God Hongtian

Chapter 161: Being Targeted

Yuyin Peak ranks high among the seven peaks of Qingfeng Martial Academy in Beihan County, with a total of five core disciples.

Their core disciple competition is a tradition that pits core disciples against each other to stimulate the enterprising spirit of the core disciples and drive the cultivation enthusiasm of the entire Yuyin Peak disciples.

This is not of an official nature, but is organized by the first core disciples and is conducted three times a year.

When Yun Hao and Dongfang Xiu were on their way to Yuyin Peak, Dongfang Xiu introduced some general information about the martial arts competition between Yuyin Peak's core disciples to Yun Hao.


Dongfang Xiu sighed: "My sister has a stubborn temper. I met my sister yesterday and asked her to find any reason to leave Yuyin Peak temporarily, but she insisted on staying to participate in the competition.

That guy Li Wen is very petty and insidious.

In the past, when he saw me, he was a little afraid of me, but I don't know if that little bastard has eaten the courage of a bear's heart and a leopard's courage recently, and I don't want to lose my face. "

Dongfang Xiu muttered and kept talking.

Yun Hao was too lazy to respond.

But Dongfang Xiu didn't mind at all.

Next to Yun Hao, the dragon spirit in his body is particularly honest. This is already very happy for Dongfang Xiu!


The two arrived at the foot of Yuyin Peak.

The environment is similar to that of Yujian Peak. There is a huge martial arts arena at the foot of the mountain.

At this time, more than two hundred people had gathered in the square.

The total number of disciples in Yujian Peak is only forty or fifty. The number of disciples in Yuyin Peak is several times that of Yujian Peak!

"Senior Brother Zhang is amazing!"

"As expected of Senior Brother Zhang, he beat Yunying to the point of vomiting blood within ten moves, hahaha!"

"This Yunying deserves it. Her brother Yun Hao blatantly opposed the senior brother. She didn't lead her brother to bow to the senior brother and admit his mistake. Instead, she helped her brother to fight against the senior brother!"

"Eating everything inside and out. As a core disciple of Yuyin Peak, and helping people from other peaks to get in trouble with Senior Brother Yuyin Peak, I should teach her a painful lesson!"

"Senior Brother Zhang was able to beat her to the point of vomiting blood within ten moves. If it were our senior brother who took action, wouldn't he be able to beat her to death with just one move?"

"That's for sure. Senior Brother is at the fifth level of Yuangang Realm. With Senior Brother's skills, Yunying can be defeated with just one finger, let alone one move!"

Listen to these discussions.

Yun Hao's eyes flashed with cold light.

Dongfang Xiuyi was filled with anger and shouted angrily: "Get out of my way, your Grandpa Xiu is here to watch the battle!"

As soon as these words came out, a lot of eyes suddenly turned to Dongfang Xiu and Yun Hao.

"Isn't this Yun Ying's unscrupulous brother Yun Hao?"

"Well, it's him. Haha, he actually has the guts to come to our Yuyin Peak?"

"Could it be that he thought that by being promoted to a core disciple, he would be qualified to come to our Royal Seal Peak to show off his power?"

Dongfang Xiu shouted coldly: "If you don't want to be beaten by me, just shut up. If anyone keeps nagging, don't blame me for being rude!"

He is the core disciple who is nominally under the dean's sect. Although his cultivation level is not high, his background is scary. Ordinary disciples like Yuyinfeng really don't dare to continue provoking against Dongfang Xiu's threat, so they can only keep quiet. Mouth.

Dongfang Xiu looked at Yun Hao and said: "Brother Yun, some people don't have any strength but are very mean-mouthed. They are essentially weaklings!"

Yun Hao hummed, and then walked directly forward.

There was a vacant space in the middle of the crowd.

At this time, there were five people in the field.

Three people stood on the edge, and Li Wen was one of them.

Yunying and a man were standing in the middle area. Yunying's face turned pale and blood was bleeding from the corner of her mouth. Opposite her

The man looked very proud with a sneer on his face.

When Yunying saw Yun Hao walking in, a complicated expression appeared on her face.

As Yun Hao's cousin, she had previously said that Yun Hao would take care of him after he entered Qingfeng Martial Academy.

But... after Yun Hao entered Qingfeng Martial Academy, she didn't help him in any way.

Now, Yunhao saw her in such an embarrassing state...

"Sister, stop fighting. These people are clearly bullying you. Come down quickly. I have elixirs to heal your injuries." Dongfang Xiu shouted loudly.

"Dongfang Xiu, this is Yuyin Peak, not a place for you to mess around. Don't think anyone will be afraid of you!"

A man standing next to Li Wen scolded, then looked at Yun Hao, and sneered: "Are the core disciples of Yujian Peak very majestic? Who gave you the courage to come to our Yuyin Peak? Believe it or not, I Let you walk in and crawl out!"

