Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

The 3 chapter is about elemental beasts.

At this moment, under Fu Wenbo's touch, Fu Wenbo could not feel the pulse from the biting wolf.

Apparently it's the dead one.

In other words, what Chu Huan said before was true, the biting wolf had already died in the coffin before.

But the current biting wolf, under Chu Huan's tool soul skill, has instead turned into a beast similar to the necromancer.

After confirming this, Fu Wenbo twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling that his whole person was a little bad.

When he returned to Chu Huan, Fu Wenbo's eyes were on Chu Huan repeatedly for a while.

After waiting until Chu Huan felt a little strange, Fu Wenbo said in a complicated tone, "Are you sure this soul is from the world?"

Chu Huan himself awakens the soul of the auxiliary type. It stands to reason that the soul skills of the auxiliary type of weapon should not be the buffs that increase a certain basic attribute of the teammates or the debuffs that reduce the attributes of the enemy?

It's okay to just make a coffin and put the beast in it and kill it.

The key is that death turns the beast into a undead type of beast.

What the hell kind of skill is this?

Too much, right?

Is he still an auxiliary device soul?

Battle-type device souls don't have such weirdness, right?

Hearing this, Chu Huan said angrily, "Mr. Fu, I don't like hearing what you said! Would you like me to let you touch your chest and feel my hot heartbeat?"

Fu Wenbo rolled his eyes and said, "Go aside! My orientation is normal."

After speaking, Fu Wenbo rubbed his slightly swollen eyebrows.

I always feel that what I saw today from Chu Huan's side is a bit beyond Fu Wenbo's previous knowledge level.

After shaking his head, Fu Wenbo asked: "How long can you control this biting wolf?"

Hearing this, Chu Huan spread out his hands and said, "I don't know! If I knew, why would I ask you, teacher?"

Fu Wenbo said with an expressionless "Haha": "What you said makes sense, but I don't even know how to refute it."

Chu Huan asked, "What about now?"

Fu Wenbo rolled his eyes and said, "What else can I do? Wait, let's see what's going on on your side!"

At this time, Fu Wenbo opened his mouth as if thinking of something: "By the way, your tool soul skill has been tested, what is your second tool soul skill?"

Chu Huan sighed, "How can it be so fast? The second tool soul skill hasn't arrived yet!"

After all, it takes 1,000 system points to unlock a tool soul skill.

Unless Chu Huan directly uses the deposit after returning, it will take some time for the "Erhu" Soul's Soul Skill to be unlocked.

Then, while waiting, Chu Huan also thought that when the piercing wolf died in the coffin, Chu Huan directly received the prompt sound from the energy absorbed by the system.

Not knowing what he was thinking of, Chu Huan turned his head and asked, "Mr. Fu, is there any way to know if there are any beast crystals in the body of this biting wolf?"

Fu Wenbo glanced strangely at Chu Huan and said, "You killed it and cut open its belly to see it soon?"

Chu Huan's face darkened and he said, "Isn't this still going to be researched? Why kill it?"

At this time, Fu Wenbo, the teacher, glanced at Chu Huan and said strangely: "Then you can't do anything about it? Isn't this thing like beast crystal available in every fierce beast? It was taught in elementary school, right? Do you give it all back? teacher?"

Yes, it still tastes familiar.

Seeing Fu Wenbo's preaching state, Chu Huan was speechless for a while.

After pondering for a few seconds, Chu Huan looked at Fu Wenbo eagerly and said, "Teacher, you have worked so hard today, the students can't repay you, why don't I play a tune for you?"

Fu Wenbo: "......"

Facing Chu Huan's sudden understanding, Fu Wenbo said quietly, "Are you trying to play a song to send me away?"

ps: The tenth update on the first day of publishing the book, for such a diligent author, wouldn't you give me some encouragement? I beg for data support! .

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