God Hongtian

Chapter 106: Crush directly

Yun Hao mobilized part of the power of the Qingfeng Martial Academy's formation, and used the methods of a Yuan Gang Realm warrior to condense Yuan into Gang!

The sword energy in his hand was like a real sword. Under the blessing of the majestic Yuan Qi, the true power of the Thirty-Six Meridians Sword Art, a Xuan-level top-grade sword technique, burst out.

Thirty-six whistling sword energies raised pieces of blazing sword light, smashed the dense fireballs, and the sharp edge raged on the body of the flaming lion!

The flaming lion, who was about to be promoted to the lower Xuan level, was as powerless as a drowning lamb in this ocean of sword light, and horrible wounds with skin and flesh rolled up appeared.

In an instant, it was as if it had endured the pain of slow slicing.


A round of sword energy dissipated.

The flaming lion let out a painful low roar, and the glowing red fur all over its body was already stained with blood.

Yun Hao did not give the flaming lion any chance to breathe, and his second round of offensive followed.

The middle finger and index finger of his right hand were put together and pointed out in the shape of a sword.

The flying sword was dark blue and flew to the front of his fingertips.

The blue sword light seemed to turn into a storm and exploded at Yun Hao's fingertips.

The sharp sound waves showed a heavy and vast meaning, which made the space distorted at this moment.

The instinct of the flaming lion to survive was aroused, and it let out a huge roar that shook the mountains and forests. Its wounded body suddenly burned with violent flames.

The flames shot up

to the sky, reflecting the sky like a red-hot iron block!


Yun Hao's offensive did not change at all because of the outbreak of the flaming lion.

The storm raised by the flying sword dark blue at his fingertips became more and more terrifying, and pierced into the fiery red sky with a swift momentum.

The fiery red sky became blue again!

The terrifying flames that shot up to the sky on the flaming lion were also like a piece of thin paper being cut.

Along with the flames, the body of the Fiery Lion was also cut in half, and exploded with a bang!

The flesh and blood of the monster flew everywhere, and was twisted into a bloody mist by the sharp edge left in the air!

On the other side.

Li Wu and his companions were all staring at the same direction at this time.

Just now, the sky where they were staring was dyed red by flames.

The roar of the Fiery Lion made them palpitate even at a distance.

A trace of worry appeared on Li Wu's face: "I hope Yun Hao is lucky, but don't die directly in the mouth of the Fiery Lion... If he dies, even if I get his flying sword, it won't make much sense."

What he cares about most is Yun Hao's inheritance of practicing flying swords!

After seeing the power of flying swords, this has become an obsession in his heart!

The other four people spoke to comfort him.

"Brother Li, don't worry about gains and losses. Even if Yun Hao is dead, his flying sword secret book may still be in the storage ring. When we hunt down the Flame Lion, we can just dig out Yun Hao's storage ring from its stomach." "Yes, Yun Hao is dead, but the flying sword heritage may not disappear with his death." "I have heard some legends about flying swords. Many flying sword cultivation methods are actually engraved into the flying sword itself. Brother Li will go and find the flying sword later and check it carefully. Maybe there will be a surprise!" "Judging from the fighting just now, Yun Hao should have consumed the Flame Lion seriously before his death. We must seize the opportunity and go now. Join forces to kill the Flame Lion!" Li Wu hummed, adjusted his mentality, and said: "Let's go and surround and kill the Flame Lion. If you find that Yun Hao is not dead, don't worry about the Flame Lion and do your best to capture Yun Hao!" After Li Wu finished speaking, he set off with everyone. But the next moment, Li Wu suddenly felt a strong sense of uneasiness in his heart. He instinctively moved sideways...

Almost at the same time as his body moved sideways, a dark blue sword light appeared beside him.


The sword light slashed.


Li Wu screamed, and one of his arms was cut off at the shoulder!

Then, Yun Hao's figure flew over, and the flying sword turned and returned to his side, circling around his body, and shuttled flexibly.

"Yun Hao... you..."

One person exclaimed, and was so shocked that he couldn't even finish his words.

The others also stared at Yun Hao with wide eyes, their faces full of disbelief.

The might of the Fiery Lion just now made them feel palpitations at a distance. In their opinion, Yun Hao was probably dead and became the food in the belly of the Fiery Lion. Even if he didn't die, Yun Hao would definitely be miserable and embarrassed.

But now... they saw with their own eyes that Yun Hao appeared in front of them intact, and even his breath was not the slightest bit of weakness and disorder.

How could this look like he had just experienced a dangerous fight?

Li Wu, whose arm was broken, turned pale due to the severe pain, and cold sweat poured out like rain. He lowered his voice and growled: "Yun Hao, I was wrong. You have cut off one of my arms. The grudge between you and me is now written off!"

Even the flaming lion couldn't suppress Yun Hao... Li Wu, who had already felt the horror of Yun Hao's flying sword, how could he still have the courage to fight?

At this time, he could only choose to take a step back.

We'll settle the score later!

"I have given you the opportunity. Now you can only deal with it in my way." Yun Hao said, and the next moment, he came out with a flying sword, tearing everything apart like a blue lightning, and passed by Li Wu in an instant.

Li Wu's body stood in place, a clear line of blood appeared on his neck, and his only remaining arm was raised with difficulty

, the palm just touches the throat...

With a bang, his head fell to the ground!

Yunhao gave Li Wu a chance to make amends.

But Li Wu had murderous intentions towards him instead.

Therefore, Yun Hao no longer held back, and immediately launched the most violent killing attack!

The four people in Li Wu's team looked at this scene, their eyes dull, and their Adam's apple rolled up and down with difficulty.

"Yun Hao... we were wrong. It's all our fault. As long as you let us go, we will give you whatever you want!"

"Don't worry, we will never leak the fact that you killed Li Wu... We can swear it."

"Yun Hao... spare our lives, and we will follow your lead in the future!"

"Pfft!" There was another person who knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

"You only have one chance. It's too late to beg for mercy now."

Yun Hao remained unmoved, his expression indifferent, and he controlled the flying sword with his mind to shoot, instantly piercing the center of a person's eyebrows.

"Escape separately!"

The remaining three people immediately dispersed in panic and fled in different directions.

A cold arc appeared at the corner of Yun Hao's mouth.

With a wave of his arm, the spiritual patterns appeared. In an instant, the power of Qingfeng Wuyuan's formation was once again stimulated, and a force like the collapse of the sky fell on these three people.




The bodies of the three people were directly crushed by the powerful force of the formation!

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