Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 178 This is simply a meal for God to eat! (35)

In the sight of Wei Tao and the others at the picket side, the friendliness of those awakened people fully demonstrated what is called "If you have milk, you are a mother!"

Not long ago, he still looked like he was on the verge of an enemy, always worried that Chu Huan would make a move.

But in the blink of an eye, he was always smiling, and he seemed to be smiling if he slapped him in the face.

In this smooth and harmonious transaction process, in just ten minutes, everyone present got the "Invoice!" signed by Chu Huan!

On Chu Huan's side, looking at the extra beast crystals in his space watch at the moment, the smile on his face was a lot sincer.

At this point, Chu Huan greeted the others with satisfaction: "Okay, everyone go out after tossing for so long!"

Hearing this, everyone around walked towards the entrance of the secret passage with smiles all over their faces.

Chu Huan and others also stepped into the entrance of the secret passage one after another after greeting Wei Tao.

Soon, in the instant darkness, as the weightlessness in his body dissipated quickly, Chu Huan had already stepped out of the entrance to the secret realm of beasts and returned to the outside of Linhai City.

Almost as soon as Chu Huan came out of the secret realm of beasts, Fu Wenbo, who was waiting outside, greeted him immediately.

The first time the two eyes met, Chu Huan gave Fu Wenbo a look.

Upon receiving Chu Huan's gesture, Fu Wenbo's mouth twitched slightly, and his fists clenched unconsciously.

However, Fu Wenbo was secretly delighted. On Sun Changde's side, when he saw He Yonghong and other people from the picket who jumped out on one leg, Sun Changde's face suddenly sank.

Looking at He Yonghong and the others, Sun Changde said angrily, "What's the matter with you?"

Facing the gloomy Sun Changde at the moment, He Yonghong and others looked towards Chu Huan.

Noticing the sight of He Yonghong and others, Sun Changde instantly understood.

He immediately turned his head to look at Chu Huan and the others, the coldness in his eyes lingering.

However, without waiting for Sun Changde to say anything, Fu Wenbo suddenly took a step laterally and directly blocked Sun Changde's sight.

Looking at Fu Wenbo with a sneer, Sun Changde clenched his fists.

"Okay, very good 々ˇ!"

A few seconds later, after gritted his teeth and squeezed these words out of his teeth, Sun Changde turned his head fiercely to He Yonghong and the others and said, "Go!"

After he finished speaking, Sun Changde sat in the front car regardless of He Yonghong and the others jumping around with a bit of pain on his face.

Seeing that Sun Changde was so furious and led everyone away, Fu Wenbo pouted in disdain.

However, when Fu Wenbo turned his head, he found that after coming out of the secret passage, the awakened ones belonging to other forces did not leave, but looked at Chu Huan in unison.

At the same time, Chu Huan looked at the awakened people around him and said, "In this way, you should contact the people behind you first, and then determine a price."

"Wait until you have negotiated, and after you have determined the price, give me a note with your name and bid written on it, and then I will choose the one with the highest price to trade on the spot."

"Dark shots?"

an Awakened asked.

Chu Huan nodded and said, "That's right! It's just a secret shot, it's simple and quick, otherwise it's too troublesome to bid one after the other under normal circumstances!"

In this regard, the other Awakeneds nodded their heads, and then walked to different positions centered on their respective teams.

Apparently they went to negotiate the price according to what Chu Huan said.

Taking all the surrounding information into his eyes, Fu Wenbo said with a puzzled expression, "Boy, what kind of auction are you talking about in the secret auction?"

Hearing this, Chu Huan wiped the space watch with his right hand.

The next second, the source spar appeared in Chu Huan's hands.

Seeing the source spar in Chu Huan's hand, Fu Wenbo still didn't understand.

For a while, Fu Wenbo's expression became strange.

"Boy, didn't you have no interest in this source spar before?"

Before entering the secret realm of beasts, Chu Huan asked about the price of the source spar. Seeing Chu Huan's expression at that time, Fu Wenbo thought that Chu Huan was no longer interested in the source spar.

Who would have thought that now Chu Huan would find a new way, instead of selling the source spar to the Awakened Association, he planned to sell it to other Awakened forces.

Still in the form of this auction.

Chu Huan shrugged and said, "I wasn't interested at first, but after I got that special spar, it just popped up! I took it by the way!"


Hearing Chu Huan's words, Fu Wenbo was stunned.

Looking at Wei Tao and the others on the side, Fu Wenbo said blankly, "Is what this kid said true?"

Facing Fu Wenbo's question, Wei Tao nodded.

"Yes, this origin spar and the special spar are together. After the boss took the special spar, the special spar shook twice and the origin spar came out of the ground."

Fu Wenbo: "......"

After getting confirmation from Wei Tao and learning how Chu Huan obtained this source spar, Fu Wenbo's face suddenly became strange.

After pondering for a while, Fu Wenbo asked, "'. So, after you got this origin spar, did you remember to sell this origin spar to those forces?"

Chu Huan said calmly, "You have to maximize your profits!"

Fu Wenbo didn't speak, just looked at Chu Huan faintly, his eyes strange.

After understanding how Chu Huan obtained this source spar, Fu Wenbo had a strange thought inexplicably.

"This kid deserves to be rich!"

The source spar is something that requires a lot of effort by the awakened person to find it.

Where, like Chu Huan, you can get a special spar at the same time.

This is simply God fed food!

Everything was delivered to Chu Huan.

At this time, Wei Tao next to him asked curiously, "Boss, why do you want to bid in a secret auction? Isn't that the way of bidding in normal auctions, the selling price tends to be higher?"

Before Chu Huan could speak, Fu Wenbo, who was next to him, said faintly, "What's so hard to understand! Although the secret shot is a one-time comparison, it's because I don't understand the bids of other forces."

"So take advantage of this mentality, although there may not be a direct bidding method to sell for a better price."

"But because you can't compare and understand the enemy's bid by bidding, the forces interested in this source spar will directly raise the bid to the upper limit."

After listening to Fu Wenbo's explanation, Wei Tao and a few people were stunned.

On the contrary, Fu Wenbo looked at Chu Huan with a strange expression: "I said, where did you learn these things from? No matter how you look at it, it shouldn't be something you can touch now!"

Chu Huan said casually, "Maybe this is talent!"

Hearing this, Fu Wenbo choked for a moment, and then spit on the side with disgust on his face.

Facing Fu Wenbo's behavior of being a teacher at all, Chu Huan slowly raised his middle finger. .

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