Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 180 On the Meaning of Lao Yin Pu (55 for subscription and data support)

It was about ten o'clock after I got home from eating something outside.

After taking a shower in the bathroom, and then lying on the bed, Chu Huan was also thinking about the gains and losses of this time in the mysterious realm of beasts.

Chu Huan never felt how intellectually high he was.

At most, it is above average.

The reason for being able to win every time is more due to thinking twice and being prudent.

When the strength is not enough, try to take one step and three steps as much as possible, taking any situation into account.

When the strength is enough, take one step to count three steps, and strive to dig a pit step by step.

All in all, one word.


After all, in this world, there are too many people who are strong and talented but have been killed by ~!

Chu Huan has no interest in being one of these people.

Therefore, after every battle or dealing with things, Chu Huan will do a retrospective and a summary.

Do the best you can and do it better next time.

What is an old man?

A mature old yin force, the word "old" in it, refers to the mentality and tactics to be sophisticated.

The word "yin" refers to the increasingly insidious routines and methods.

The last word "force" is also the most important point.

It refers to how to force the enemy to actively or passively jump into the hole they dug after digging a hole.

After all, if the trap is too obvious, a fool will jump in.

A qualified trap must be natural, and when the prey realizes that it has fallen into the trap, it is too late.

And the combination of these three points is the old yin force.

Where is it to play a little careful machine casually!

It's so superficial to be a qualified old yin, can you be if you want? Innocent.

And these three points, Chu Huan has been working hard to learn and master, and strive to gradually drift away on the road of this old man.


When Chu Huan woke up to the sound of the alarm clock on his mobile phone, it was also five o'clock in the afternoon.

After making some food for himself, Chu Huan walked slowly towards the Awakened.

When he entered Fu Wenbo's office in the Awakened Association, there were several other members of the Awakened Association in the office at the moment.

Looking at Chu Huan who entered the office, Fu Wenbo pointed to the seat of the guest sofa next to him, and then continued to discuss work matters with the members of the Awakened Association in front of him.

While watching Fu Wenbo's office, let alone, compared to the school, Fu Wenbo at this moment has a faint feeling of not being angry and arrogant.

The level of the individual has risen in an instant.

Ten minutes later, as the staff of the Awakened Association left one after another and voluntarily closed the door, Fu Wenbo stood up and walked to Chu Huan's side.

However, when he walked in front of Chu Huan, Fu Wenbo did not sit down, but looked at Chu Huan with a sneer.

"Heh, boy, you can play! In the secret realm of beasts, you are actually doing things in my name?"

As he said that, Fu Wenbo squeezed the knuckles of his fists.

If there is a disagreement, it is a sign of direct action.

In this regard, Chu Huan not only did not worry at all, but said: "No, if you want to say this, Mr. Fu, we have to talk about it!"

"Oh! I'm listening!"

Hearing this, Fu Wenbo gave a cold smile.

Chu Huan spread his hands and said, "You think, this time, it's you who asked me for help, right! I worked hard in the secret realm of beasts, you can't let me get into a lot of trouble after the incident, right?"

"Secondly, you also know my SSS talent level. I must find a way to consider my own safety when I do things! If you borrow your name, you are not at a loss, and I have no future troubles. Isn't it the best of both worlds?"

Facing the natural appearance of Chu Huan at the moment, Fu Wenbo's teeth are itchy.

"here we go again!"

Having been with Chu Huan for so long, the most depressing thing for Fu Wenbo is that every time some of Chu Huan's actions can make your teeth itch.

But the reasons mentioned are too reasonable and well-founded, and I can give you one, two or three points.

The rules are clear and easy to understand.

Fu Wenbo said that he couldn't find any room for rebuttal every time.

In the end, things just came to an end.

After taking a few deep breaths, after easing the depression in his heart, Fu Wenbo sat down opposite Chu Huan and said, "The matter of your source spar has been settled, fifty platinum and one star beast cores, It should be there the day after tomorrow.”

0 ·For flowers

Chu Huan frowned and said, "Only fifty beast crystals with one platinum star?"

Seeing Chu Huan's appearance, Fu Wenbo raised his eyebrows and said, "What? You still think it's too little? You are a black iron nine-star beast secret realm, and the original beast crystal can be sold for fifty platinum one-star, which is almost there! "

Chu Huan nodded and said, "That's right!"

After all, the origin beast crystal is also a qualification. If they want to obtain management rights in the future, those forces have to invest a lot of money, and most of the benefits have to be turned over to the Awakened Association each time.

Fifty platinum one star, unless it is the kind of particularly hot beast secret realm.

Otherwise, it will take a lot of time to get the money back.

After all, it's not much better than a platinum one-star beast crystal from the Awakened Association.


"By the way, I have fired the other two Awakened squads with you today!"

Chu Huan said strangely: "I was fired, why? Didn't I take out all the special spar?"

Fu Wenbo waved his hand and said, "The death order I gave to Wei Tao and the rest of the Awakened Squad is that after entering the secret realm of beasts, everything is up to you."

"Before, the other two Awakened squads stayed out of the way when they faced the people at the picket. This alone was enough for me to fire those guys."

Saying that, it seemed that Chu Huan was puzzled, and Fu Wenbo explained: "Do you know why our Awakened Association's eyesight in the outside world has been suppressed by the pickets over the years?"

Speaking of this topic, Chu Huan is also interested.

In the past, the Yan Kingdom's side was dominated by the Awakened Association, and it was no exaggeration to say that the Awakened was a dominant family.

It stands to reason that under such a situation, under such a behemoth as the Awakened Association, even if the picket wants to get up, it is impossible to develop to overwhelm the Awakened Association in just a few years.

This rate of development is obviously a bit abnormal.

Listening to Fu Wenbo taking the initiative to mention this issue at the moment, Chu Huan is also interested.

ps: Wow, this old yin forced to explain it for more than half an hour before he came up with a reasonable explanation! I beg for subscription and data support! The author is working hard to update the codeword every day. Friends who are fattening, don't keep it for too long! It can be slaughtered in a few days or a week. Ten thousand.

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