Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 182 Do you want a flip or a sliding coffin? (25 ask for subscription for data support)

Facing Fu Wenbo, who was full of doubts at the moment and felt that he wanted to do something, Chu Huan said seriously: "Trust me, it's good for you to lie down!"

Fu Wenbo laughed angrily.

It was the first time that Fu Wenbo had heard of the benefits of a living person lying in a coffin.

Thinking about it, Fu Wenbo suppressed the urge to beat people and said, "Boy, don't talk about this, I don't want to touch your soul skill for the rest of my life!"

Hearing this, Chu Huan raised his brows lightly, and then said sincerely, "Mr. Fu, you speak so slowly, be careful to slap your face!"

Fu Wenbo rolled his eyes and said, "Fuck your face, are you here just to tease me? Hurry up and tell me if you have something to do!"

While speaking, Fu Wenbo was still clutching his right chest, feeling a little liver pain inexplicably.

Seeing this, Chu Huan said faintly: "My tool soul skill can strip out the special energy in the secret realm of beasts!"


When these words came out, Fu Wenbo was stunned.

But in the next second, Fu Wenbo rolled his eyes and said, "Boy, don't make jokes about this kind of thing, it's boring."

However, after speaking, Fu Wenbo's face gradually became suspicious when he saw Chu Huan's calm expression.

After a while, Fu Wenbo raised his eyebrows and said, "Is what you said true?"

Chu Huan shrugged and said, "I found out when the corpses of those beasts were lying in the coffin when I used the Tool Soul skill on the beasts in the secret realm of the beasts."

Hearing this, Fu Wenbo wondered: "That's not right! Even the awakeners who have awakened those sacred attribute healing artifact soul skills can't do anything about these special energies."

"You are an assistant and you are not a nurse, how can you solve these special energies in my body?"

After thinking about it, Chu Huan said in an uncertain tone, "Perhaps, it's because my artifact soul skills are more evil?"

Fu Wenbo's eyelids twitched, but when he thought of the effects of the two Soul Skills of Chu Huan's "Suona" Soul, he really couldn't find a reason to refute it.

"It seems that this kid's tool soul skill is indeed a little more evil!"

After confirming again and again that Chu Huan is not joking, Fu Wenbo's mentality has obviously changed at this moment.

I used to be able to sit firmly on the sofa before, but now I am directly excited to walk back and forth in the office.

Even the hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly.

Seeing Fu Wenbo's apparently confused state of mind, Chu Huan sighed, "I said, Mr. Fu, do you want to lie down? If you don't, I'll leave!"

"do not!"

Hearing this, Fu Wenbo hurriedly said.

After putting out the cigarette, Fu Wenbo walked up to Chu Huan and asked, "According to what you said, your tool soul skill can pull out those special energies in the secret realm of special beasts, but do you have to lie in the coffin?"

If possible, Fu Wenbo still didn't want to lie down in the coffin.

Chu Huan shook his head and said, "Probably not!"

In the early stage of "March of Carrying the Coffin", it was only the ecstasy effect. Chu Huan didn't think that the simple ecstasy effect would be able to remove those special energies.

It should only be possible after lying in the coffin.

Seeing that there was no discussion, Fu Wenbo sighed in his heart and asked, "But the problem is that your artifact soul skill is too evil. I'm afraid that it will be cold before the special energy is pulled out."

The image of helping Chu Huan test his soul skills is still vivid in his mind. Fu Wenbo was worried that he was fine before he went in, but when he came out, he became Chu Huan's puppet!

Chu Huan waved his hand and said, "Don't worry! My Soul Tool skill will only be transformed into a puppet after the target dies. After each Soul Tool skill, you can get some healing potions or find a nurse-type awakener. You'll be fine if you get some treatment."

"Are you sure?" Fu Wenbo asked uncertainly.

Chu Huan rolled his eyes and said, "I have to be so free to come here to fool you?"


After Fu Wenbo nodded, he rubbed his hands a little excitedly.

After calming down for a while, Fu Wenbo walked aside to make a call.

After hanging up, Fu Wenbo waved to Chu Huan.

Under the guidance of Fu Wenbo, the two turned to the building where they had previously tested their talent skills in the Awakened Association.

But this time, while walking, Chu Huan found that the entrance to the stairs of the house he tested last time was already guarded by the elevator entrance.

Obviously, this floor is usually not open to the public.

The last time Chu Huan came over, it was unobstructed, probably because of Li Tianyang and Fu Wenbo.

Soon, when Chu Huan and Fu Wenbo arrived at the door of the room where Chu Huan tested the soul skills of the device, there was already an Awakener in his thirties at the door of the room.

When he saw Fu Wenbo and Chu Huan approaching, the Awakened also stepped forward.

"Pay the team!"

After nodding lightly, Chu Huan explained to Chu Huan, "This is Zhong Luming, eight-star silver. Among the healing Awakeners in our Linhai City Awakeners Association, the Soul Skill has the strongest effect."

During the introduction of Fu Wenbo, Zhong Luming smiled and extended his hand to Chu Huan: "Hello!"

After the two of them shook hands to be considered acquaintances, 847 Fu Wenbo continued: "He is someone I brought from the capital. I can trust him. If you are injured or something during this time, you can go to him directly!"

Chu Huan said with a smile on his face: "Thank you! But I'd better not bother him as much as possible!"

Hearing this, Fu Wenbo nodded and said, "That's right! With your shrewd appearance, you probably won't do anything to risk getting hurt!"

Judging from today's inquiries with Wei Tao and others, Chu Huan is only one star of black iron.

But in terms of strength, I am afraid that it can already be comparable to the Awakened of the bronze level!

The key is that Chu Huan also likes to play yin.

Under such circumstances, Chu Huan wanted to be injured. In Fu Wenbo's view, it was as difficult as buying a lottery ticket to win the jackpot.

As the three entered the training room, after taking a deep breath again to ease the tension in his heart, Fu Wenbo nodded to Chu Huan: "Okay, let's start!"

Chu Huan nodded lightly, and the agitation of the soul power in Chu Huan's body made the "suona" spirit appear.

It was only when the spirit of the tool was just manifested that Chu Huan suddenly said as if thinking of something: "Mr. Fu, do you want to flip the lid or slide the lid when you wait for the coffin?"

Fu Wenbo: "??????".

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