God Hongtian

Chapter 159 Vicious means

Bai Changfeng returned to Fenglin Village, and as soon as his mental power was swept away, he had a clear understanding of the situation here.

In a short period of time, Yun Hao had eradicated all the remaining remnants of the Blood Fire Demon Sect in this place!

Although he already knew how powerful Yun Hao was, he was still shocked by this.

He is indeed a peerless genius who can condense the divine dragon spirit!

He flashed and appeared in the area where Yun Hao was.

At this time, Yunhao had just finished treating Liu Ming and Li Fang. When he looked at Bai Changfeng who had returned, a strange light flashed in his eyes, and he felt huge waves in his heart!

He could tell at a glance that Bai Changfeng was injured, and the injury was not serious!

But this kind of injury is not caused by external force, but an excessive explosion of power from within the body, and the body is overloaded with the force.

Because a special power had just erupted, there were still many traces left on Bai Changfeng's body.

And these traces gave him an extremely familiar feeling.

In Yun Hao's mind, a thin man's figure suddenly appeared.

His face was yellow and thin, his clothes were ragged, and his whole body was dirty.

"Brother Yunxiao, do you think we can become very powerful in the future?" The thin boy had a look of admiration on his face and confusion in his tone.

The scene suddenly changed. A few years later, the little boy in ragged clothes had become powerful, handsome, and his eyes contained a deep and bright light.

"Brother Yunxiao, we have succeeded. All those who looked down on us no longer dare to look down upon us. But I know that our journey has just begun, and our future still has a long, long way to go. Let’s go together!”

time flies.

Another few decades have passed.

The young boy back then has become a

A rising star in the world of spiritual practice, possessing transcendent strength that dwarfs all the heroes in the world.

"Brother Yunxiao, I feel very confused. I find that I have been following you and have no direction of my own. So, I want to go out for a walk and find my own way. You won't blame me for leaving you, right?

do not worry.

When I find my own way, I will definitely come back immediately and accompany Brother Yunxiao to find the direction of becoming a god. We will definitely succeed! "

Then, one of the most dazzling geniuses in the spiritual world completely disappeared from the world's sight.

No one knows where he went.

This person.

It was Yun Hao's good brother Di Fei who grew up together, worked hard together, and experienced countless tests of life and death together in his previous life!

At the beginning, Difei wanted to find his own way, but once he left, there was no news for many years.

In his previous life, Yun Hao had been waiting for his good brother to return. Unfortunately, before he could wait, he started a battle with the gods of the Heavenly Palace!

Now, the residual power aura that Yun Hao felt on Bai Changfeng's body was so similar to Di Fei's power aura!

Yun Hao took a deep breath and said: "Dean Bai, the breath on your body..."

Before Yun Hao could finish speaking, Bai Changfeng said: "That remnant elder of the Blood Fire Demon Sect has a strange secret method of practicing the Demonic Blood Eye.

I accidentally fell into the world of blood sea transformed by blood pupils, which also caused the demon sect elder to escape.

However, he was seriously injured and could not run far. I will go back and mobilize the power of Qingfeng Martial Academy to cooperate with the Sheriff's Mansion to conduct a large-scale search! "

He told Yun Hao about the situation, and at the same time he felt a sense of surprise in his heart again.

Could it be...

Was Yun Hao aware of the remaining aura after he forcibly exerted the power of the Martial Palace Seal?

He doesn't want to do this

mentioned, so Yun Hao was immediately interrupted.

Yun Hao also saw that Bai Changfeng seemed unwilling to say anything more about the aura of power, so he stopped asking any more questions. However, he took this matter to heart and would definitely find an opportunity to find out more about it in the future!


One day later.

The news that Yun Hao's core disciple passed the third trial completely spread in Qingfeng Martial Academy.

But... everything about this core trial was suppressed by Bai Changfeng, and no one knew what was going on.

But some news cannot be suppressed.

For example, the elder Zhou Yu, who had been responsible for the core trials and assessments at Qingfeng Martial Academy, was imprisoned and imprisoned.

Liu Ming and Li Fang, the teachers who went to supervise Yun Hao's third trial with Zhou Yu, immediately went into seclusion to heal their injuries after returning.

Suddenly, discussions about Yun Hao's third core disciple trial appeared in every corner of Qingfeng Martial Academy.

