Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 179 This f*ck, it's a flower! (45 ask for subscription for data support)

After talking about business, Chu Huan took out the special spar from the space watch, and handed it to Fu Wenbo together with the original spar.

He subconsciously took the two crystal stones handed over by Chu Huan, and after taking a look at the special crystal stone, Fu Wenbo wondered, "Aren't you going to trade with those people next? Why are you giving me this thing now? "

Chu Huan shrugged and said nonchalantly, "That's the way things are anyway. Then, Teacher Fu, you can help me to collect the money."

After a pause, Chu Huan yawned and said, "After 20 hours of tossing around in this special beast secret realm, I'm still too sleepy, I'll go back to rest first, and then go to the Awakener when I wake up. The association is looking for you."

Yesterday, it was almost eleven o'clock before Chu Huan entered the secret realm of this special beast.

And after 20 hours in the Ferocious Beast Secret Realm, it is just past seven in the morning.

After driving back, we just had breakfast and took a rest.

After all, Chu Huan is only eighteen years old and still growing.

Sleep time is definitely a must.

Hearing the last words of Chu Huan, Fu Wenbo raised his brows slightly.

After pondering for a few seconds, Fu Wenbo nodded lightly and said, "Alright! The matter is resolved anyway! You go back to rest first!"

Seeing that Fu Wen 847 Bo understood what he meant, Chu Huan smiled lightly and said nothing.

After exchanging contact information with Wei Tao and the others, in the reluctance of the others, a staff member of the Awakened Association called by Fu Wenbo led them into a car of the Awakened Association.

After Chu Huan left, Fu Wenbo frowned and looked thoughtful when he looked at the source spar in his hand.

After a while, Fu Wenbo couldn't help but murmured as if he had figured out something.

"This kid is really a monkey spirit and a monkey spirit, and he was playing with such attention."

Hearing what Fu Wenbo said, Wei Tao and the others all looked at Fu Wenbo in unison.

After finishing speaking, noticing the four Wei Tao who were a little puzzled by the side, Fu Wenbo said angrily, "You guys are all fierce, so maybe that kid might be too tired? Wipe his ass."

"Wipe your ass? What ass?"

It's just that the words fell, but Wei Tao and the others looked at each other, the confusion on their faces increased instead of decreasing.

Seeing this, Fu Wenbo explained: "Even if those guys have negotiated with the forces behind them now, it is impossible for the money or beast crystals to be directly credited to the account. At most, a preliminary agreement is reached."

"But if the source spar is given out, whether the other party will honestly trade the negotiated money is another question!"

Speaking of which, Wang Xinyue, among the few, blurted out in a flash: "So if the object of the transaction is replaced by the team, considering the identity of the team and the subsequent management rights, those powerful people will not dare to play tricks. , can only trade honestly?"

Fu Wenbo nodded and said, "That's almost the truth."

The expressions of Zhou Qiang and Li Yuanzheng were just astonishing.

Wei Tao, who was on the side, wondered: "Since you know the big guy's purpose, why didn't you just ask the team directly?"

Hearing this, Fu Wenbo rolled his eyes and said, "I thought, I only realized the problem after the kid got in the car and left. I can't call that kid back just because of this!"

Having said that, Fu Wenbo couldn't help sighing and said, "This stinky boy looks harmless to humans and animals, but in fact every move is a routine."

"I've never seen so many people like this guy in Hua Huachang."

Wei Tao and the others thought of what they had experienced in the secret realm of the beasts, and couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

"Yeah! The boss's routine is really like a bottomless pit, the kind that can't see the end at a glance, it's hard to guard against!"

Originally, when they learned that Chu Huan was the captain of their team this time, Wei Tao and the others were still a little dissatisfied.

But now, what else can there be dissatisfaction with?

In terms of strength, Chu Huan could easily pick four of them by himself.

In terms of scheming, Wei Tao and the others guessed that Chu Huan could play them casually.

Not to mention Chu Huan's tool soul skills.

After a trip to the secret realm of beasts, the four of them were no longer in admiration for Chu Huan, but kneeled down.

When I see it, I want to go up and hold my thigh and not let go.

Seeing Wei Tao and the others' expressions of emotion, Fu Wenbo suddenly became interested.

Immediately asked about the experience of several people in the beast secret realm.

And when he learned what Chu Huan did before he came out, even Fu Wenbo, who was the head teacher of Chu Huan, was shocked.

After listening to all this, Fu Wenbo couldn't help but think in shock in his heart.

In all honesty, in Fu Wenbo's opinion, in Chu Huan's situation, even if his strength is comparable to that of Chu Huan, it is absolutely impossible to do what Chu Huan did in the secret realm of beasts.

Kill the chickens to warn the monkeys, drive them away to benefit others, and don't mention their own pockets, and incidentally, they can also cause trouble for the picket office!

"This f*ck, it's a waste of time!"

In my heart, I remembered what several people said before, before coming out, facing the actions of the picket and others, and the inaction of the other two Awakened Association Awakened Teams, Fu Wenbo glanced at the two people in the distance without a trace. team.

A coldness flashed in his eyes.

When he just turned his head, as if thinking of something, Fu Wenbo said, "You just said that in the secret realm of beasts, that kid knocked out that kind of evolutionary and mutant beast with one punch, and then directly Crushed the necks of two Awakeners of the Nine Stars of Black Iron?"

Wei Tao and the others nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

Hearing this, Fu Wenbo took a light breath and couldn't help but say "Fuck" in his heart.

Originally, Fu Wenbo thought that Chu Huan's body, as Chu Huan himself said, had four attributes of one hundred and one.

But now it seems.

One hundred and ten ass!

It can directly blow up the beasts of Hei Tie Jiu Xing and easily break the neck of the Awakened of Hei Tie Jiu Xing.

If the other attributes of "Strength" are lower than 150, Fu Wenbo will cut his head off and give it to Chu Huan to beg for a kick.

"This brat is hiding everything."

It was also after Fu Wenbo received the special spar into the space watch, a team of Awakeners who had previously given Chu Huan an intentional gold approached, looked at Chu Huan who had disappeared, and couldn't help but walked over to Wei Tao and the others. in front of.

"Several, where is Fu Wenbo, who was with you before?"

Fu Wenbo: "??????"

Hearing the words of the Awakened, Wei Tao and the others glanced at Fu Wenbo, and Qi Qi's mouth slumped, trying to hold back a smile.

On the other hand, Fu Wenbo himself, after being stunned for a few seconds, looked at the doubtful Awakened people and Wei Tao who was smiling, Fu Wenbo still didn't know the reason.

In an instant, Fu Wenbo's face turned green and white, and his fists were clenched tightly.

"This little bastard, it's actually my name who reports things outside?".

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