God Hongtian

Chapter 103: Cave Spirit Fish, the secret of the small village

The night breeze is gentle.

The fire burned and crackled.

Yun Hao and Shi Feng were sitting by the fire.

Although the poison in Shi Feng's body has been eliminated, his external injuries are serious and will not be recovered in a short time.

"Are you really going to find Li Wu tomorrow?" Shi Feng asked.


Yun Hao simply responded with one word.

Shi Feng: "I can see that you actually don't care much about Li Wu's provocation. It's like a giant elephant that never cares about an ant crawling around it..."

Yun Hao threw a piece of firewood into the fire and said, "But if the giant elephant cares about it, he can trample the entire ant nest with a casual kick."

He really didn't care much about Li Wu.

But Li Wu's actions made him angry.

Especially...Shi Feng was implicated, and it almost caused irreversible serious consequences.

Yunhao has not been in contact with Shi Feng for a long time, but he greatly appreciates Shi Feng's pure character. He feels very comfortable in contact with such a person.

In his previous life, he had a life-and-death brother with a similar personality.

That person, who was upright, forthright, and righteous, had once risked his life to help him, regardless of everyone's objections, and accompanied him to kill through a restricted area of ​​life!

It's just a pity...

The pure-hearted brother of life and death was plotted by a traitor and died miserably.

At that time, Yun Hao, because of this incident, swung his sword in anger and killed everyone in all directions. Although he helped Brother Life and Death

My brother took revenge, but in the end he left endless regrets.

Now, he could vaguely see the shadow of that good brother in Shi Feng.

Yun Hao withdrew his thoughts, looked at Shi Feng, and said, "You grew up in the village, how did you reach the Spirit Gathering Realm?"

He observed that Shi Feng had nothing special about his physique, and the energy he possessed was very ordinary. It was not a high-level inherited secret technique, and there were no good cultivation resources in the village.

Shi Feng scratched the back of his head.

Yun Hao: "If it's inconvenient, you don't need to say anything."

Shi Feng gritted his teeth and said, "We are friends, and there is nothing we can't say between friends, but...I told you, don't tell anyone else.

There is a cave in the mountain behind my village.

When I was young, I got into a cave and found a pool inside. There was a kind of almost transparent fish in the pool. Out of curiosity, I caught a fish and grilled it and ate it. Then I fainted and woke up already Three days passed.

When I got home, my parents were terrified.

From that time on, I became energetic and strong every day. Later, I would go to the cave to catch fish every once in a while.

There is a low-level yellow-level martial art in the village. The village chief saw that I was energetic and strong, so he asked me to try to practice it. After repeated practice, I gained the strength of the spirit-gathering realm.

It's a pity. A year ago, I could no longer find that cave. It seemed that the cave had never been there.

It has never existed before. "

Yun Hao's eyes flashed and he said, "Does that transparent fish have only one eye and tasteless when eaten?"

Shi Feng's eyes widened and he said, "How do you know? Have you eaten it too?"

Yunhao nodded.

He already knew what was going on.

That kind of fish is called the Cave Heaven Spirit Fish, and it can only be born in the Cave Heaven Paradise.

In other words, the cave in the back mountain of the village where Shi Feng was born is probably a paradise!

Cave heaven is the world within a cave. It is a small secret space. Every cave sky is a good place for cultivation.

If clues about a cave surface surface, the royal family of the Qingfeng Dynasty will definitely go crazy about it, and even some forces outside the Qingfeng Dynasty will most likely get involved.

The Taichu Creation Art that Yun Hao has practiced in this life takes the route of tempering the physical body of heaven and earth. It is impossible for him to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth that has been tampered with by the gods of the heavenly palace.

But Dongtian is still of great use to him.

All the caves and heavens have roots, which are called spiritual roots. They are the core of the caves and heavens. They are high-level innate things.

Yun Hao was practicing in Liuyun City using the innate spiritual material fire marrow and jade soul, and the results were quite good.

And hundreds of kilograms of fire marrow and jade soul are not as good as a complete Dongtian spiritual root!

Shi Feng's luck must be said to be really good. He unexpectedly entered the cave. No wonder he was able to cultivate the strength of the Spirit Gathering Realm in the village!

As for Shi Feng, he has been unable to find Cave Heaven since a year ago. It is normal. Cave Heaven spiritual roots are spiritual and have been hidden and moved to other places.

But this kind of transfer will not span a large area, which means that Dongtian must still be near Shi Feng's village.

Yun Hao had already made up his mind to go to the area where Shi Feng's village was located when his strength improved a little.

Next, the two stopped talking.

Yun Hao took out a Fierce Sun Pill and swallowed it, running the Taichu Creation Technique to temper the physical world.

The weak Shi Feng did not rest. Instead, he took out a piece of wood wrapped in red cloth, held a carving knife in his hand, and started carving with concentration.

The other side.

"Brother Li... something is wrong."

A man rushed to Li Wu who was meditating with a somewhat flustered expression.

Li Wu slowly opened his eyes and said, "What's wrong?"

"At the end of the day, several teams with good strength met Yun Hao and Shi Feng, but none of them were Yun Hao's opponents. Moreover, Yun Hao also sent people over to send a message, saying that Brother Li, please figure out how to make amends tonight. He I will come to you in person tomorrow."

Upon hearing this, Li Wu's eyes suddenly flashed with cold light, and he snorted: "It seems that he still underestimated Yun Hao's strength, but he wants to confront me head-on? He is asking for humiliation!

If he dares to come tomorrow, I will let him know what it means to repent! "

"Brother Li, your real

Naturally, we all know that it is easy to crush Yun Hao, but you must not be careless. According to the news from people who have fought with Yun Hao, Yun Hao has an extremely mysterious and powerful treasure in his hand. It turned into a blue light in an instant, and I suspected that it was the legendary flying sword..."

A solemn look finally appeared on Li Wu's face.

"Flying sword..."

He murmured.

He also practices swordsmanship, so he naturally knows how powerful flying swords are.

Among kendo warriors, there are very few people who practice flying swords. If you have achieved success in practicing flying swords, you must not be underestimated!

The flying sword is clever and cunning, powerful in attacking and killing, and impossible to guard against!

Li Wu pondered for a moment, then his eyes flashed, he snorted coldly and said: "This Yun Hao is so arrogant, then I will give him a big gift tomorrow!"

"Brother Li, do you have a clever plan?"

Li Wu sneered and said: "The monster we besieged today, which is about to be promoted to the lower level of the Xuan level, is nearby.

As long as we make a little use of this condition and let him fight that monster, we can reap the benefits.

So what if Yun Hao mastered the flying sword?

If he is lucky, he may be able to survive, but by then he will be nothing more than a piece of meat on our chopping board, to be slaughtered by us.

If his luck is bad, he will directly become the food for the monster! "

"Brother Li, this plan is very clever!"

Li Wu sneered again and again and said: "Fight with me? Yun Hao is not qualified yet!"

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