God Hongtian

Chapter 184: Heavenly Thunder Tempered Body

Thunderclouds rolled over the Baodan Tower. Although the area covered was not large, the movement still shocked the entire county!

Suddenly, countless people flocked to Baodan Tower like a tide.

Lu Yi directly ordered the area around the Baodan Tower to be cordoned off, and no one was allowed to enter.

"Thunder Tribulation, is this the legendary Thunder Tribulation? I've learned a lot today!"

"What kind of elixir is mature enough to cause thunder disaster?"

"I'm afraid only Master Lu knows this. Master Lu has opened a small medicine field in Baodan Tower. It is said that many rare elixirs are planted in it."


The thunderclouds in the sky were rolling like a boiling oil pan, and gradually a dull roar sounded.

The whole county seemed to be shaking.

All the people who came to see the excitement felt uncontrollably panicked in their hearts. They didn't even need Lu Yi to drive them away and took the initiative to retreat some distance away.

In the secret room.

The amethyst alchemy cauldron emitted a dense glow and shook violently.

"Hao'er, what's wrong? I feel like I'm being targeted by a mysterious force..."

Yun Tiankuo's voice came from inside the alchemy cauldron.

"Dad, you don't have to worry about anything, I'll handle it!"

"Hao'er, is there any danger? If there is any danger, don't be impulsive!"

Yun Hao: "There's no danger, it's just a minor thunder disaster."

Thunder tribulations are also divided into three, six or nine levels.

This thunder catastrophe occurred in order to reshape Yuntiankuo's foundation. It was only the lowest level of thunder catastrophe, with only one thunder.

If he hadn't practiced the Taichu Creation Art, Yun Hao wouldn't have taken it so seriously. This thunder calamity was enough to easily kill anyone in the Golden Core realm.

But I have practiced too much

As a newbie in the Creation Art, he has a strong body and can even temper his body with the help of this thunder tribulation!

The oppressive atmosphere brought by the thunder tribulation is still increasing.

Another quarter of an hour passed.

In the area covered by thunderclouds, the air seemed to be stagnant.

The rolling thunderclouds seemed to have stopped at this moment.

Immediately afterwards.


A huge explosion broke out suddenly, causing countless people's eardrums to hurt and their brains to go blank.

A hole instantly appeared in the middle of the thundercloud, as if the thundercloud had collapsed in, and a bolt of lightning as thick as a large water tank burst out from it.

The lightning was blazing and extremely dazzling, penetrating the sky and blasting into the Baodan Tower!

The secret room where Yun Hao washed his father Yun Tiankuo's muscles and marrow was turned into powder under the terrifying pressure of the thunderstorm before it was touched by this thunder.

Almost at the moment when the secret room was destroyed, Yun Hao flew up and flew above the alchemy cauldron. He did not resist or dodge, but directly faced the thunder with his physical body!

The lightning engulfed his figure.

Every muscle and bone in his body was shaking violently.

The domineering power of thunder raged crazily inside his body, like countless swords, trying to tear his body into pieces!

Yun Hao's mind was highly concentrated, and he used all his strength to run the Taichu Creation Art, making the sound of surging rivers as his powerful energy and blood flowed. He forcibly suppressed the destructive power of this thunder on the body, and then transformed it into the power of body tempering!

at the same time.

In the Shen Yong Hou Mansion, Murong Guang, who was practicing magic skills in the blood pool, suddenly lost his breath. His skin and flesh exploded all over his body, and his blood vessels burst.

Burst open!

Leng Xie, the elder of the Blood Fire Demon Cult, instantly appeared in the secret room and fished out Murong Guang who had fallen into the blood pool.

"Elder Leng Scorpion...what...what happened...my golden elixir was about to be completely repaired, but suddenly, the power in my body was completely out of control..."

Murong Guang was dying, feeling extremely sad, angry and unwilling.

Success is clearly around the corner.

But...in the blink of an eye, he suffered a backlash, and his injuries were even more serious than when he escaped from the Tomb of Life and Death!

There was also an uncontrollable surge of blood from the eyepatch that Leng Scorpion was wearing.

He looked gloomy and said: "Damn it, there is a thunder disaster coming in Beihan County. This kind of strong and powerful power has a serious restraint on us. Not to mention you, even I have been affected."

