God Hongtian

Chapter 164 Do you think I am air?

Li Wen's performance at this moment and his performance just now are completely two extremes.

He held the Bing Xin Han Jade, and his confidence soared!

With this thing in hand, even if he faces an opponent several levels higher than him, he is not afraid and has the confidence to win!

The disciples of Yuyin Peak once again shouted loudly to cheer for Li Wen.

Not to be outdone, Dongfang Xiu pulled out a big red banner alone, like a lonely general...

Yunying frowned and whispered: "Bing Xin Han Yu is a treasure that Fang Jiaoxi has cultivated for many years, and he keeps it with him all year round.

This object is extraordinary in nature and can condense the cold air of heaven and earth. In addition, it is contaminated with Fang Jiaoxi's power "brand". For Li Wen who practices the cold seal, it is even more powerful than a tiger! "

After hearing this, Dongfang Xiu said: "Sister, let's just wait and see. Brother Yun will definitely suppress him. There is no doubt that Brother Yun is the most classy man I have ever seen. He will never lose!"

Yunying: "..."

In the field, Li Wen was high in fighting spirit, raised his head and chest, stared at Yun Hao fiercely with a pair of eyes, and shouted: "Yun Hao, you are too arrogant, too arrogant, and too arrogant. Within three moves, I will kill you." I’ll beat you to the point of doubting your life, so draw your sword and welcome my suppression!”

Yun Hao was very calm and said: "I said, none of you are worthy of my sword."

Li Wen frowned and growled: "This is what you said!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he took a sudden step forward.

He made a seal with one hand.

In an instant, the cold air from heaven and earth gathered in his hands.

The temperature in this area dropped sharply again, as if it had turned into an ice cave.

"Condensing ice!"

Li Wen's sealed hand was suddenly pressed in the direction of Yun Hao.

A thick layer of ice instantly covered the ground

, there are also ice crystals condensing in the air, roaring and surging!

With his original strength, it is simply impossible to achieve this level.

But Bing Xin Han Jade is an extremely cold object that can gather the cold air of heaven and earth, and it has a square inch of martial arts imprint, which brings a lot of blessings to Li Wen!

The ice on the ground spread to Yun Hao's feet at an extremely fast speed.

The ice crystals in the air, like countless arrows, shot in front of Yun Hao.

Yun Hao looked calm, and with a thought, the power of fire exploded around him with a bang.

The blazing fire dissipated all the cold air in an instant!

Whether it is the ice on the ground or the ice crystals in the air, they melt directly at a speed invisible to the naked eye and turn into steaming water mist!

Li Wen's face changed slightly.

"Ninghan avalanche!"

This time, he directly formed a seal with his hands, and crazy cold air gathered in the high altitude. As Li Wen's spread hands suddenly pressed down, the cold air in the high air also set off a terrifying power.


A huge roar sounded.

It was as if a snow mountain really collapsed!

Under the snow-capped mountains is Yun Hao.

Without even looking at it, Yun Hao's sword energy surged out of his body and merged with the flames around him, turning into a flaming sword energy that was ten feet long.

The flaming sword energy was unparalleled in power, slashing towards the sky.

No matter how ferocious the snow mountain collapse was, one sword... broke it!

The cold air that collapsed from high in the sky was torn apart by Yun Hao's flaming sword energy like cloth.

At this moment, Yuyinfeng's teacher Fang Cun's expression became much more solemn, and his eyes kept flickering when he looked at Yun Hao.

Li Wen's two consecutive moves failed to achieve any results. He roared like a wild beast, and his body

The body rushed out, and a long sword of ice and snow appeared in his hand!

"Condensing Ice Soul Slash!"

Li Wen used all his strength and shouted the name of his ultimate move. At the same time, the ice and snow sword in his hand was like carrying an ice field and slashing towards Yun Hao.

Yun Hao glanced at Li Wen.

His right hand reached out like lightning, and he pinched it gently with two fingers!

Li Wen used all his strength to slash the ice and snow sword, but it was... directly clamped by Yun Hao's two fingers...!

The air and light seemed to be completely stagnant at this time.

There was an incredible look of shock on everyone's faces.

