Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 24 If I call you, will you agree?

"What it is?"

Similarly, after entering the training classroom, Xu Hongwen next to Fu Wenbo saw the phantoms and coffins in the distance for the first time.

Hearing Xu Hongwen's voice next to him, Fu Wenbo also came to his senses as if he had been awakened.

Then, while the spirit power was running, Fu Wenbo appeared in front of the coffin-lifting shadows like a teleportation. A group of blue spirit power rushed out of Fu Wenbo's hands and shot at the coffin-carrying shadows.

However, as Fu Wenbo's hand touched these coffin-lifting phantoms, whether it was Fu Wenbo's hand or the spirit power wrapped around his hands, there was such a little pause that they didn't wear the coffin-lifting phantom directly in front of him. past.

"Can't attack?"

After being stunned for a moment, Fu Wenbo jumped up and grabbed a few coffins that were carried by the coffin carrier on his shoulders.

But just like the talent.

The moment Fu Wenbo touched the coffin, his entire hand and Fu Wenbo's body passed through the coffin in the air.

"Damn it! What kind of ghost weapon skill is this kid, and it can't be interrupted by external force."

As he said that, Fu Wenbo quickly turned his head to face Xu Hongwen at the door and said like a pearl:

"I didn't see Wang Qiang here, I guess he's already been put in that coffin, you quickly wake up that kid and let him interrupt his artifact soul skills, otherwise Wang Qiang might be a corpse when he comes out! "

Seeing Fu Wenbo's nervous appearance, Xu Hongwen was startled, and without further questioning, he suddenly let out a low voice as his soul power surged around him.


With this low voice, a wave of rapid spread centered on Xu Hongwen and enveloped Chu Huan and other students in Class 18.

The next second, in the eyes of Chu Huan and the other class 18 students.

The biting wolf that appeared in the line of sight a second ago, and the surrounding area seemed to slowly dissipate like ink that invaded the water.

At the same time, Fu Wenbo, Xu Hongwen and the five shadows in the distance that were swaying and jumping to the music were also imprinted in the eyes of everyone.

"Huh? What's going on here?"

The sudden change in the scene made Chu Huan stunned for a moment.

But before Chu Huan came back to his senses, Fu Wenbo on the side hurriedly said: "Chu Huan, quickly interrupt your Soul Tool skills, otherwise Wang Qiang in the coffin will have an accident."

Listening to Fu Wenbo's words, Chu Huan's mind flashed, and he had already guessed something faintly.

Afterwards, both the soul and soul power of the "suona" device suspended in front of Chu Huan were controlled by Chu Huan and returned to the body.

Without the continuation of the music, the coffin-carrying phantoms that were dancing happily in front of them also dissipated as quickly as smoke.

After the coffin in the air also turned into smoke, a boy who was also wearing the uniform of Tianlin Middle School fell from the sky.

When the boy fell from the air, he shook his head, and the boy, Wang Qiang, who was just talking about Fu Wenbo, looked blankly at Fu Wenbo in front of him and then looked around.

"What's wrong with me?"

Hearing this, Fu Wenbo did not respond, but first transferred his soul power into Wang Qiang's body.

After running for a few laps without finding anything unusual, Fu Wenbo said, "Wang Qiang, will you agree when I call you?"

Wang Qiang: "??????"

Chu Huan: "..."

"Are you here to play Journey to the West with me?"

At the same time, Chu Huan Chu Huan still doesn't understand the reason for Fu Wenbo's strange behavior.

Obviously, he was afraid that the current Wang Qiang had already been killed by his own "coffin-carrying march" and turned into a puppet.

In response, Chu Huan said, "Mr. Fu, don't ask, it will be fine if the Soul Skill is interrupted!"

Yesterday, Chu Huan met a biting wolf with a slightly higher HP, reaching 150 points in the Ferocious Beast Secret Realm.

After using the tool soul skill, Chu Huan found that the piercing wolf was successfully installed in his coffin, causing the coffin bearer to jump for a long time, but only reduced the blood volume by 100 points.

Combined with the introduction of the skills in the system, it is clear that only when the target dies can he be turned into a puppet by his own "coffin-carrying march".

In Chu Huan's sight, Wang Qiang was originally a six-star awakened apprentice.

And the blood volume on the head has only decreased by seventy points.

What could be wrong with this situation?

Hearing Chu Huan's words, Fu Wenbo breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he let go in disgust.

Without Fu Wenbo's embrace, Wang Qiangzhi, who had lost his support, fell to the ground with a bang.

Facing Fu Wenbo's sudden ruthlessness, he didn't react for a while.

Chu Huan, who took this scene into his eyes, raised his brows lightly.

"Hey, ruthless!"

After standing up, Fu Wenbo glared at Wang Qiang, who had a blank face, and said angrily, "What's wrong, I'll come later and you'll be gone!"

Wang Qiang looked puzzled and said, "I'll be gone later? Teacher Fu, what do you mean by that?"

Fu Wenbo rolled his eyes and said to the other students in Class 18 who were also bewildered: "You go back to the classroom first, Chu Huan stays first!"

After experiencing the fright of the piercing wolf before, the people in Class 18 were already a little stunned. Now they heard Fu Wenbo's words and left one by one blankly.

It's just that every face is still a little pale.

After all the students left, Chu Huan, who stayed in the training room, looked at the boy who was caught by Fu Wenbo, and then looked at Fu Wenbo and Xu Hongwen.

After a few seconds, his eyelids couldn't help but jumped and said, "I'll go, Mr. Fu, you guys are playing too much! You actually did this?"

Up to now, Chu Huan still doesn't understand, there are stinging wolves in this training room.

It was arranged by the school or Fu Wenbo and this new practical teacher.

Needless to say, the purpose should be to let the students prepare for facing the beasts in this way, and then practice harder in the future.

Don't say it, it's quite ingenious!

Even playing such a trick is enough of a chicken thief.

Ps: Fifth update, continue to add more tomorrow! Continue to kneel and beg for the support and cultivation of the big guys! .

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