Murong Guang: "..."

What else could he say at this time?

You can only admit that you are unlucky!

He immediately passed the formation and let Murong Ming enter the secret room.

Murong Ming was confused when he saw Murong Guang's miserable condition.

Murong Guang growled: "Where did the thunder disaster in Beihan County come from?"

Murong Ming: "The thunder disaster caused by the Baodan Tower is said to be caused by the maturity of a special elixir cultivated by Lu Yi."

Murong Guang: "...Have you found the place I asked you to look for?"

Murong Ming nodded and said: "I found it. The Yinmang Mountain has a strong Yin evil spirit, which is most suitable for practicing the Blood Fire God Sect's skills. Moreover, that area is inaccessible. With our deployment, we will definitely not be found!"

Murong Guang immediately looked at Leng Xie and said: "Elder Leng Xie, Yun Hao's arrogance in the past few days may have been a test. I even doubt today's thunder tribulation."

It was not an accident, but someone did it on purpose.

It is no longer safe for us to stay in the county.

Therefore, you must move immediately!

When our magical work is successful and the messengers from the divine religion arrive from the ancient country of Daxia, then we won’t have to hide anymore! "

Leng Xie thought for a moment, nodded and said: "Then make arrangements quickly!"


Inside the Baodan Building.

Yun Tiankuo has come out of the alchemy cauldron and returned to the yard of their residence with Yun Hao.

"Hao'er, are you...really okay?"

Yun Tiankuo looked at Yun Hao extremely nervously.

At this time, Yun Hao's whole body was filled with fine arcs of electricity, making a crackling sound.

Yun Hao: "Dad, I'm fine. How do you feel?"

Yun Tiankuo still looked at Yun Hao worriedly, and then said: "I feel...I seem to be a different person. Although my realm is still the same, my combat power has at least doubled!

Before, I actually had some hidden dangers left by previous injuries. Every day, I felt as if my body was weighed down by a thousand kilograms of weight. But now, I feel more relaxed than ever before.

Moreover, my energy has become extremely strong and my thinking has become much smoother! "

Yun Hao smiled. This rebuilding of the foundation was considered a success. It was able to trigger the thunder disaster, which was actually beyond his expectation.

In terms of his current father's cultivation foundation, in the entire Qingfeng Dynasty, except for Yun Hao and Ling Feiyu, there is absolutely no one who can match him!

Even if it is placed in a larger place, it is still top-notch!

For now, this is the limit that Yun Haoneng can achieve in a place with limited resources like Qingfeng Dynasty!

"Dad, my previous achievements

Fa, there is no need to practice anymore, just replace it with this. "

After that, he took out the skills and sword skills that he had prepared and handed them to Yun Tiankuo.

Yun Tiankuo took the secret manual handed over by Yun Hao, looked at the handwriting on it, and read: "Guiyuan Heavenly Scripture, Eight Desolate Sword Techniques..."

"Dad, after you memorize the techniques and secrets, destroy them to avoid being remembered," Yun Hao said.

This is a heaven-level top-quality inheritance that he specially selected based on his father Yuntiankuo's own path!

Yuntiankuo nodded solemnly and said, "Okay, I understand."

After a series of events, no matter how curious he was, he never asked about Yun Hao's secrets again.

My own son, if he doesn’t want to talk, he won’t ask!

"Dad, I've prepared the gift for my mother." Yun Hao said, taking out another jade pendant and handing it to Yun Tiankuo.

He didn't know what kind of cultivation path his mother was suitable for, so he used his spiritual power to leave a large number of inheritances of the best heaven-level people in the jade pendant.

Moreover, he placed a forbidden seal inside the jade pendant. Unless he is related to someone by blood, no one can get the inheritance inside the jade pendant!

As for Yuntiankuo, it’s not possible yet. The reason is simple: his strength is too low...

"Your mother will be very happy when she receives your gift." Yuntian Kuo took out a piece of red cloth from the storage ring, wrapped the jade pendant and put it away.

After the explanation was clear, Yunhao immediately entered the training room.

Now, a large amount of thunder power is still raging in his body.

He must seize the time to refine it. If it takes too long, even with his physical strength, injuries will occur, and the power of thunder will be wasted!

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