God Hongtian

Chapter 165 Warning from Yun Hao

Flying in the air, Fang Cun's face turned green with anger.

He is the first instructor of Yuyin Peak.

He is also the only Jindan realm instructor among the seven peaks in Qingfeng Martial Academy in Beihan County, besides Yang Gang, the chief instructor.

As a teacher, his strength is stronger than that of the Peak Master of Yujian Peak. After all, Qin Lan's promotion to Golden Core was only a matter of a month or two.

In everyone's opinion, his future is either to succeed as the peak master of Yuyin Peak, or to be transferred to the Kyoto Main Academy.

Therefore, even the peak masters of the seven peaks were extremely polite to him, and the teachers from each peak were groveling in front of him, let alone these little disciples, who would not please him in every possible way when they saw him?

However, Yun Hao, in front of the two hundred or so disciples of Yuyin Peak, did not give him any face and wantonly provoked his authority!

Fang Cun laughed angrily and said: "You are such a junior who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth. In front of me, how can you have any room to be arrogant? If I don't let you taste a little pain, I'm afraid you will feel that Beihan County Qingfeng Martial Academy is letting you do whatever you want. This is the place where you act recklessly!”

The words fell.

The power of the golden elixir froze the heaven and the earth, and the icy cold air was like an endless ocean wave, crushing towards Yun Hao, Dongfang Xiu, and Yunying.

In an instant, Dongfang Xiu and Yunying's bodies were covered with a thick layer of ice crystals.

For Yun Hao, the aura and pressure of Fang Cun, who had just entered the Golden Core realm, was nothing to mention.

A powerful aura also burst out from his body!

Like a divine sword flying in the sky, everything in the world is his sword!

In an instant, a square inch of coercion was easily crushed!

Dongfang Xiu hurriedly shook away the remaining ice crystals on his body, and then took out a pendant from the storage ring.

"Fang Cun, this is my seventh uncle's token. If you have the guts, just give it a try!"

After saying that, he directly hung the pendant around Yunying's neck and said: "Sister, don't worry, with me and Brother Yun, no one can bully you, hum!"

Fang Cun: "..."

In my anger just now, I forgot about the background of Dongfang Xiu.

The couple at Badao Villa, who are notoriously protective, are really going to do something to Dongfang Xiu... He can't resist it!

As for Yunying...

There is a token of Heavenly Master Yuan Chunqing hanging around his neck... Yuan Heavenly Master, the pillar of the Qingfeng Dynasty, the most powerful person, he can't afford to offend him.

In the end, his eyes were only fixed on Yun Hao.

He also saw that whether it was Yun Ying or Dongfang Xiu, Yun Hao was at the core.

But before Fang Cun could say anything, Dongfang Xiu said again: "Brother Yun, my seventh uncle and grandpa still have a token with me. I'll give it to you."

As he spoke, the storage ring in his hand flashed, and a pair of large flower pants came out...

Dongfang Xiu: "...I took it wrong, I took it wrong."


Fang Cun shouted angrily and said: "Dongfang Xiu, even if there are those people behind you, it doesn't mean you can mess around in Qingfeng Martial Academy. It's none of your business now, you'd better leave!"

After that, he looked at Yunying again: "Yunying, you grew up in Yuyin Peak. Yuyin Peak treated you very well. Look at what you are doing now.

What's up? You came to Yuyin Peak with outsiders to cause trouble. Why, do you really want to leave Yuyin Peak?

Don’t blame me for not warning you. You don’t have the freedom to leave Yuyin Peak. The peak master has not agreed, and the dean has not agreed. If you dare to step out of Yuyin Peak today, you will be treated as a traitor. From now on, you He is the traitor of Yuyin Peak, and everyone in Yuyin Peak will kill him! "

Finally, he shifted his gaze to Yun Hao again, snorted coldly, and said: "It seems that Peak Master Qin really doesn't know how to educate newcomers. If that's the case, then I don't mind taking good care of you for her!"

The words fell.

The square-inch body swooped down from the air, and the terrifying icy aura exuded a biting chill!

Yun Hao's eyes also flashed with cold light.

