God Hongtian

Chapter 160: Flying Feather Stone, the treasure of forging flying swords

Yun Hao becoming a core disciple is a great event for Yujian Peak!

Half a month ago, there were thirty-eight core disciples in the entire Qingfeng Martial Academy, and none at Yujian Peak.

And now, Yujian Peak has two core disciples, Liu Yan and Yun Hao!

Especially Yun Hao, a newcomer who has only been in the martial arts academy for a month. He was misunderstood at first, but now, he has convinced all the disciples of Yujian Peak!

But throughout Beihan County Qingfeng Martial Academy, there are still many rumors about Yun Hao becoming a core disciple.

After all, Yun Hao's first core disciple trial was a bit outrageous. At that time, even the elder Zhou Yu raised questions, thinking that there might be something wrong with the formation.

As for the second trial, it was conducted under everyone's noses, and no one could find anything wrong with it.

But the process of the third trial has never been disclosed and kept secretive.

Some people think that Yun Hao may have performed extremely poorly in the third trial. The reason why he passed is definitely because the dean considered that Yun Hao broke the record in both the first trial and the second trial, so It opened a convenient door for him!

Since Yun Hao came back.

First, Liu Yan took all the disciples of Yujian Peak to celebrate Yun Hao.

Then, Fatty from the Royal Beast Peak, Shi Feng from the Royal Weapon Peak, and Wang Wei from the Royal Formation Peak all came to Yunhao Peak one after another to congratulate Yun Hao.

this day.

The carefree Dongfang Xiu came to Yujian Peak with two maids. The maid behind him pulled a red banner that read:

Congratulations to Brother Yun, congratulations to Brother Yun, Brother Yun is mighty, Brother Yun is invincible!

Every word is

It shows the luxury and nobility, and the golden light shines.

He led his people and stood outside Yun Hao's residence, shouting: "Brother Yun, Dongfang Xiu is here to congratulate you!"

The courtyard door opens.

Yun Hao looked at Dongfang Xiu outside and was speechless for a while.

Dongfang Xiu, on the other hand, looked stunned and stunned!

Just a few days ago, he was sleeping and communicating deeply with many young ladies in his sleep. Suddenly, his body changed. The trouble that had troubled him for a long time and left the big shots behind him helpless was immediately relieved a lot.

But after that night, the uncontrolled dragon spirit in his body never showed any improvement.

But... at this moment, he saw Yun Hao, and the dragon spirit in his body had become much docile again!

Dongfang Xiu was suddenly excited!

He thought of what his seventh uncle and grandfather said back then.

If you don’t want to die, just stay at Beihan County Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy. Whether you can survive or not, the only chance is at Beihan County Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy!

Dongfang Xiu has always been confused.

Even Dean Bai Changfeng couldn't understand it.

But now, Dongfang Xiu feels that she has seized the opportunity mentioned by her seventh uncle!

The chance of survival lies with Yun Hao!

Dongfang Xiu looked at Yun Hao's eyes, and suddenly became extremely fiery, and immediately rushed towards Yun Hao: "Brother Yun, I heard that you have become a core disciple, but I am so happy. I feel for you from the bottom of my heart." I feel proud..."

Yun Hao turned sideways slightly, and Dongfang Xiu, who was rushing towards him, missed him.

Dongfang Xiu didn't feel embarrassed at all and hurriedly took out a lot of things from the storage ring.


"Brother Yun, a little thought

, this is no respect, I hope you won’t dislike it. Dongfang Xiu said grandly.

He found that the closer he was to Yunhao, the more docile the dragon spirit in his body became, as docile as a small insect, not daring to make the slightest mistake!

If he wasn't afraid that Yun Hao would be unhappy, he would have just stuck to Yun Hao!

Yun Hao was about to send Dongfang Xiu away when he suddenly stared at the gifts that Dongfang Xiu had taken out and piled up like a hill.

One of the dark red crystal stones, the size of a fist and in an irregular rhombus shape, attracted his attention.

Dongfang Xiu noticed the change in Yun Hao's eyes and said, "Brother Yun, do you like this?"

As he said that, he picked up the dark red crystal and said, "Let me think about it...my mother cut this out of a source stone before. I don't know what it is used for. I think this thing will shine. Take it out.