Some shrewd and well-informed people guessed part of the truth through some rumors in Beihan County, and felt that Yun Hao's core disciple trial this time might be related to the remnants of the demon sect who had recently caused trouble in Beihan County.

But no one knows the exact truth!


The Palace of the Brave Marquis.

Murong Guang, who was in the secret room, seemed to be going crazy, roaring angrily.

On the floor of the secret room, there was a layer of corpse fragments.

The person who came to report the news just now was torn to pieces by Murong Guang.

"Trash, it's all trash!"

"To deal with Yun Hao, he failed again and again, a bunch of useless things!"

"Yunhao, just wait for me, our business is not over yet!"


at this time.

The formation in the secret room was triggered.

Murong Guang yelled: "Get out of here, I'm not

Did you say that no one can bother me without my permission? "

next moment.

The secret door of the secret room slowly opened.

A figure appeared at the door.

Murong Guang suddenly burst out with murderous intent, rushed towards the secret door, and struck out with a palm.

But before Murong Guang's attack landed on the figure, a wisp of strange blood swept out and immobilized Murong Guang!

Immediately afterwards, the figure standing at the door of the secret door walked into the secret room, raised his hand and closed the secret door of the secret room.

Murong Guang looked at the person in front of him with panic on his face.

If the opponent can easily immobilize him, he can also easily kill him!

"You...who are you?"

The visitor sneered, and the scars on his face were like a large number of centipedes crawling, and said: "Blood Fire God Cult, Cold Scorpion!"

Murong Guang's face changed dramatically: "The remnants of the Blood Fire Demon Sect dare to break into our Shen Yong Hou Mansion. You are too brave. You should know the price of angering the Shen Yong Hou Mansion!"

Leng Xie: "Of course I know that Murong Botao holds the power of 100,000 cavalry and is very majestic, but I also know very well that Murong Botao does not dare to leave the border and return.

He was afraid that if he came back, he would never be able to leave again.

I know better that you, the Murong family, have already made plans to rebel. Murong Botao is at the border, raising bandits to support himself, and even going to the enemy's country. Now he is waiting for an opportunity! "

Murong Guang's expression was uncertain and he said: "That's nonsense, stop talking nonsense here!"

Leng Xie: "Murong Guang, you don't have to deceive yourself and deny it. I'm not your enemy, we can help you!

It is not an easy task for your Murong family to overthrow the Qingfeng Dynasty.

But with the help of our Blood Fire Cult, you will be one step closer to success!

You should know very well that blood

Even if the Vulcan Cult suffered a large-scale purge, the Blood Vulcan Cult could easily make a comeback!

I might as well tell you one more news.

Behind the Blood Fire God Sect, there is the support from the forces from the ancient country of Daxia. Over there, envoys will be sent to the Qingfeng Dynasty soon to lead us and regain our strength!

As long as you cooperate with us, it will be easy for your Murong family to overthrow the Qingfeng Dynasty.

Moreover, I know that you were injured and the golden elixir was almost broken. Others cannot handle this kind of injury, but our Blood Fire God Sect can easily help you repair the golden elixir, and even allow you to repair it in a short time. Greatly increased strength! "

Murong Guang's expression was complicated.

The ancient country of Daxia mentioned by Leng Xie was a transcendent force that was superior to the Qingfeng Dynasty.

If the Blood Fire Demon Sect really has backing from the Ancient Kingdom of Great Xia, then the Murong Family will indeed gain huge benefits from cooperating with them.


Murong Guang was very concerned about what Leng Xie said about helping him recover his golden elixir and advance to a higher level!

He doesn't want to die!

If they die, even if the Murong family replaces the Qingfeng Dynasty, what's the point?

He wants to live!

Murong Guang gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, we can cooperate, but first show your sincerity and let me repair the golden elixir!"

Leng Xie gave a sinister sneer and said: "It is not difficult to repair the golden elixir. Prepare nine hundred and ninety-nine young men and women, take their blood essence and extract their souls, and your golden elixir will be intact as before!"

Hearing this, Murong Guang said without any hesitation: "I will be ready within three days, and then it will be up to you!"

What are the lives of nine hundred and ninety-nine young men and women compared to my own golden elixir?

As long as he can repair the golden elixir, he will not hesitate even if he has to kill nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine people!

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