How powerful is Li Wen's Ice Soul Slash move? The people around them all felt it just now. Even if it was not directed at them, they felt uncontrollable fear in their hearts.

But... Yun Hao took such a terrifying sword with just two fingers!

Li Wen's facial muscles twitched.

His feelings were the strongest.

The ice and snow sword in his hand seemed to be suppressed by two mountains. No matter how hard he tried, he could not make the ice and snow sword move. And those two mountains... were Yun Hao's two fingers!

The two are now separated by only a sword's distance.

Li Wen looked at Yun Hao who was so close...and could no longer control the feeling...panic in his heart!

"Suppress me with three moves, can you?"

Yun Hao's calm voice sounded.

For him, this scene was completely unable to make his emotions fluctuate at all.

"Three moves have passed, you are too weak."

Yunhao spoke again.

The next moment, sharp sword energy burst out at his fingertips.




Li Wen's Ice and Snow

The long sword was filled with countless cracks in an instant, and then suddenly exploded into pieces.

Li Wen's body also lost its balance and flew backwards.

While the person was in the air, blood spurted out from his mouth and nose.

Yun Hao waved his hand and swept it in the air.

Instantly, a sea of ​​fire emerged and swept out towards Li Wen, who was flying upside down.


At this moment, Yuyin Peak's teacher Fang Cun roared angrily, and his body flashed, as if appearing out of thin air, blocking the front of the sea of ​​fire, and the power of the golden elixir exploded, annihilating the sea of ​​fire!

He glared at Yun Hao.

There was a cold arc at the corner of Yun Hao's mouth.

The next moment, Fang Cun's pupils shrank.

The Yun Hao in his sight actually... slowly disappeared under his gaze.


Fang Cun suddenly became alert, and an incredible idea came to his mind.

Yun Hao actually used his body skills in front of him to avoid his perception...

Fang Cun came back to his senses and immediately turned around to look in the direction where Li Wen flew backwards.


Li Wen's body just hit the ground.


Yun Hao's figure appeared next to Li Wen who fell to the ground almost at the same time. He raised one foot, lowered it, and directly trampled Li Wen's body into the ground!

Just now.

The moment Fang Cun exploded, Yun Hao had already captured his aura.

But he will never let it go today!

He actually didn't care too much when Li Wen targeted him. To him, Li Wen was too insignificant, just an ant.

How could the dragon soaring in the sky take the provocation of an ant in his eyes?

He took action today because of his cousin Yunying!

His sister, in Yuyin Peak

, because of his affairs, he was marginalized, made things difficult, and suppressed.

Yunying treated him with a deep brother-sister relationship.

Then it was naturally impossible for him to turn a blind eye to the unfair treatment Yunying suffered because of him.

Therefore, today, I must give away this bad breath for Yunying!

Yun Hao took back the sole of his foot that stepped on Li Wen.

Li Wen, who fell into a deep pit underground, put his two bloody palms on the edge of the pit with difficulty. He wanted to get up, but after struggling for a few times, he continued to lie in the pit powerlessly.

"Is this the first core disciple of Yuyin Peak?"

Yun Hao's voice sounded again. After saying that, he calmly walked to Dongfang Xiu and Yunying, looked at Yunying, and said: "This Yuyin Peak, it doesn't matter if you don't wait, come with me."

Yunying was one of the five core disciples before, but he was suppressed in this way, and the upper echelons of Yuyin Peak ignored him.

Yun Hao came to Yuyin Peak to help Yunying. If Yunying continued to stay at Yuyin Peak, the situation would be even more difficult.


He had already thought about it.

Take Yunying away from this smoky place!

Yunying was stunned.

She never expected that Yun Hao would say these words at this time, and she was not mentally prepared at all.

without waiting for Yunying to respond.

Yuyinfeng, who was flying in the air, taught Fang Cun and shouted sternly: "Yunhao, do you think I am air?"

Yun Hao looked over: "Yes, what can you do?"

He fought against the disciples of Yuyin Peak, but Fang Cun, as a disciple whose status was second only to the peak master, intervened and openly provided help to Li Wen.

This kind of person, let alone just a teacher, even if he is the peak master of Yuyin Peak, Yun Hao will not be polite to him!

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