Use this thing as jewelry for girls, it will definitely please them! "

With that said, he handed the dark red crystal to Yun Hao.

Yun Hao took the dark red crystal and said, "I will accept this gem. Please take the other things back. I won't use them."

Holding this dark red crystal in your hand, it feels light and weightless, as if it were nothing.

This is the flying feather stone, which is necessary for forging the flying sword!

Nowadays, Yun Hao only has one flying sword, which was Youlan given to him by Qin Lan, the master of Yujian Peak.

A flying sword can already produce unexpected and astonishing effects.

For anyone who practices flying swords, refining one natal flying sword for a lifetime is enough.

But Yun Hao was different. In his previous life, he had a powerful ability to fly the sword all the way to heaven and earth.

With his attainments, he combined flying swords with formation techniques and created the way of sword formation!

Forming a formation with flying swords, the power is infinite. This is one of the foundations of his declaration of war with God in his previous life!

Yun Hao has long thought of forging a batch of flying swords to recreate the power of the sword array.

But if you want to forge a flying sword, the requirements for materials are extremely demanding.

This flying feather stone is an excellent material for forging flying swords. However, flying feather stones are quite rare. Even some strong men who are proficient in flying swords have no knowledge of this object.

Unexpectedly, a flying feather stone was discovered from Dongfang Xiu. This flying feather stone is enough to forge more than ten flying swords!

Dongfang Xiu: "Brother Yun likes this kind of stone?"

Yun Hao raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you still have one at home?"

"That's gone, but I can ask my mother to open more Source Stones, and maybe I'll have them again!"

Dongfang Xiu said again: "Brother Yun, I'll go in and sit down. How about we sit down together and chat for a while? We've never known each other before. With this rare fate, we should sing and chat over wine."

He wished he could stay by Yun Hao's side all the time. In this case, the hidden danger of the dragon Yuanling might disappear completely in a short time.

Yun Hao: "It's been inconvenient recently."

Dongfang Xiu still refused to give up: "Is it convenient tomorrow?"


Dongfang Xiu: "What about the day after tomorrow?"

Seeing that Yun Hao seemed to not want to answer, Dongfang Xiu hurriedly said: "Brother Yun, when is it convenient for you?"

Yun Hao actually saw the reason for Dongfang Xiu's attentiveness.

He had long seen that Dongfang Xiu's dragon Yuanling had fatal hidden dangers, and he had taken advantage of this last time to make Dongfang Xiu suffer.

A big loss.

But now, Dongfang Xiu stood next to him, and Yun Hao could clearly feel that the dragon spirit in this guy's body had become extremely docile.

As for the reason, Yunhao guessed that it should be the Qinglong Yuanling in his body, which exerted an absolute suppression on the Jiaolong Yuanling at the life level.

Dongfang Xiu looks carefree, but in fact he has been silently practicing his skills to control the dragon spirit.

Yun Hao: "I will find you when I have time."

Dongfang Xiu was thinking about how he could stay with Yun Hao longer, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration and said: "Brother Yun, I remembered, Yuyin Peak is holding a competition for core disciples today, how about we go and see it together? Cheers for my sister!”

"Is your sister also at Yuyin Peak?" Yun Hao asked.

Dongfang Xiu: "She is not a biological sister, but she is a biological sister. Brother Yun, your sister is also my sister!"

Yun Hao: "...Let's go to Yuyin Peak."

Because of Yun Hao, Yunying was targeted by Li Wen, the first core disciple of Yuyin Peak, and found it difficult to gain a foothold.

According to the rules of the martial arts academy, those who have just become a core disciple must complete three high-level tasks within three months.

Yunying's first high-level mission failed, largely because of Li Wen's manipulation.

Last time, Yunying went to perform a high-level mission for the second time. She had already completed it and brought back the mission item Fire Ginseng, but she insisted on giving it to Yun Hao as a gift for Yun Hao to join Qingfeng Martial Academy, which led to the second high-level mission. Mission failed again!

When he was in the county town, Yunying was also extremely protective of Yun Hao.

Although the two of them had no experience of growing up together, Yun Hao had already accepted his cousin from the bottom of his heart after getting along for a short time!

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