Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 3 is just awesome!

Feeling the voice echoing in his head, Chu Huan was stunned for a moment and suddenly overjoyed.

But the next moment, looking at the attribute panel in front of him, Chu Huan quickly glanced at Fu Wenbo and the other students in the class.

Through the reactions and expressions of everyone, Chu Huan was relieved after he determined that others should not be able to see the system panel in front of him.

For some things, it is better to endure it all by yourself.


Chu Huan found that with his eyes on the other students around him, Chu Huan couldn't help but look at the heads of these students in the classroom.

"Wang Yalan"

"Level: Awakened Apprentice"

"HP: 100/100"

"Hate Value: 0"

"Zhao Rui"

"Level: Awakened Apprentice"

"HP: 100/100"

"Hate Value: 0"

"The system also comes with a hatred identification function?"

Looking at the information panels on the students' heads, Chu Huan's eyes lit up.

Everyone knows that ominous beasts are dangerous, but Chu Huan knows that ominous beasts are dangerous, but in many cases, the most dangerous thing is not the ominous beasts, but the people around them.

After all, you never know that those people are kind-hearted and bad-hearted, and they may stab you in the back somewhere.

Therefore, with the ability to identify the system, aside from the rest, at least Chu Huan will be able to distinguish whether the people around him are enemies or friends in the first place. The importance of this is simply self-evident.

After scanning all the information on the students' heads in the classroom, he turned his eyes back on his system panel and recalled the system prompt just now, Chu Huan still didn't know why he had just awakened the energy of the beast crystal on the instrument. It was consumed because it was absorbed by its own system.

Thinking, Chu Huan glanced at his attribute panel.

In general, among several basic attributes, except for one's own mental power, the rest are relatively common.

After glancing at his attribute panel, Chu Huan's eyes were fixed on the " " sign behind the values ​​in the system panel.

After raising his eyebrows and thinking for a few seconds, Chu Huan tentatively clicked the " " sign after the "Physical" attribute.

The next second, as Chu Huan's system points decreased by 10 points, Chu Huan found that his "Physical" attribute value also changed from "1.1" in the previous second to "1.2" now.

At the same time, with the improvement of Chu Huan's physique, Chu Huan found that his blood volume also increased by 10 points.

"It's really possible."

Seeing the changes in the values ​​on his attribute panel, Chu Huan's eyes flashed, and his heartbeat accelerated a little.

You must know that even if the awakened person wants to improve their physical attributes, only through cultivation or level improvement, and there is a corresponding upper limit.

But Chu Huan can now increase his attribute points through the system, which is not too strong.

If it wasn't for Chu Huan now that he still knew that the occasion was inappropriate, he would have stood up and laughed a few times with his hips on his back.

After confirming one of the functions of the system, Chu Huan's eyes moved to the system panel again.

Looking at the word "to be unlocked" on the "Tool Soul Skill", Chu Huan clicked curiously.

In the next second, a line of information popped up from this "tool soul skill" position.

"Please raise the host's level to a one-star awakened apprentice, and then use system points to unlock skills."

"Do you need to wait until you enter a one-star awakened apprentice?"

Seeing this prompt, Chu Huan frowned, then glanced at his soul power.

Generally speaking, an Awakened who has just awakened needs to have his soul power reach "100" points if he wants to enter a one-star Awakened Apprentice.

But Chu Huan, as an awakener of a twin soul, needs twice as much soul power as a single soul awakener.

Therefore, in the future, every time Chu Huan's level is raised, the soul power required will be twice that of ordinary awakened people.

However, at the beginning of Chu Huan's awakening, his soul power reached "198".

With 2 points of soul power, if you go back and practice casually after a while, you will be able to enter the one-star awakened apprentice.

"I can only study it after going back in a while!" Thinking, Chu Huan suppressed the desire to explore the system in his heart.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, as Fu Wenbo on the podium recorded the awakening information of the last student, Fu Wenbo glanced around the classroom.

"Very well, this time the number of awakened students in our class has reached a quarter, and about this quarter of the students will continue to stay in the eighteenth class.

Students who have successfully awakened can now leave the school first and go to class tomorrow morning.

Students who haven't awakened successfully, don't leave. Later, you will be uniformly assigned to several classes. After three months, the second awakening ceremony will be performed. "

After speaking, Fu Wenbo glanced at Chu Huan and left with a smile on his face.

As Fu Wenbo left, the students in the class also got up one by one.

Or share the joy with the students around her with joy, or pack up her books tearfully and prepare to be assigned to the class that failed to awaken.

After chatting a few words with the surrounding students who took the initiative to come over, Chu Huan quickly returned to his home with his schoolbag on his back.

When he got home, Chu Huan put a stick of incense on his parents who died fighting the beast as usual.

Although the parents of this body were no longer there when Chu Huan crossed over.

But from another point of view, it can be regarded as a new person for Chu Huan, and he still has to have some respect.

After putting on the incense, Chu Huan sat cross-legged on the ground and took a deep breath.

At the same time, Chu Huan's mind flashed the "Basic Soul Power Method" taught in the school.

After a short while, with the concentration of mental power, Chu Huan felt that there was a cool energy in his body running slowly in the meridians.

five minutes. . .

ten minutes. . .

After half an hour, Chu Huan's mouth twitched slightly, feeling the spirit power in his body that had not improved at all.

Although Chu Huan knew that the improvement of soul power was slow, he did not expect it to be so slow.

At the very beginning, he couldn't improve by 1 point for half an hour in a row.

In response, after taking a light breath, Chu Huan turned to enter the bedroom.

A few minutes later, when Chu Huan came out of the bedroom, there was an extra gift box in his hand.

As the gift box was opened, a bronze-colored beast crystal was also printed into Chu Huan's eyes.

It is a Bronze One Star Beast Crystal.

The beast crystal in the gift box was originally a birthday present from the parents on the sixteenth birthday of the original owner of the body.

But they didn't expect this gift to be given for a long time, and both of them were buried in the secret realm.

With a sigh in his heart, Chu Huan held the beast crystal in his hand.

In an instant, a system prompt message appeared in front of Chu Huan.

"Ding, match energy detected, whether to absorb it?".

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