But just when he was about to draw his sword.

A cold drink followed.

"I, a member of Yujian Peak, when did it become your turn to be a tutor to discipline me?"

Accompanying this cold shout was a dense sword energy.

The wave of sword energy was so powerful that it flew Fang Cun hundreds of meters away!

Qin Lan's figure flashed and landed in front of Yun Hao. She looked at Yun Hao with a complicated expression.

She knew about Hurricane Canyon.

She also knew about Yun Hao's initiation of trials for core disciples.

She had been away for only ten days, and the surprise that Yun Hao brought to her was really too great!

Fang Cun suffered a loss. He flew back with an angry look on his face and shouted: "Master Qin, you are quite arrogant. Don't forget, this is Yuyin Peak!"


Lan turned around, looked at Fang Cun, and said: "Of course I know this is Yuyin Peak, but you, a mere teacher, are not qualified to talk to me on an equal footing. If you are not convinced, let your peak master come out."

Fang Cun: "Qin Lan, you..."

Qin Lan's face instantly turned gloomy, and she said, "You call me by my name in front of everyone, Fang Cun, do you really think that I can't do anything to you?"

As soon as he said these words, Qin Lan unceremoniously drew his sword again, unfolding the Thirty-Six Meridian Sword Techniques, and the sword energy whizzed through, evolving into an exquisite attack!

She still has not yet learned the complete truth of the Thirty-six Meridian Sword Art. After all, she only watched Yun Hao perform it, unlike Liu Yan, who also received personal guidance from Yun Hao.

But Qin Lan has an advantage that Liu Yan does not have. She already has a certain understanding of the way of swordsmanship, so her Thirty-six Meridian Sword Techniques match her own swordsmanship.

Therefore, even though Qin Lan had just entered the golden elixir not long ago, and his cultivation level was actually a little behind, under Qin Lan's sword technique, he had no power to fight back.

More than ten rounds passed in the blink of an eye. Fang Cun, who was tired of dealing with it, revealed an obvious flaw. Qin Lan's sword energy took advantage of it and penetrated Fang Cun's shoulder with a pop!

"Jiaoxi Fang..."

"Jiaoxi Fang..."

A group of disciples from Yuyin Peak shouted nervously while staring at Qin Lan and Yun Hao with hateful eyes.


Qin Lan sheathed her sword, turned to look at Yun Hao and the others, and said, "Let's go, I want to take a look.

Who dares to stop me at Yuyin Peak! "

Yunying's expression was extremely complicated.

Yun Hao looked at Yunying and said, "Although you don't follow the path of sword cultivation, Yujian Peak is also suitable for you. Of course, I won't force you, you make your own decision."

Dongfang Xiu blinked and said: "Sister, go to Yujian Peak. I will go and tell the dean right now that I am no longer his registered disciple. I also want to go to Yujian Peak. By then, the three of us, my sister and my brother, will go to Yujian Peak every day. How wonderful it is to be together happily!”

Qin Lan was a little confused and looked at Dongfang Xiu: "Are you siblings?"

Dongfang Xiu hummed, nodded heavily, and said: "We are not related by blood, but it is better than having our own biological children!"

Qin Lan: "..."

She looked at Yunying and said, "You don't have to worry so much. Just make the decision. I'll handle the rest."

In fact, because this is Yunhao's decision, she will support it unconditionally.

Even if the core disciples change their sect, it is taboo in Qingfeng Martial Academy and it is quite troublesome. Qin Lan did not hesitate at all and expressed his stance directly!

Yunying bit her lip and said, "Okay, I'll go to Yujian Peak!"

Fang Cun shouted: "Yunying, don't regret it!"

Yun Hao looked at Fang Cun, then swept his eyes across all the disciples of Yuyin Peak, and said: "If anyone is dissatisfied and wants to cause more trouble, the fate of Li Wen and others will be an example!"

Hearing this, Fang Cun and everyone in Yuyin Peak were dumbfounded.

Even Qin Lan, the peak leader of Yujian Peak, is not as arrogant as Yun Hao. Yun Hao is blatantly warning Yuyin Peak...

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