Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 23 The life of the family is worth it!

As soon as the music sounded, it quickly reverberated throughout the training classroom.

The sound is unique and penetrating.

Even the boy had never heard this unique timbre.

Looking at the instrument soul originating from Chu Huan, the boy had a hint of doubt on his face, "This instrument soul seems to be of the same musical instrument type as me? But what kind of musical instrument, why is it shaped so strangely?"

Out of curiosity, the boy couldn't help but take a few more glances.

While the boy was looking at it, the sound of music that had originally reverberated in the training room gradually became louder.

Suddenly, black notes began to emerge from Chu Huan's suona.

A few seconds later, the five black coffin-lifter phantoms and the conspicuous black coffin appeared in the condensed black notes.

As soon as the phantoms of the coffin-carrying people condensed, they began to shake rhythmically with the beat.

"Huh? What the hell is this?"

Looking at the few shadows jumping like human shadows that appeared because of Chu Huan's tool soul skills, and the huge boxes on the shoulders of the four figures behind, the boy's expression was stunned.

If you put it in the anime, there must be question marks around the boy's head at this moment.

"Could it be that this apprentice's tool soul skill is a summoning type? But what are these things being summoned for? Like those star's tool soul skills, they have the same effect as dancing for fun?"

For a while, the boy was confused by the few black things that Chu Huan's soul skill created at the moment.

But inexplicably, seeing these five shadowy movements of lifting the coffin in his eyes, mixed with the music that reverberated throughout the training classroom.

The boy actually felt that the swaying dance steps of these five shadows, although simple, were somehow magical and touching.

While the boys were watching curiously, as the five coffin-lifting shadows summoned by Chu Huan's "coffin-carrying march" approached, the boy suddenly found that these five figures were grinning at him in unison.

His whole body was as black as coal, but under his grin, there were even two rows of snow-white teeth.

The kind that shines.

It was also when these five shadows were printed into the boy's eyes, inexplicably, the boy felt that the smiles of these shadows flickered a bit.

Also inexplicably a little intoxicating.

Greeted by the smiling faces of these shadows, the boy slowly looked at the coffin on the side as if he had a feeling in his heart.

Seeing this, it was completely difficult to take your eyes off the pitch-black coffin.

It was also when the boy was caught by the coffins on the shoulders of several dark shadows, the four coffin-lifting shadows that were carrying the coffins suddenly squatted down, and then carried the coffins on their shoulders on their thighs.

At the same time that the four corners were pressed against the coffin, the four shadows, together with the shadow in the front holding a staff like a staff, began to dance towards the boy.

And every movement is completely consistent with the rhythm of the suona music that reverberates in this training classroom.

With the movements of these shadows, the surrounding music became louder.

Under such a change, the boy's eyes became more and more concentrated, and he placed it on the coffin and became a little more urgent.

Finally, when the shadows slowly lifted the lid of the coffin, the boy finally couldn't hold back and rushed towards the coffin with a sense of urgency.

Then he moved his steps to adjust the position of himself and the coffin.

Then, he slowly turned his back to the coffin.

The next second, after clasping his chest with both hands, the boy's toes jumped slightly.

When the body was in the air and maintained the posture of lying back, the boy and boy just lay in the coffin.

With the successful entry into the coffin, the boy is like an obsessive-compulsive disorder patient who sees something that is white and neat, and his body is full of relief.

Even with a satisfied smile on his face.

I almost wrote the word "comfortable" on my face.

"The whole life of the family is worth it!"

In this thought, the boy slowly closed his eyes.

The four coffin-lifting phantoms who twisted left and right to the side and danced around also closed the lid of the coffin intimately and slowly raised it against their shoulders.


It was also at the moment when the black box was resisted by the four coffin-carrying shadows on its shoulders when a sound suddenly came from the door of the training classroom.

The next second, Fu Wenbo and Xu Hongwen quickly rushed into the room.

And when he entered the room, he looked at Chu Huan and the others with bright eyes in the classroom and the "suona" floating in front of Chu Huan.

as well as

In the training classroom, the five jumping phantoms are happily carrying the coffin.

Looking at the coffin shrouded in black mist, Fu Wenbo's eyes narrowed suddenly.

"Damn it! This stinky boy is still using the Soul Skill!"

ps: This chapter has been written for a long time, and I didn't feel right before, so this is more appropriate. I have been thinking about being used by the bosses with flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets and rewards for food. .

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