Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 4 Tool Soul Skills March of Carrying the Coffin

"Anyway, let me experience the cultivation process."

After closing the system prompt, Chu Huan squeezed the beast crystal and closed his eyes lightly.

Driven by the "Basic Soul Power Method", at the same time as the soul power is running, the beast crystal in Chu Huan's hand also has a slow energy that quickly enters the body along Chu Huan's hand.

Ten minutes later, with the help of the beast crystal, Chu Huan's spirit power rose a little.

When the soul power rose a little again, and the total soul power reached two hundred points, the soul power in Chu Huan's body suddenly shook, and then they rushed to the two pieces of soul in Chu Huan's sea of ​​consciousness.

After these soul powers wrapped the two souls, it seemed like they were pulling. The erhu and suona-shaped soul tools that were originally in Chu Huan's sea of ​​consciousness were slowly pulled out and entered into Chu Huan's body. The center, the left and the right respectively stay in the two ventricles of Chu Huan.

At the same time, the system prompt sound also sounded in Chu Huan's mind.

"Did, congratulations to the host for entering the one-star awakened apprentice, the tool soul skill is unlocked."

After the sound appeared, after waiting for about half a minute, the system prompt sounded in Chu Huan's mind again.

"Di, please host the selector soul skill to unlock the device soul."

With the sound of the system prompt, Chu Huan chose the "suona" that stayed in his left ventricle.

"Di, choose OK, do you want to spend 1000 system points to unlock the "Suona" tool soul skill?"

"I'm going, 1000 system points?"

Now, Chu Huan's system points are only 90 points left.

It takes 1000 points to unlock a tool soul skill. What's wrong?

After grinning, Chu Huan put his eyes on the one-star bronze beast crystal in his hand.

"I'm reluctant to let the child catch the wolf."

After gritting his teeth, Chu Huan directly began to absorb the one-star bronze beast crystal in his hand through the system.

A minute later, Chu Huan's system points changed from the previous 90 to the current 1080 as the one-star Bronze Beast Crystal in Chu Huan's hand was densely cracked and turned into a waste crystal.

"10,000 yuan, five months' living expenses are gone!"

Glancing at the waste crystal in his hand, Chu Huan couldn't help grinning.

After shaking his head, Chu Huan focused his attention on the system again.

After having enough system points, Chu Huan directly chose the unlocker soul skill.

As the number of system points that had just increased and had not yet been warmed directly changed from four digits to two digits, the "suona" artifact soul in Chu Huan's left ventricle suddenly shook.

The next second, a special wave suddenly came out from the "suona" in Chu Huan's heart.

"Di, congratulations to the host for successfully unlocking the Soul Skill of "Suona Soul" - March of Carrying the Coffin."

The moment the prompt sound echoed, Chu Huan's system panel also changed accordingly.

"Host: Chu Huan"

"HP: 180/180"

"Level: One-star Awakened Apprentice - Soul Power Required for Upgrade: 200/400"

"Tool Soul: Erhu, Suona"

"Physical constitution: 1.8 (basic standard is 1) - ( )"

"Strength: 1.6 (base standard is 1) - ( )"

"Agility: 1.7 (basic standard is 1) - ( )"

"Mental strength: 2.32 (basic standard is 1) - ( )"

"Tool Soul Skill: Suona Tool Soul - Coffin Carrying March (Level 1), System Points Required to Upgrade: 0/1000"

"Auxiliary Skill: "Basic Soul Power Method""

"Current system points: 80"

Take a look at your own attributes.

Compared with the previous ones, there has been a certain improvement, but each item is not a particularly big change.

After all, now Chu Huan is only a one-star awakened apprentice, and the promotion is naturally limited.

It's just that there is an artifact soul skill now. What is the function of this artifact soul skill?

In doubt, Chu Huan tentatively clicked on his new tool soul skill.

It was also after Chu Huan clicked on the skill position of "Carrying the Coffin March", a smaller information panel appeared from the skill bar, which was an introduction to the ability of Chu Huan's skill.

"Carrying the Coffin March: When the music is successfully performed, it will cause a damage effect of 10~100 health points to a normal target. If the dead target's body is complete, it will have a special effect on a dead target.

Note: This skill is affected by the skill level and the target's physique. "

"Hey! Item soul skills have additional damage effects?"

Awakened souls are divided into four categories.

The first type is the combat category, whether the awakening is a melee-type weapon soul or a distance-type weapon soul belongs to this category.

The second type is the auxiliary device soul. The effect of the tool soul skills of this type of awakened device soul is all auxiliary functions such as slowing down, freezing or detoxification.

The third type is the healing tool soul. The tool soul skill of this type of awakened soul is able to heal the wounds of the awakened.

The fourth type is a special type of artifact soul. Awakened artifact soul skills are not suitable for combat at all, and are only suitable for use in other industries such as scientific research or construction.

Like Chu Huan, it's not uncommon for those who are support-type spirits to have additional damage effects to their spirit's spirit skills, but such cases are very rare.

Looking at this introduction, Chu Huan has a feeling of vague understanding.

The damage data was written very clearly. What Chu Huan was a little confused about was what this special effect in the system meant.

Chu Huan would like to use this "coffin-carrying march" to try it out.

But the problem is that according to the introduction of the skill, this extended skill is only useful when there is a goal.

"Would you like to go to the secret realm and find a beast to try?"

But after thinking about it for a while, Chu Huan shook his head and suppressed the thought of death.

Although it is not a secret realm where Chu Huan is located on the edge of Linhai City, there is no less powerful and suitable for newly awakened awakened people to enter.

But no matter how low the problem level of the beast, it also carries the word "fierce".

Chu Huan, a support-type Awakener, ran into the secret realm alone, and the danger was naturally different.

As a human being in two lives, Chu Huan is definitely full of points in the attribute of "cherishing his life".

Therefore, taking risks or something is absolutely impossible.

Just to try a skill, what life do you play?

But instead of looking for beasts, you have to find a tool person to try the skills to see what the effect is.

After thinking for a long time, Chu Huan silently took out his mobile phone and called his head teacher.

At the same time, in Tianlin Middle School, Fu Wenbo, who had just settled the problem of students' class assignment and sat back in the office, looked at Chu Huan's caller ID, picked up the water glass on the table, and connected Chu Huan's phone.

"Hey, Chu Huan, what's the matter?"

Fu Wenbo is still optimistic about Chu Huan, a student who has awakened his twin soul.

It's just a pity for Fu Wenbo that Chu Huan's twin souls are all auxiliary types.

It was also just after Fu Wenbo's question that he took a sip of water from the glass to his mouth when Chu Huan's voice rang slowly in the handset.

"Mr. Fu, my tool soul skill has awakened."

Fu Bowen: "Pfft...cough, what?"

Ps: The new book sets sail, and I beg for data support! Flowers, evaluation tickets and even rewards and monthly tickets are the spiritual food of the previous author's bacteria! .

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