Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 169 Is this f*ck promoting sales? Buy 1 get 1 free? (45)

The blood crystal looks like glass.

With sharp edges and corners, it looks more delicate than ordinary beast crystals.

In the middle of the turbulent flow, the blood-colored mist that was constantly flowing out from this blood-colored spar and then merged into the surroundings.

"It's right under your feet!"

Looking at the blood crystal in front of him, Chu Huan's expression became strange.

The main reason why Chu Huan stayed at this central point was the safety of Wei Tao and others.

If Chu Huan is at the center, once Chu Huan notices which side of the undead puppet is dying faster, he will be able to go to support immediately.

Where do you think that this special spar is actually in the center.

But without waiting for Chu Huan to sigh too much, Chu Huan discovered that a large part of the blood-colored mist in the special spar in front of him was actually wrapped around him.

It poured into Chu Huan's body with a stronger invasive force than the blood mist before.

In the process of resisting these blood mists, the speed of the consumption of soul power in Chu Huan's body increased ten times faster than before.

At this consumption rate, Chu Huan's soul power can only last for four or five minutes at most.

After learning about the strangeness of these blood mists, Chu Huan did not continue to observe, and a thought in his mind manipulated the undead puppets that were distributed to Wei Tao and others.

at the same time.

On the other side, at the moment, Wei Tao is 840 holding up the long knife in his hand and slashing at the abyss blood mantis who just wanted to sneak attack but was discovered by Chu Huan's undead puppet.

But just as the knife was about to land on the head of the abyss blood mantis in front of him, the bodies of the undead-type abyss blood corpses that were closely following Wei Tao froze abruptly.

Then, at the moment when the long knife in Wei Tao's hand had just cut off the head of the abyss blood mantis in front of him, a undead-shaped abyss blood corpse quickly raised one hand with one hand and clasped the back of Wei Tao's neck.


Wei Tao was shocked at the moment when the fatal weak spot like the back of his neck was touched.

"Fuck! The boss's puppet is out of control?"

As the thoughts reverberated, Wei Tao was about to raise the long knife in his hand and slash at the two undead-shaped abyss blood corpses that were attacking him.

But when Wei Tao's thoughts fell, Wei Tao found his body suddenly vacated.

In the next second, Wei Tao, who just felt something was wrong, was hugged by the undead-shaped abyss blood corpse behind him, then turned around and moved quickly.

As for the other necromancer puppets, Wei Tao used his body around Wei Tao to surround the necromantic abyss blood corpse holding Wei Tao and Wei Tao himself in the middle.

"Gong, princess hug?"

He was held in his arms by a princess like this necromantic abyss blood corpse.

With a bewildered face, he looked up at the undead-shaped abyss blood corpse that was moving fast in his arms at the moment, and then looked at the few undead puppets that were moving closer together.

Wei Tao, who was completely unaware of the situation, instinctively wrapped his arms around the neck of his undead-shaped abyss blood corpse with a blank expression on his face.

Just like a big puppet, let these undead puppets do whatever they want.

A few seconds later, under the protection of the undead puppets like Chu Huan, Wei Tao returned to the center position and saw Chu Huan in sight and the blood-colored spar in front of Chu Huan.

Seeing this, Wei Tao didn't understand why the undead puppets around him had mutated because Chu Huan had discovered it.

It was also when Wei Tao understood the reason and just relaxed in his heart. In his line of sight, Wei Tao suddenly found that the other three directions, Li Yuanzheng, Zhou Qiang and Wang Xinyue had all returned to this central point together.

Among them, Zhou Qiang and Wang Xinyue, like themselves, were both held in their arms by a undead-shaped abyss blood corpse in a princess hug.

And Li Yuanzheng is more special.

Each limb was held by a undead puppet, and there was this undead puppet in front of him holding his head with both hands, and the whole person was brought back in a large font facing the ground.

Looking at Li Yuanzheng, who was being controlled from head to toe and couldn't move, Wei Tao, who felt a little embarrassed because of the princess' hug, felt inexplicably.

Princess hug, it seems not bad.

At least, the feeling may be much better than Li Yuanzheng.

Thinking of this, Wei Tao, who was at ease, leaned his head against the chest of the abyss blood corpse holding him behind him.

Wei Tao, who was clearly 1.8 meters tall, suddenly gave people the illusion of being a little bird.

Here, after successfully controlling the surrounding undead puppets plus you, Wei Tao and others, they brought them back, Chu Huan did not continue to delay.

Quickly took out his alloy short sword from the space watch, and then made a small opening in his hand.

A few drops of blood quickly dripped onto the blood crystal along the wound.

Chu Huan's blood was absorbed by these blood crystals as quickly as dripping on the sponge.

A few seconds later, as these drops of blood were quickly absorbed by the blood crystal, after a slight pause, a wave of fluctuations spread out from this special spar again.

It was also under this wave of fluctuations that in the next second, the black sky around it was quickly removed.

The surrounding environment once again became the bloody foggy state before.

But this time, at the same time as the surrounding environment changed, there was once again a wave of waves spreading out from the special spar in front of Chu Huan.

Under this wave of fluctuations, the blood mist in the entire Ferocious Beast Secret Realm swarmed and poured into these special spar during the surging.

Even Chu Huan could see a trace of blood mist stripped out from the corpses of the abyss blood corpses on the ground.

It is also because of the rapid backflow of these blood mists, the entire Ferocious Beast Mystery Realm is filled with gusts of wind.

If it were an ordinary person, everyone would be blown away under this gust of wind.

In this way, for nearly three minutes in a row, the special spar in front of Chu Huan was like a bottomless pit madly swallowing the blood mist that poured in.

And in the devouring of this special spar, the blood mist that originally filled the whole world began to gradually thin out.

At the same time as the blood mist thinned out, Wei Tao and the others could already see the sky in the secret realm of this fierce beast when they looked up.

In this way, after waiting for another two minutes, with the last trace of blood mist pouring into this special spar.

The entire special spar also changed from reddish at the beginning to the current purple-red.

At this moment, the special spar quickly vibrated, and the ground in the deep pit that had been smashed out in front of Chu Huan suddenly agitated.

Immediately afterwards, a light blue source spar that was also the size of a fist was pulled out by this special spar.

Wei Tao and the others: "?????"

Looking at the special spar suspended in front of Chu Huan and another source spar, Wei Tao and the others were all stunned.

With his eyes fixed on the source spar, Wei Tao couldn't help but murmur.

"Is this f*ck promoting sales? Buy one get one free? Got a special spar, and also comes with a source spar?".

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