: "It's all your fault for procrastinating. The laxatives I asked you to prepare are only ready now, and it's too late!"

Dongfang Xiu: "...That laxative is hard to find!"

But Yunhao had already opened the door and was preparing to go down the mountain.

Dongfang Xiu and three others immediately followed.

"Brother Yun, why don't you stay away for a while? I'll go back and give his ice and fire giant eagle some laxatives in the evening!" said the fat man.

Yun Hao: "No need."

Dongfang Xiu: "Brother Yun, do you have a better way to deal with it?"

Yun Hao said calmly: "Convince people with reason."

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