God Hongtian

Chapter 166 The birthday banquet is coming soon, return to the city


Back at Yujian Peak, Qin Lan personally arranged for Liu Yan to take Yunying to choose a residence for core disciples.

Now that Yunying has come to Yujian Peak, all treatment will be given according to her status as a core disciple.

Even though the matter has not been decided yet and there will be many troubles in the future, Qin Lan's attitude is very clear because of Yun Hao.

After Yunying's affairs were temporarily arranged, Qin Lan looked at Yun Hao and Dongfang Xiu in the hall with a headache.

She wanted to say something to Yun Hao alone, but Dongfang Xiu was like a dog-skin plaster, always following Yun Hao.

Dongfang Xiu: "Master Qin, there is no need for you to be embarrassed. I will tell the dean myself about my coming to Yujian Peak.

There is no need to worry about where to live. You can arrange it as you like. It would be better for me to live with Brother Yun. The two brothers can have a long conversation over wine.

I have long heard that the human environment at Yujian Peak is the best in the Qingfeng Martial Academy in Beihan County. I have longed for it. I think that my father, my mother, and my seventh uncle and grandpa will all be able to join Yujian Peak. So happy for me!

The senior brothers and sisters of Yujian Peak are good-looking and have nice voices. I have some gifts. I hope Master Qin can help me give them to everyone. I am being careful and disrespectful. "

With that said, he took out a bunch of elixirs and weapons from the storage ring...

Qin Lan: "Dongfang Xiu, please go and talk to the dean first. I will personally mention this matter to the dean later. As for the outcome, it depends on the dean's decision."

Dongfang Xiu hummed and said, "Then I have to thank Peak Master Qin. Peak Master Qin, Brother Yun and I will leave first."

Qin Lan: "..."

Yun Hao: "You go first."

Dongfang Xiu looked at Yun Hao with a look of reluctance.

Today, I followed Yun Hao, silently operating his power to control the dragon spirit that had become docile, with great results.

That night, the progress of this matter suddenly reached 20%.

Today, it has reached at least 30%!

In other words, half of the progress in solving the hidden danger of the dragon Yuanling has been completed!

He wished he could stay with Yun Hao all the time, eating, sleeping and even bathing together!

Yun Hao knew what Dongfang Xiu's little plan was, so he smiled lightly and said, "When you come to Yujian Peak, I will teach you something myself."

Upon hearing this, Dongfang Xiu was stunned.

Could it be?

Brother Yun knows about the hidden dangers of his dragon soul?

With Yun Hao's promise, Dongfang Xiu was extremely excited and said: "Brother Yun, then I will go find the dean first!"

After that, he bowed to Qin Lan and said goodbye, then hurried away.

There was no one else in the hall.

Qin Lan finally didn't have to worry about anything and said: "Master Yun, does Dongfang Xiu know about your background from the Sword Sect?"

Yun Hao shook his head.

Seeing that Yun Hao didn't want to say more about this matter, Qin Lan stopped asking and said, "Master Yun, before, I suspected that many people in the Qingfeng Martial Academy in Beihan County, even the dean and Mr. Yang, were studying together. I can’t quite believe it.

But after what has happened in recent days, I think there is nothing wrong with the two of them.

Out of some considerations, I plan to reveal a little bit about Mr. Yun’s background to them.

In this way, it will be convenient for Mr. Yun to gain more resources in the martial arts academy.

Moreover, there will be fewer obstacles for Yunying to transfer from Yuyin Peak to our Yujian Peak.

If Mr. Yun feels that something is wrong, then I will find another way. "

Yun Hao: "There's nothing wrong with revealing a little bit."

He knew that Qin Lan's identity was not unimpeded in his work at Qingfeng Martial Academy, so sometimes he really needed to have some leverage to talk to him more easily.

Qin Lan was relieved when he heard Yun Hao agreed. In this case, especially Yun Ying's change to the peak system, a lot of resistance would be reduced.

"Peak Master Qin, I want to ask you something." Yun Hao said.

