God Hongtian

Chapter 105 Fireflies and Bright Moon Compete for Glory

Seeing Yun Hao appear on his own initiative, Li Wu's pupils shrank.

He received the message from Yun Hao last night, but in his opinion, it was just Yun Hao pretending to be arrogant, and Yun Hao didn't even know where he was.

Li Wu was ready to deal with Yun Hao's flying sword method today, and was about to ask someone to lure Yun Hao over, but... Yun Hao came.

After being stunned for a moment, Li Wu immediately came back to his senses and yelled: "Yunhao, this means that there is a way to heaven but you don't take it, and there is no door to hell and you just throw yourself into it. Since you can't wait to feel the humiliation in my hands, If you feel like it, I will naturally fulfill it for you!”

As he spoke, the vitality in Li Wu's body suddenly exploded.

The vitality rolled and gathered around him, turning into a giant python Yuanling.

This giant python Yuanling is very extraordinary. It has three pairs of wings!

This is a six-winged flying python, which is an extremely powerful type among python-type monsters.

In addition to Li Wu, the other four people in Li Wu's team also showed their own Yuanling.

They all guessed that Yun Hao was very likely to be a swordsman who practiced the art of flying swords, and they did not dare to underestimate him.

Yun Hao's expression was light and gentle, without any change at all. He looked at Li Wu and others calmly and said: "Everyone cuts off his own arm, and I will not pursue it any further."

"Yunhao, do you really take yourself seriously?"

"Only you? You want us to cut off our own arms? Are you worthy?"

"I've seen arrogant people before, but this is the first time I've seen you so arrogant. Who do you think you are? Where did you come from?

You are qualified to say such things in front of us! "

"I don't know what is good or bad, and I don't know how high the sky is. You'd better kneel down now, otherwise, you'll have to bear the consequences!"

Li Wu looked cold and shouted: "Yunhao, hand over the flying sword and the method of practicing flying sword. This is your only choice. If you go against me, you are destined to have a bad end!"

"I gave you time to think about how to make amends. You didn't seize this opportunity. I asked you to cut off your own arm, but you still didn't cherish this opportunity." Yun Hao said calmly.

He glanced at Li Wu, who coveted the flying sword, and said: "If you want the flying sword, it depends on whether you have the ability!"

There was undisguised contempt in his tone!

The words fell.


The crisp sound of sword sounds sounded.

The flying sword, Youlan, shot out from the storage ring in an instant and attacked Li Wu.

Li Wu suddenly felt intense uneasiness in his heart, and his six-winged flying python Yuanling immediately wrapped around his body to protect his whole body.

at the same time.

Li Wu also directly crushed a jade talisman.

The jade talisman contained the power of the formation's restriction. As the jade talisman was crushed, a protective light curtain emerged, covering Li Wu.


The blue sword light tore apart Li Wu's body-protecting restricted light curtain like a piece of tissue paper, and then cut off the six-winged flying python Yuanling with a devastating force.

At the critical moment, Li Wu swung his sword and killed him.



The long sword in his hand hit Feijian Youlan.

The flying sword Youlan was like an elf, light and quick. It circled in the air and then flew back to Yun Hao's side.

Li Wu's whole body was already wet with cold sweat, and the hand holding the sword was trembling.

so close!

At that moment, his two defensive methods were torn apart by Yun Hao's flying sword!

If it weren't for those two layers of defense that slowed down the speed of the flying sword, it would have been impossible for him to hit the flying sword.

While panicking, the desire in Li Wu's heart also became stronger!

Flying sword, this is the power of flying sword!

He had only heard about the power of Feijian before, but today, he finally felt it for himself.

The vitality fluctuations in Yun Hao's body were only equivalent to the level of the Sea Transformation Realm, but the terrifying attack and killing burst out by Yun Hao's flying sword made him, who was at the fifth level of the Spirit Gathering Realm, walk on the edge of life and death!

This is because his Yuanling is powerful and he used the protective treasure immediately. If it were any other warrior at the fifth level of the Spirit Gathering Realm, he would have been killed instantly!

The other four people following Li Wu also widened their eyes.

The power of the flying sword... is simply more terrifying than the rumors say!

They were all secretly glad that Yun Hao's flying sword didn't attack them just now. They didn't have Li Wu's ability...

The uneasiness and fear in Li Wu's heart had been completely suppressed by greed, and he looked crazy: "Yunhao, don't be complacent, the fun has just begun now!"

next moment.

Li Wu's six-winged flying python Yuanling condensed again,

The six wings vibrated and slammed into a mountain not far away.


Rocks collapsed.


A ferocious roar sounded.

The monster that was briefly controlled by Li Wu with the Beast Control Pill woke up.


Li Wu gave a low shout and shot away.

The other four people ran after him without hesitation.

There was a coldness in Yun Hao's eyes. He took Jing Huan steps and pursued Li Wu and others with his flying sword Youlan.

But suddenly, a shadow appeared above Yun Hao, covering him.

The tyrannical demonic energy was like a mountain falling from the sky, pressing down on Yun Hao.

Yun Hao's speed was affected, and the sword essence in his body rushed out like a torrent and merged into the flying sword Youlan.

The blue edge of the flying sword exploded to its maximum extent, and the blazing blue light turned into a blue ocean, crushing the overwhelming demonic energy.

Immediately afterwards, Yun Hao's body moved laterally and appeared dozens of meters away.


A ball of fire formed by the condensed demonic energy exploded at the location where he was just now, setting off a strong heat wave. The vegetation hundreds of meters in radius were instantly turned into ashes, and the ground was scorched black.

in the air.

A majestic lion with fiery red fur.

The flaming lion is one of the three monsters that will be promoted to the lower level of Xuan level in this Qingfeng Martial Academy assessment.

Yun Hao had long known that Li Wu and the others were very close to this flaming lion, so now Lieyan

He was not surprised at all when the lion appeared.

However, it was sensed through the array base at that time, and the specific situation is unknown.

Now with a close glance, Yun Hao had an insight into Li Wu's deployment.

It's just an extremely crude method.

The Flame Lion's entire body was covered in flames, like a huge fireball suspended in the air, and an extremely ferocious light shone in its eyes.


The blazing lion roared again, and its four thick and powerful legs ran wildly in the air, swooping down towards Yun Hao. Before it could reach Yun Hao, the blazing lion opened its bloody mouth, revealing the forest. Fangs.

One after another, fireballs, like dense raindrops, blasted towards Yun Hao crazily!

Facing the flaming lion who was about to be promoted to a low-level monster of the Xuan level, Yun Hao's expression became slightly more serious. In his sea of ​​consciousness, spiritual power surged in an extremely violent way, sweeping out along the aperture of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Wisps of spiritual patterns then appeared around Yun Hao, dazzling and dreamlike!

The power of the spirit pattern exploded, activating the power of the large formation that blocked the area. Yun Hao raised his hand and shook it, and the sword energy evolved, as if a real sword was caught in Yun Hao's hand.


Cut it down with one sword.

In an instant, a tsunami-like sound wave was set off, and the blazing sword light completely submerged the area.

Compared with the light of this sword, the dense fireballs spewed out by the flaming lion are no different than fireflies competing for brightness with the bright moon!

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