Dongfang Xiu directly rolled up his sleeves and said, "You can chirp at me, but you can't bark at my Brother Yun. If you don't apologize to my Brother Yun, believe it or not, Grandpa Xiu will beat you all over the floor!"

Li Wen finally spoke and shouted angrily: "Dongfang Xiu, Yun Hao, when you come to Yuyin Peak, you must abide by the rules of our Yuyin Peak. Otherwise, you will provoke the entire Yuyin Peak and bear the consequences!"

He stared at Yun Hao with a very gloomy expression.

This time, they teamed up with elder Zhou Yu to plot against Yun Hao, but they failed. Even elder Zhou Yu was in trouble. Fortunately, Zhou Yu took all the blame because of Vice Dean Zhang Tai, and Li Wencai was safe and sound. Otherwise, it would have been over a long time ago!

Yunhao felt Li Wen's murderous intention towards him and looked at Li Wen.

His gaze is like a sword, unparalleled!

Their eyes collided in the air.

Li Wen felt a sudden stinging pain in his eyes, and his brain

The bag seemed to be pierced by a sharp sword, and the sharp edge stirred violently, and his face turned pale instantly.

Li Wen, who suffered a secret loss, quickly retracted his gaze from Yun Hao.

At this time, Yunying walked up to Yun Hao, frowned and said, "You shouldn't be here, go back quickly."

Dongfang Xiu: "Sister, come with us and heal your wounds first!"

"Yunying, don't forget, according to the rules of Yuyin Peak, everyone who has just become a core disciple must compete with other core disciples. You have just competed. If you dare to leave now, then we You can jointly request the Peak Master to revoke your core disciple status!" Li Wen shouted.

Dongfang Xiu looked over: "How come I haven't heard of Yuyin Peak having such a broken rule?"

Someone next to Li Wen snorted coldly and said, "This is the new rule that Senior Brother Li and us set yesterday!"

Dongfang Xiu chuckled and said: "It's clear that you want to embarrass my sister, you are really shameless!"

Yun Hao looked at Yunying calmly and said, "Do you still want to compete?"

Yunying hummed and said: "Bi!"

She was very strong and stubborn, so Yunhao didn't help her make the decision and let her choose on her own.

Since Yunying still wanted to compete, Yunhao nodded and said, "Then I'll watch from here."

Yunying: "...Okay, but don't be impulsive. They don't dare to do anything to me."

Then, Yunying glanced at Dongfang Xiu, who kept calling her sister, smiled helplessly and said, "I'm not your sister..."

Dongfang Xiu: "Brother Yun is my brother, and you are Brother Yun's sister, so you are also my sister. There is nothing wrong with you!"

Yunying was speechless at Dongfang Xiu, a careless guy. She was too lazy to say anything more and turned around to return to the field.

Li Wen looked at the person next to him and nodded. The person understood and sneered. Then he flew up and landed in the clouds.

Opposite of Ying.

"Yunying, let's start!"

After the words fell, the man took a step forward, and his cultivation at the third level of the Yuan Gang Realm exploded. He quickly formed seals with his right hand and struck towards Yunying. The vitality surged and the Gang Wind stirred!

Yunying made the same seal, as if there was a sea wave blocking her body.


She was just entering the Yuan Gang Realm for the first time, and she was already injured, so she was no match for this man. With a bang, the wave of energy she hit suddenly exploded, and her body moved back uncontrollably. inverted flight.

"It's so vulnerable that it's a disgrace to our Royal Seal Peak!"

The man who shot Yunying away looked contemptuous and said with a sneer. At the same time, his handprint changed again and he pressed forward. The turbulent wind suddenly condensed into a large number of storm arrows and shot towards Yunying.

He made it clear that he wanted to severely injure Yunying and teach Yunying a painful lesson.

If Yunying is hit by these storm arrows, even if he doesn't die, he will have to lie in bed for three to two months!

"Sister, be careful!"

Dongfang Xiu shouted nervously.

A cold arc appeared at the corner of Li Wen's mouth, and he looked at Yun Hao.

But... when he looked over, he found that Yun Hao had disappeared.

In the field, just as a storm of arrows were about to pierce Yunying's body, suddenly, Yun Hao's figure appeared next to Yunying as if out of thin air.

He reached out with his right hand and put it on Yunying's back, stopping her from flying upside down. With a wave of his left hand, his robes rustled, and his sword essence poured out like a torrent, shooting out all the storm arrows. Minced!

This scene was beyond everyone's expectations.

Yun Hao took Yun Ying to the ground smoothly and said, "You're done."

Yunying: "I..."

Yun Hao interrupted what she wanted to say and said: "Next, I will have a good...discussion with them for you!"

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