Qin Lan: "Just tell me. If I know, I will tell you everything I know."

"I want to know something about Dean Bai."

A few days ago, he felt the aura left behind after a force burst out from Bai Changfeng's body.

That breath was so similar to the breath of power from his life-and-death friend Di Fei in his previous life!

But Bai Changfeng has been hiding that power, so if Yun Hao wants to figure out something, he can only start from other aspects.

Qin Lan looked startled, and then said: "I also heard what my father said about Dean Bai.

It seems that Dean Bai is not from the Qingfeng Dynasty. When he was in his twenties, he came to the Qingfeng Dynasty with a seriously injured body. He was rescued by people from the Wuyuan and has been staying in the Wuyuan ever since.

Something is strange.

When Dean Bai came to Qingfeng Martial Academy, he already had the strength of the fifth level of the Golden Core Realm.

At that time, he was still very young, in his early twenties, which meant that his talent was extraordinary.

But...so many years have passed, Dean Bai

It’s still in this realm!

In addition, the Kung Fu and martial arts used by Dean Bai were all learned after coming to Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy. No one had ever seen him use his previous Kung Fu and Kung Fu.

As for the rest, I don’t know. What I’m telling you is only known to a few people of my father’s generation. "

Thoughts were spinning rapidly in Yun Hao's mind. From this point of view, the secret of Bai Changfeng seemed to be quite big.

Qin Lan: "By the way, I heard Liu Yan say that you went to participate in the core disciple trial to enter the space fragment with the power of thunder?"

Yun Hao nodded.

Qin Lan: "Only core disciples can enter that space fragment. Each time you enter, you need to pay three thousand points.

But it is not possible to enter there at any time. The space fragment is very unstable and is only opened once a year, and only ten people can enter at a time.

Calculating the time, it will be about a month before the next time I open it.

I'll go find the dean and the others later and decide your spot by the way! "

Yun Hao: "Then it'll be hard work."

A smile appeared on Qin Lan's face, and she said: "Master Yun, I tell you frankly, I wanted to drag you to Yujian Peak before because I wanted to change the current situation of Yujian Peak through you.

This is my selfishness.

Now... my strength has improved due to the deeper Thirty-six Meridian Sword Art.

Liu Yan also got a great opportunity to become a core disciple because of you.

With the joining of Yunying and Dongfang Xiu, as well as Chu Xinyue who chose Yujian Peak with you, I believe that it won't be long before Yujian Peak will suddenly rise under your influence.

Rapid progress.

I am here to express my gratitude to Mr. Yun! "

After saying that, Qin Lan bowed towards Yun Hao to express her gratitude.


Come out of the main hall.

Yunhao went straight to Yunying's residence.

Liu Yan and several female disciples were helping with the arrangements.

Seeing Yun Hao's arrival, Liu Yan wisely took the others and left first.

Yunying stood in the yard, looking at Yun Hao, looking dazed.

Thinking back to the scene when I saw Yun Hao for the first time, it seems like just yesterday.

In her opinion, the boy who seemed impulsive and reckless actually possessed calmness, strength, and unlimited potential that ordinary people could never imagine!

After a moment of silence, Yunying finally broke the silence.

"Thank you for helping me."

Yun Hao: "You and I share the same blood, and we should support each other. This is what we should do. If you have any discomfort here at Yujian Peak, remember to tell me."

Yunying nodded and said: "By the way, in a few days, it will be the old man's birthday. I will go back. I know that you have no sense of belonging to the master's family, so you don't need to go back.

As for Third Uncle, I will tell him about your time in the martial arts academy. When he finds out, he will definitely be proud of you. "

Yun Hao: "I'll go with you."

His father, Yuntiankuo, left the county town more than a month ago to prepare gifts for the old man. Counting the time, his father would definitely rush back to the county town in the next few days.

Yun Hao knew very well that the old thief Murong Guang had failed to attack him one after another. Once his father returned to the county town, he would definitely be targeted, so he had to go there in person to feel at ease!

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