Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 170 is really hot eyes! (55)

Not to mention that Wei Tao and the others were stunned, even Chu Huan was also stunned when he looked at the other source spar floating in front of him at the moment.

"Am I possessed by a koi today? Such good luck?"

I have nothing to do. After entering the secret realm of beasts, Chu Huan also knew through chatting with Wei Tao and a few others that in the secret realm of special beasts, only the special spar is obtained, without the influence of the special spar, the beast. The source spar in the secret realm will appear.

But in the previous special beast secret realm, the distribution of these special spar is called random.

It is very likely that the special spar is in the east, but the source spar is in the west of the beast secret realm.

Where can I get this special spar and the source spar in the same place.

After Chu Huan successfully obtained this special spar, this special spar actually helped Chu Huan to hook out this original spar!

With this good luck, Chu Huan couldn't help but think about buying a lottery ticket after going out to see if he can win a big prize.

He raised his two hands and grabbed the two spar stones one by one. Chu Huan was also in a good mood.


Who doesn't love a little gift with a surprise?

"Big, big man."

It was only after Chu Huan put all the spar into the space watch, Li Yuanzheng on the side suddenly shouted angrily.

Hearing the voice, Chu Huan turned his head and glanced at Li Yuanzheng, who was still facing down at the moment, and the other three Wei Tao, who were still being held by the princess.

Chu Huan was confused: "You guys, do you think this is comfortable?"

Hearing this, Wei Tao twisted his body and said stunned: "I feel, it feels okay!"

Hearing Wei Tao's words, Chu Huan glanced at Wei Tao who was inexplicably feeling like a bird, and closed his eyes immediately.

Really hot eyes!

And the sound of Li Yuanzheng's urn sound immediately sounded.

"Also, what a shit! Try being driven like this for a few minutes."

After controlling these puppets and putting them down, Li Yuanzheng on the side let out a long breath and looked at Chu Huan resentfully.

After confirming that there is no danger before, several people did not dare to disturb Chu Huan to deal with the special beast crystal, and they were afraid that forcibly breaking free would interfere with Chu Huan.

It is a state of not being able to speak and not to ask.

As a result, Li Yuanzheng himself was framed from beginning to end like this.

That's a pain.

Being stared at by Li Yuanzheng like this, Chu Huan spread his hands and said: "I was worried that when dealing with this special spar, other beasts would be attracted to attack, so if you didn't have a ward, you let these puppets bring you here."

Having said that, Wei Tao suddenly looked at Li Yuanzheng curiously and asked, "But why were the three of us carried over, and you were the only one carried over here?"

In Wei Tao's view, since either of them were carried over by the princess, Li Yuanzheng should be no exception.

Why was Li Yuanzheng the only one who stood out so much?

As soon as these words came out, the other three also looked over with curiosity.

Hearing what Wei Tao said, Chu Huan on the side said in a low voice, "I originally wanted to control a undead puppet to carry him over, but he directly knocked that undead puppet flying."

"I was worried about what would happen in the future, so I asked the other undead puppets to control him and bring him here at the same time."

After understanding the reason, Wei Tao and the others were all stunned.

On the other hand, Li Yuanzheng said with a gloomy expression: "I was still dealing with a fierce beast before, and the puppet of the boss suddenly started. I didn't think too much about the incident, and I shot it subconsciously."

In this regard, Chu Huan shook his head gently and did not continue to struggle on this topic. Chu Huan waved his hand and said, "Let's go! After tossing for so long, hand over things to Teacher Fu early and go home and rest!"

Hearing this, the rest of the people also nodded and walked towards the entrance of the Fierce Beast Secret Realm passage with Chu Huan.

Along the way, Chu Huan also saw the blood corpse in the abyss after returning to normal.

Compared with the previous demonization state, although the blood volume and strength are similar.

But the weird mouthparts disappeared at first.

It is not much different from the general undead beast.

As the group walked out of the secret passage, Chu Huan suddenly asked, "By the way, since you are members of the Awakened Association, do you know why Teacher Fu's level was lowered from the gold level to the silver level?"

Wei Tao looked at Chu Huan suspiciously and said, "Boss, you don't know the reason?"

Chu Huan shook his head and said, "Mr. Fu didn't tell me about this, so I didn't take the initiative to ask."

Seeing this, Wei Tao said, "Actually, it's not a secret in the Awakened Association."

"A few years ago, when Team Fu just came to Haishi, they encountered a special beast secret realm in Linhai City, which is now the rotten bone demon spider beast secret realm of Golden Seven Stars."

0 ·For flowers

"At that time, the team brought together some of the subordinates who were brought over together with several gold-level awakeners from Linhai City to form three teams to search for the special spar in the secret realm of the rotten bone demon spider."

"It is said that in addition to the three teams from our Awakened Association, there are other consortium forces that have also sent some Awakened teams to enter."

"But three days later, in the entire Ferocious Beast Secret Realm, only one person from the team came out of the Ferocious Beast Secret Realm, and the level dropped from the golden nine stars of Yuanah Ben to the silver nine stars."

Hearing this, he raised his eyebrows with sweat and said, "Wait, shouldn't it be Silver Star?"

Wei Tao scratched his head and said, "I heard the old man in the association say that it is the silver nine stars!"

........ 0

With that said, Wei Tao looked at Wang Xinyue and the others next to him and asked, "Am I remembering wrong?"

It was Zhou Qiang, who was among the few people, and said, "It's Silver Nine Stars! I can be sure of this, because it was when I first joined the Linhai City Awakened Association, and I was included in the field work that day."

Hearing Zhou Qiang's words in his ears, Chu Huan narrowed his eyes.

Today, Fu Wenbo's grade is only three-star silver.

But according to what several people said, when Fu Wenbo came out of the secret realm a few years ago, if his level was still nine-star silver, the time level in a few years has dropped by six small levels.

Obviously, it can be inferred from this point that because of Fu Wenbo's entry into the secret realm of the beast, the situation in his body has not only not resolved, but has a tendency to worsen.

It is very likely that Fu Wenbo's rank will continue to drop in the future.

Thinking about it, Chu Huan asked, "What is the reason for Teacher Fu's grades to keep dropping?"

Zhou Qiang responded: "The specifics are not clear, but it seems to say that the body of the team was eroded by the special energy in the special beast secret realm."

"It seems that no matter what method is used, these special energies cannot be eliminated, resulting in the team's spirit power not only unable to increase, but will continue to decline."

"Special energy? Is it the energy similar to these blood mists?"

Listening to what Zhou Qiang said, Chu Huan frowned lightly.

At the same time, Chu Huan is also the screen when he used the suona to play the soul skill before the sound.

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and there was a look of thought on his face. Ten thousand.

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