Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 22 Since hand to hand combat is not enough, the only option is to zoom in.

"Ah! Ferocious beast, how can there be a beast in the school?"

"Damn, this is a biting wolf, how could this thing appear in the school's training classroom?"

"Run, run! We have just awakened, and we can't be the opponent of this biting wolf."


Under the undulating screams of each other, several panicked students quickly backed up and rushed to the door to open the door and escape.

When they couldn't open it, some students started kicking the door again.

It can be used as a training hall for awakened students to practice in class, and each classroom is constructed of E-grade alloys.

Even a silver-level Awakened would need a certain amount of time to destroy it.

Not to mention these students who have just awakened and haven't even mastered the artifact soul skills.


As if stimulated by the sounds of kicking the door and screaming, the biting wolf in the training classroom suddenly let out a low roar.

The fierce voices entered the ears of these students, making the students quiet down in an instant.

Looking at the biting wolf, who was already slightly bowed in an offensive posture, every student's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

Even the student who had kicked the door at the moment became unable to move.

"It's over!"

For a time, these students in Class 18 showed a bit of despair.

Even some students had tears in their eyes because of fear.

Also when everyone's attention was focused on the piercing wolf in the distance, the green and vicious eyes of the piercing wolf on the opposite side quickly swept across the students.


A few seconds later, as the front paws slashed twice on the alloy floor, this bone-piercing wolf roared and started straight and fast.

The target was directly placed on the few students in Class 18 who were paralyzed on the ground in fright.

Seeing the piercing wolf rushing towards him like a madman, the blood of the students who were slumped on the ground seemed to have turned into ice cubes, causing a chill to quickly spread to the heavenly spirits.

They wanted to shout loudly, but in panic, the students' throats seemed to be stuck by something, and they couldn't make any sound at all.

They could only stare at the piercing wolf getting closer and closer to them.

However, just as the piercing wolf jumped up and rushed towards the students who were slumped on the ground, Chu Huan narrowed his eyes.

The next moment, Chu Huan rushed out like an arrow from the string and appeared in the air.

While dodging in front of this piercing wolf, Chu Huan raised one of his hands and directly clasped the piercing wolf's wolf face.


Muscles tightened while drinking lightly in the mouth, and the powerful force directly pressed the face of this piercing wolf and smashed it to the ground.


Under the powerful force, the moment the head of this biting wolf touched the ground, a loud crash sounded.

When the bone-piercing wolf lifted its head from the ground due to the shock of the impact, Chu Huan's right leg kicked the bone-piercing wolf's face like a spring, kicking it upside down and falling to the ground. beyond meters.

Looking at Chu Huan who rushed out instantly and repulsed the piercing wolf, the students in Class 18 stayed where they were as if struck by lightning.

Obviously, he was shocked by the strength shown by Chu Huan at this moment.

But in the next second, the students in Class 18 who came back to their senses all looked overjoyed.

It felt as if someone in despair had caught a straw.

However, Chu Huan is not very interested in the situation and mood of the students behind him.

Chu Huan frowned slightly when he looked at the biting wolf that shook his head a few meters away.

"Huh? You don't even feel hurt at all?"

You know, Chu Huan is a man who has killed hundreds of wolves.

Even yesterday, the biting wolves in the Ferocious Beast Secret Realm would have been seriously injured when they were hit twice in a row.

Why is the biting wolf on the opposite side so painless under the two-hit combo now?

Today's events reveal a strange, good-natured, beast like the piercing wolf actually appearing in the school.

Chu Huan was too lazy to think about it.

Since hand-to-hand combat is not enough, there is only zooming in.

After taking a light breath, Chu Huan had already mobilized the soul power in his body.

at the same time,

Right in the 103 classrooms.

At this moment, across from Chu Huan and the other students in Class 18, where is the biting wolf.

In the huge classroom, in addition to the students in Class 18, there was another boy who seemed to be about the same age as Chu Huan and the others.

And this boy was wearing the same Tianlin Middle School uniform as Chu Huan and others.

At this moment, in front of the boy, there is a bell-like device soul floating, and strands of soul power are being continuously introduced into the bell with the boy and then fill the entire room.

While constantly manipulating his soul power, the boy seemed to sense something and suddenly opened his eyes with a yawn to look at Chu Huan, who was still leaning against the last door at the moment.

"Huh? Didn't it mean that Zhou Ziqi and Sun Jun, who were only in the first class in the third year of high school, were awakened in advance?"

"Where did this guy come from? The speed is so fast that he can directly repel the piercing wolf?"

But after a few seconds, the boy said lightly, "Hey, whether it's an Awakener or not, in the illusion I created, even an Awakener of the same level can't do anything! You're out of luck!"

Saying that, the boy manipulated more soul power and began to pour into the "bell" device soul belonging to the boy in front of him.

However, before the boy could make further moves, a wave of soul power suddenly appeared.

Feeling this wave of soul power, the boy raised his head quickly, his eyes locked on Chu Huan almost instantly.

The next second, in the sight of the boy, a strange-looking tool spirit suddenly floated out of Chu Huan's body and suspended in front of Chu Huan.

When the trickling soul power began to emerge from Chu Huan's body, a high-pitched musical sound also began to come out from the "suona" on Chu Huan's chest. .

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