Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 181 Do you want me to sleep early? (15 ask for subscription for data support)

Seeing this, Fu Wenbo said solemnly: "Actually, the reason is very simple, our Awakened Association did it on purpose."

"on purpose?"

Hearing Fu Wenbo's words, Chu Huan narrowed his eyes.

And Fu Wenbo said eloquently: "The Awakened Association's previous goals were too big, and the stall was too big, which also led to some loopholes in many places."

"And these loopholes have also led to a large number of people unknowingly infiltrating our Awakened Association, and even some core positions."

"Not only those from abroad, but also some people from other special forces."

Chu Huan raised his eyebrows and said, "So, the Awakened Association has been dormant for a few years, while cleaning up the interior to keep the interior as clean as possible?"

Fu Wenbo nodded and said, "That's right! If you don't fight against the outside world, you won't be safe first, and you will collapse in the ant's nest. There are too many lessons from the past. Candles."

At this time, Chu Huan opened his mouth as if thinking of something: "In that case, the rise of the picket office over the years is also the intention of the Awakened Association, which is to use the picket office as bait to transfer people from other forces. Are you paying attention?"

As soon as these words came out, the opposite Fu Wenbo rolled his eyes.

After pondering for a few seconds, Fu Wenbo shook his head and said, "Boy, sometimes I really want to open your head to see what's inside, and it doesn't feel like you're smart at all like an eighteen-year-old student. "

Obviously, from what Fu Wenbo said, things were just as Chu Huan thought.

The rise of the pickets in these years is obviously the intention of the Awakened Association.

It may even be behind the scenes, so that the picket can act as a gun-stop to attract those with ulterior motives to move the hiding place from the Awakened Association to the picket.

It is said that, but according to what Fu Wenbo said, if the Awakened Association really wants to do this, it will undoubtedly be a strong man cutting his wrists.

Broken muscles and bones forcibly cut the flesh from his body.

This kind of courage is definitely not something that ordinary people can possess.

Therefore, Chu Huan was slightly surprised when he understood the reason why the Awakened Association was able to do such a thing over the years.

After saying this, Fu Wenbo continued: "But it's very difficult. Even after a few years, the interior of several large cities such as Ducheng, Yucheng, and Modu have been cleaned up."

"Originally, the situation in the capital was the most complicated, but because of your reasons, the teacher forcibly cleared it up some time ago."

"As for the small places in Linhai City, because the mountains are high and the emperor is far away, the progress is even slower!"

"If it's a simple civilian job, it's fine, but as a field worker, anyone who doesn't obey or even disobeys orders will be dismissed after being discovered."

After hearing what Fu Wenbo said, Chu Huan's expression was also slightly stunned.

After explaining the various reasons, Fu Wenbo leaned on the sofa and lit a chimney: "Okay, let's talk! What else is there for you boy?"

According to Fu Wenbo's understanding of Chu Huan, his performance in normal times can be described as "no profit can't afford to be too early".

If there is no purpose, how can it be said that after the rest, he will take the initiative to come to the Awakened Association to find himself.

Hearing the words, Chu Huan put his eyes on Fu Wenbo and said, "Mr. Fu, your current strength level has decreased. Is it because of the erosion of the special energy in the special beast secret realm in your body?"

Fu Wenbo lightly raised his eyes and glanced at Chu Huan, then said casually, "What did those guys from Wei Tao tell you?"

Chu Huan shrugged.

Seeing this, Fu Wenbo sighed, "Yes! Now those special energies in my body are constantly eroding my body. In order to resist the erosion of those strange energies, my soul power can only be in a state of constant consumption."

Although I'm talking about my own situation.

But at this moment, Fu Wenbo's indifferent demeanor and tone, as if it is not himself who is facing this predicament, but someone else.

Chu Huan asked: "After so many years, does it mean that Teacher Fu has not found a solution?"

Fu Wenbo shook his head and said, "No, I have tried many methods, but without exception, all of them have failed. These energies are indeed very evil, even those S-rank sacred healing artifact soul skills can't do anything!"

Just after he finished speaking, Fu Wenbo looked at Chu Huan and said, "Boy, if you have such thoughts, you should think more about yourself, don't waste your thoughts on me, it's useless! That's the situation, anyway, with my soul power It's no problem to support it for a few more decades 0 ."

Chu Huan couldn't help rolling his eyes and secretly said in his heart, "Where's the liar?"

Through Wei Tao and others, Chu Huan also knew that Fu Wenbo was an awakener of the Golden Nine Stars a few years ago.

Golden Nine Stars, for the Awakened, under normal circumstances, the value of soul power can be said to be in the millions!

In a few years, Fu Wenbo's spirit power was reduced to a silver level.

According to the current situation, in a few years at most, Fu Wenbo's remaining soul power will no longer be able to continue to support the erosion of those special energies in his body.

At that time, I am afraid that the result is that the special energies in the body will not be blocked by the soul power and will directly turn Fu Wenbo into a blood corpse similar to the abyss that was demonized before.

However, after learning that Fu Wenbo's problem was indeed due to the erosion of special energy, Chu Huan breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, if Fu Wenbo's level continued to drop due to other reasons, Chu Huan could only watch from the side, at most comforting Fu Wenbo with a few words to give Fu Wenbo some gas and some chicken soup for his soul.

But with special energy, it's different.

Thinking about it, Chu Huan coughed lightly and asked, "Then what, Teacher Fu, what do you think of my Soul Tool skills?"

Fu Wenbo was stunned for a moment and then asked in doubt, "Your Tool Soul skill? Which one did you say?"

Chu Huan said: "3.6 is the "March for Carrying the Coffin"."

Fu Wenbo raised his eyebrows and said, "That artifact soul skill that summons the coffin and the shadows?"

Chu Huan nodded slightly.

Fu Wenbo said angrily: "It's very strong, and it's weird and evil."

While speaking, Fu Wenbo was also complaining in his heart.

Can the Soul Skills that can be tested in the Awakened Association reach the SSS level?

Chu Huan smiled softly and loved it: "Well, are you interested in lying down in my coffin and feeling it?"

Fu Wenbo: "??????"

Hearing Chu Huan's words, Fu Wenbo looked at Chu Huan with a black question mark face.

A few seconds later, Fu Wenbo looked at Chu Huan strangely and said, "No, boy, you let me lie down in those coffins you summoned, do you want me to sleep early?".

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