God Hongtian

Chapter 104 Gift, Beast Taming Pill

One night passed.

The pale golden morning sun passed through the large light curtain that blocked the mountain forest and fell on Yun Hao.

Yun Hao, who was sitting cross-legged and meditating with his eyes closed, was tempering the heaven and earth of his physical body, and rays of light filled the air from every acupuncture point and pore of his body.

The glow of the flesh body and the golden light of the morning sun complement each other.

Shi Feng looked at Yun Hao and was in a daze. Although he didn't know what was going on, it didn't stop him from feeling that Yun Hao was very mysterious and powerful.

The key is that Yun Hao's naturally light aura made Shi Feng feel like he was looking up at the sky and the stars.

Yun Hao's physical body has been tempered by heaven and earth, and has advanced again, and is not far from the perfect state of the high-level treasure body.

He slowly opened his eyes.

Bright and bright light, like stars.

A breath of turbid air spurted out from his mouth and nose, like a sharp sword piercing the air, piercing the ground three feet in front of him!

Shi Feng walked up to Yun Hao, with a simple smile on his face, and said, "This... is for you."

In his hand he held a wooden sculpture that he had made overnight.

It was carved based on Yun Hao's meditating appearance.

A small wood carving, but with sharp edges and corners, lifelike and lifelike.

Yun Hao looked at the wooden carving handed over by Shi Feng.

Shi Feng: "There is an ancestral tree in our village. People in the village go to worship the ancestral tree every year and festival. The ancestral tree protects the peace of the village.

last year.

Zumu lost all his vitality.

Then the village chief divided the ancestral trees into pieces

, distributed to everyone in the village, so that Zumu can accompany everyone and continue to protect everyone.

Now, I will make the ancestral tree into a statue of you and give it to you. The ancestral tree will protect you and keep you safe. "

Yun Hao took the wood carving and said, "Thank you very much."

The so-called ancestral wood is just a kind of spiritual sustenance for Shi Feng and the others.

There is nothing special about this kind of thing. To people outside the village, it can even be said to be worthless.

But for villagers like Shi Feng and others, this is the most precious thing.

Shi Feng was injured and did not close his eyes all night. He carved the ancestral wood into a statue of Yun Hao and gave it to Yun Hao. Yun Hao felt his heart and warmth flowed in his heart.

"Don't be so polite, just don't dislike it."

Yun Hao looked serious, put the wood carving into the storage ring, and then said: "You are injured, and you should rest here first."

Shi Feng immediately shook his head and said: "No.

You have to go find Li Wu. Li Wu is at the fifth level of the Spirit Gathering Realm, and those in his team are not easy to use.

I know you are very strong, but it is difficult for you to fight with two fists. I will go with you. If there is any situation, I can also be of some help. "

Yun Hao said calmly: "If you really want to help me, then quickly adjust your state. When the time comes, we will hunt together the three monster beasts that are about to be promoted to the lower level of the Xuan level."

"This..." Shi Feng hesitated for a moment.

And Yunhao has already set off.

Shi Feng came to his senses and hurriedly picked up his backpack.

He shouted at Yun Hao's back: "These demon cores..."

"Put it here with you first."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yun Hao's figure appeared a hundred meters away. Every step he took was as if he was stepping on the breeze, flowing and free.

Where is Li Wu?

Yun Hao passed through a formation base last night and covered the formation with his mental power. He had already investigated it clearly.

However, it was impossible to determine whether Li Wu left that night, so Yun Hao once again found a formation base and followed the same method to find out Li Wu's whereabouts.


Traces of Li Wu appeared in Yunhao's perception.

It's just that... there was a fierce aura near Li Wu, and he was only a few hundred meters away from a monster beast that was about to be promoted to the lower level of the Xuan level!

The monster fell into a deep sleep and did not attack Li Wu and others.

Yun Hao's eyes flickered.

Immediately, he used his mental power to stir up the spiritual patterns and integrate them into the formation base.

At first.

He used the formation base to investigate the situation. Because he did not want to cause too much noise, he had no idea of ​​building a large formation.

But now, something is wrong, and I need to make a little more preparations.

As soon as he entered this place yesterday, he moved a formation base, and last night he moved another formation base. Both formation bases had traces of his spiritual power remaining.

Therefore, if we strengthen the control of this formation now, there will not be much movement at once.


In a barren mountain.

Li Wu was so tired that he was sweating profusely and panting.


It worked. The beast control pill my brother gave me really worked! "Li Wu said, with excitement on his face.

"Brother Li, the effect of this beast control pill is so miraculous. It actually knocked down a monster beast that was about to be promoted to the lower level of the Xuan level. With this pill, our assessment this time was as if we had divine help!"

"It is rumored that the Beast Control Pill is a treasure developed by the Beast Control Peak of Qingfeng Martial Academy. Brother Li's brother is a core disciple of the Beast Control Peak, but he can even get the Beast Control Peak's treasure pill. It's amazing, it's really amazing!"

Li Wu smiled proudly, and then explained: "My brother has a very good relationship with a core disciple of Yushou Peak, so he was able to get this pill, but there is only one.

Moreover, this kind of elixir is not really able to directly bring down such a powerful monster, it just makes the monster fall into a shallow sleep.

Once the monster feels a little bit of hostility, it will immediately wake up and launch the most violent attack.

There are some elixirs here. You should take them first. If the monsters wake up and you have the breath of these elixirs on your body, the monsters will not attack you in a short period of time. "

Li Wu took out four pills and handed them to the other four people in the team.

The four people took the elixir, drank it immediately, and then spoke one after another.

"With such a deployment, it is enough to deal with Yun Hao."

"That's right, when Yun Hao comes, we will directly stimulate this monster to wake up. So what if Yun Hao has a flying sword? In front of such a terrifying monster, he will be helpless.

The power of counterattack! "

"Yun Hao has a lot of demon cores in his hands, and if Brother Li can get his flying sword and force him to learn the flying sword practice, with Brother Li's talent, he might also be able to practice the flying sword. "

"In this way, it won't take long for Brother Li to rise to prominence in Qingfeng Martial Academy and become a successful man. Congratulations!"

Li Wu sneered: "This time, even if Yun Hao doesn't die in the mouth of the monster, he will die in my hands. You all must remember to keep your mouths shut. I don't want this matter to spread again." go out!"

Originally, he just wanted to teach Yun Hao a lesson.

But knowing that Yun Hao was a warrior who practiced flying swords, he already had a strong desire in his heart.

If you can get Yun Hao's flying sword and the flying sword training method, it would be best if you can practice it yourself. Even if you can't practice it, this is still a huge wealth!

Everyone promised not to reveal the matter.

Li Wu nodded and said: "As the saying goes, when one person attains enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven. If you follow me, if I become a successful person, I will never treat you badly. So, I have to go and attract Yun Hao here now!"

As soon as his words left his mouth.

A calm and cold voice then reached the ears of Li Wu and others.

"I gave you one night to think about how to apologize. It seems that you haven't thought clearly yet. In this case, you can only use my method."

Everyone looked at the sound.

I saw Yun Hao alone, flying by on the breeze.

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